View Full Version : Simba freaked tonight. :(

09-16-2006, 07:40 PM
Simba, my beloved foster cat, went crazy on me tonight. :(

As you probably know, the fosters live on my 3rd floor and my own cats on the 1st/2nd floors. I allow the fosters limited access to the 2nd floor twice a day. (access to the bedroom, not to my own cats)

Lately I have been allowing Simba short stays downstairs with my cats. Always in the late afternoon. Tonight I allowed him to come out for the first time in the later evening. He actually ATTACKED several of my cats. :(

I believe the reason is that in the afternoon, it is nap time. All is calm. but the evening begins the awide awake time for cats. He does tend to be a dominant cat but I NEVER expected this behavior. I am very sad and feel very sorry that the others had to endure his attacks. And I was so hoping that one day he could remain downstairs at night to sleep with me.

Heavy SIGH. :( Forever a foster but I will continue to love him even if he needs to stay with his foster buddies for the majority of the day. DRAT.

09-17-2006, 12:25 AM
Jen, I'm sorry to hear that this happened.:( At least you now know not to let him with your other cats in the evening. Maybe he'll change his ways the longer he's with you.

09-17-2006, 01:05 AM
What a terrible disappointment this must have been for you, and quite a shock. It's very distressing when a cat that you feel a good connection with shows behavior that must bar them from joining in the general throng and your more frequent company. Every time I go downstairs and Thumper practically leaps into my arms, I sigh with disappointment that I can't bring him upstairs again because two stays up there have proved that he's a confirmed sprayer.

09-17-2006, 08:10 AM
Jen, I am so sorry to hear this about Simba. Do you think he has to be a single cat in a household?

But, you said there are other cats on the 3rd floor; how does he deal with them?

Poor boy, wish we could talk to him and find out what disturbs him. :(

09-17-2006, 08:21 AM
Oh Jen (((HUGS))) I know how heartbroken you must be feeling right now. I know you were excited to see how he fit in with your gang. This must be utterly devastating for you.

09-17-2006, 08:26 AM
Jen, I am so sorry to hear this about Simba. Do you think he has to be a single cat in a household?

But, you said there are other cats on the 3rd floor; how does he deal with them?

Poor boy, wish we could talk to him and find out what disturbs him. :(
I am very comfused about this. I do NOT think Simba needs to be an only cat. He is fine with the fosters. But none of them are the dominant type. Simba will chase or swat once in a while but nothing like this incident. :eek:

I too wish I could ask him what was up last night. :confused:

In a few days I will attempt another afternoon visit downstairs. If he is good I will just keep things as they are....with him up for the majority of the day.

I am still in a bit of disbelief.

09-17-2006, 08:42 AM
Poor you and Simba!

I would hope this was a one-time thing....maybe he thought he sensed or smelled or saw something that wasn't really happening...

Nothing in the area has changed since the last time you brought him up? Furniture moved, anything little like that?

Also - because Simba was so uptight when he arrived, maybe there will be the odd flareup from time to time until he settles totally.

My fluffy boy Cole was dumped as an adult - I have had him almost a year now, and although he was very social at the start, I STILL see little signs of adjustment and settling in.

HUGS to you and your special boy!

09-17-2006, 11:01 AM
I'm sorry Jen.

Is it possible he was just overwhelmed and would do better with a slower intro to your cats, like maybe two or three at a time?

09-17-2006, 12:53 PM
He may have been scared by the sight of so many other Cats, or one have them may have attacked Simba first and scared him.
Doris was terrified of the Kitten Trio at first as was Tubby 2.
But after a while Tubby 2 smacked back, and everything was fine.
As long as Simba has a home , we are sure he can eventually adapt.

09-17-2006, 02:03 PM
I'm sorry. I think Simba must have been scared somehow being in the territory of the other cats.

09-17-2006, 03:02 PM
I really wish i knew what to say, Jen. Could Simba be trying to establish the alpha position with the others and they're not cooperating? Hopefully with time and patience Simba will settle in and get along with all the other furkids.

09-17-2006, 05:04 PM
Jen. Could Simba be trying to establish the alpha position with the others and they're not cooperating?
This is the most likely conclusion. Simba was been down with my cats SEVERAL times. He knows how many there are. Heck, when he comes down in the afternoon he walks calmy past at least 8 sleeping on the bed. Then he goes and lays on the couch right near a couple more. :confused:

Thanks for the thoughts.

09-17-2006, 05:08 PM
I just reread your earlier post...and this time, he was with the others, as you say, when everyone is starting to move around.

Maybe try him there a bit before wake-up time and watch his reaction as everyone starts moving.

I can almost see the alarm in his eyes: "MY GOD! THEY'RE ALIIIIIVE!" ;)

I think that would have been the big change that set him off...

09-17-2006, 05:14 PM
I can almost see the alarm in his eyes: "MY GOD! THEY'RE ALIIIIIVE!" ;)

I think that would have been the big change that set him off...
THAT'S IT!!! Of course, we'll never know for sure, but in my own opinion this is what happened.

(but I giggled at the way this was written) :)