View Full Version : Surgery day.

09-15-2006, 05:31 AM
Well folks, I leave in an hour to go have exploratory surgery. I am so, so nervous. I hardly slept last night and feel like a walking zombie at the moment. Its just a simple laproscope surgery to see the extent of the damage (endrometriosis) and whether or not I'll need further surgery. Hubby and I both feel its pretty bad and we won't be surprised if they tell us further surgery is unavoidable.

Hubby feels so, so guilty he can't take off (he's got to save his days off for job interviews and the "real" surgery).

I tried to get my mom to come and she couldn't get off because half her company is on vacation. She feel just awful and is coming up to take care of me tomorrow (awww, I love my mommy! :))

Hubby suggested I call his father to be here with me in the hospital and afterwards at home, but the man drives me crazy with his endless stories that jump from one concept to another (my favorite being the steamy affair Mrs. Smith of the pie company had with a local cop that somehow in his mind segued into a junior league baseball tournament :rolleyes: ) I usually get stuck on the phone with him for hours.... I cannot imagine being stuck post-op at home with him! :eek:

Anyhow, that leaves my youngest daughter. She's very excited to day a day off at school.... the hospital is none too pleased that a 16 year old is in charge like this but thats what I was able to come up with. Poor Heather's going to have her hands full with me and Cameron today!

Please keep me in your thoughts today. I'm nervous (as you might have been able to tell from my rambling). I'm afraid of what they'll find out just as much as I'm afraid of what this hospital bill will cost us. Or perhaps the bill afterwards frightens me more? :o I just want to get this done and over with and get everything fixed so that I won't be in constant pain anymore.

Pawsitive Thinking
09-15-2006, 05:33 AM
We'll be with you all the way.....big hug

09-15-2006, 06:18 AM
Sending prayers & positive thoughts your way. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v11/CwmmawrJet/Bobby%20Boy/Smilies/Hugs2.gif

Daisy and Delilah
09-15-2006, 06:24 AM
Good luck Kim!! I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers!! :)

4 Dog Mother
09-15-2006, 06:31 AM
Praayers coming your way!

09-15-2006, 07:04 AM
Prayers and good thoughts on the way.

09-15-2006, 07:18 AM
(((HUGS))) Kim, I'll be thinking and praying today. I hope all turns out OK.

09-15-2006, 07:57 AM
Kim, I will be thinking about you today. I hope you can get some answers so that you can feel well again.


09-15-2006, 09:04 AM
Prayers and positive thoughts flowing your way.

09-15-2006, 09:12 AM
I will be certain to Keep You and Your Hubby in my Thoughts and Prayers !!!!!
{{{HUGS}}}} catnapper!!!!

Very Proud of your youngest daughter!!!!!! ;)

09-15-2006, 10:04 AM
Good luck and prayers Kim!

I have a feeling I'm going to have to have more Endo tissue removed before I can start trying for kids, so I know how you feel. :( *HUGS*

09-15-2006, 10:47 AM

I'm sorry I couldn't call you back, but I was at work and we're not allowed to have our cellphones on the floor. You're in my thoughts and prayers, honey!



09-15-2006, 10:55 AM
Our prayers are with you!

09-15-2006, 11:05 AM
Kim, it's probably over now, but I hope your surgerey went well, and you can relax and get spoiled. :)

All the best for a speedy recovery!

09-15-2006, 11:15 AM
Kim, I just went through the same thing in Jan. It was for the most part pretty easy. The worst was the pain from the gas they used to inflate my belly settled in my right side and shoulder for about 3 days. It really hurt to laugh, cough or sneeze so big tip - don't watch any comedies for a few days and don't let anyone tell you a funny joke. I was brought to tears by my brother from the pain of laughing at his joke.

I wish you the best of luck. Take it easy like the doctors say and let yourself recover (NO PICKING UP THE BABY! for at least a week).

09-15-2006, 11:34 AM
Kim, I'll be keeping you in my thoughts today. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent your way.

09-15-2006, 12:14 PM
Sending you prayers and good thoughts that all will go well and that it is not serious enough to require surgery.

09-15-2006, 12:17 PM
Well, I'm back and just woke from a nice long nap with Miss Nicki and Abby... purr therapy is definately a good thing

I was stunned when I woke up -- I had no idea where I was or what had happened. It tok a few minutes before I realized what was going on then I forced myself fully awake thinking the sooner they know I'm awake the sooner they'll send me home. I was amazed at how much I just wanted to get out of there and get home to my own bed. I nearly cried when I noticed Heather was slowing down to stop at a yellow light so I told her to just run the light (I wanted to get home!) She told me, "I am being a good driver and won't run the light, especially in this rain" then she added, "thats a big decision to run a light and the doctor sad you can't make decisions for 24 hours" LOLOLOLOL

I slept for a good 2 hours and now feel like I have one awful case of the flu. Except the flu with a strangely sore belly button.

I took my prescription Advil just now (I didn't need it when I left -- yay me! I'm such a wimp with pain, so I'm impressed I didn't feel I needed the meds!) and I have a nice hot bowl of chicken Rice soup. With this rain and now the soup, I really DO feel like its flu season and I'm simply sick.

Thanks for the prayers everyone, I do think they worked! :) {{{HUGS}}}

09-15-2006, 12:43 PM
First off, Catnapper, Your daughter , Heather, has to be a God Sent Angel!!!!!

Tell her that for me, will you?? ;)

I am relieved to learn that you could post a reply on Pet Talk after the events of your day!!!! Ahhh,--Surgery---Rain :( , Mother Teresa for a Daughter, purring cats in your bed, chicken and rice soup, only an Advil for pain~~~~~~~ That makes room for a lot of Love to come home to!!!!

I am so glad that your ordeal with the Surgeon is over!!!!!! :o

Rest Up like a Good Girl, and , Mind your P's and Q's. :cool:

We are all thinking of you, and wishing you All the Best.

09-15-2006, 12:53 PM
Sending you prayers & good vibes.

09-15-2006, 12:54 PM
I just logged back in to see if you had posted and so glad to see this.

Heather is such a sweetheart and kitties make terrific bed companions. Rest up :)

09-15-2006, 01:03 PM
It sounds like Heather really enjoyed the responsibility and did a very good job of taking care of you. I'm glad that part is over and you came out of it okay - even though you will feel rotten for a few days. Let your family fuss over you, and the cats lie all over you, and enjoy that part.

09-15-2006, 01:07 PM
Wow, that was quick. Glad you are back home and already felt like posting.

Take care and rest. You'll feel a lot more like yourself in a day or so.

Anita Cholaine
09-15-2006, 01:34 PM
That was certainly fast! I'm so glad it went well, just take it easy and and don't think of anything except resting! I'm sure Heather and the kitties will take care of you perfectly ;) ((((hugs))))

09-15-2006, 03:40 PM
Then she added, "thats a big decision to run a light and the doctor sad you can't make decisions for 24 hours" LOLOLOLOL
Hehe, this made me giggle. :D
I'm glad your procedure went smoothly. I hope your recovery is quick as well!
Sending prayers and good thoughts!

09-15-2006, 03:44 PM
happy to hear you are back!!.........now take it easy........and let everyone else do everything!!! you just rest and relax.........oh so sweet.........wishing fast recovery from the "flu"............ and good thoughts your way.....((HUGS))

09-15-2006, 04:40 PM
Gosh, what rock have I been living under? :eek: I didn't even know you were going to have this ... I'm so sorry! Well, I'm glad to read that you are back home now and resting. I hope they found all that is causing your problems and that everything can be "fixed" without too much more to have to go through!


09-15-2006, 04:43 PM
I'm glad to hear you are doing well. Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

09-15-2006, 05:01 PM
I hope you feel back to normal very soon.

09-15-2006, 05:02 PM
Your Daughter sounds like a very level headed young lady. :) Hope
you start feeling better soon.

09-15-2006, 05:51 PM
Hehe, this made me giggle. :D
I'm glad your procedure went smoothly. I hope your recovery is quick as well!
Sending prayers and good thoughts!

Hee, hee - me too! Good for Heather! :)

Glad you are getting plenty of purr therapy!

09-15-2006, 05:53 PM
Owie.... now the real pain has kicked in.

I still feel like I have the flu but now my whole stomach hurts like someone punched me hard. I lose my breath every time I move. I am starving but can't keep solids down.... though Heather has bought me ice cream and now water ice :D

I have a personal "thing" about anyone/thing touching my belly button. It drives me nuts, so guess what they did today? Surgery through the belly button. I'm utterly miserable and am heading back to the bed I just emerged from.

09-15-2006, 06:13 PM
Hang in there Kim. It will be sore for a few days, just make sure you take it easy and don't lift anything heavy. I did find that walking helped the pain and woosey feeling for me. I started walking in my neighborhood on day 3 and it helped. Once you get the anethesia out of your system you'll probably feel much better.

My bellly button wasn't the place that hurt on me, it was the other incision that drove me crazy. It still itches like crazy and it's been almost 8 months.

09-16-2006, 12:32 AM
Hang in there Kim. It will be sore for a few days, just make sure you take it easy and don't lift anything heavy. I did find that walking helped the pain and woosey feeling for me. I started walking in my neighborhood on day 3 and it helped. Once you get the anethesia out of your system you'll probably feel much better.

My bellly button wasn't the place that hurt on me, it was the other incision that drove me crazy. It still itches like crazy and it's been almost 8 months.

I was just going to reply with the same thing, Kim. You'll feel better once the anethesia wears off. that stuff is nasty. I always, always get physically sick afterwards. Try ginger ale and toast with jelly if you're starving, but eat light. Yep, I hurt like crazy too, especially getting up and down and bending. But it won't last long. I promise. No stitches need to be removed..good news. The other incision wasn't as bad for me, but it was itchy. What women go through. :rolleyes:
I almost needed a hysterectomy, but because my tubes were open, the doctor decided against it. Believe me, I had it for years and never knew it, but kept passing out from the pain. I was put on BC pills and found an immediate improvement. The other options were monthly shots to stop your period and I forget what else. My doctor decided against laser surgery too because I had endo on all my internal organs by that time and it would have taken days. Please make sure, if you take the injection suggestion, that you weigh the side effects, like extreme weight gain, I did OK on a minimal BC pill. I was a new person. Believe me, I had a personal party when the "spigots" were turned off for good 4 years ago!
[COLOR=Indigo]If you want to chit chat..PM me with your # and I'll call you..
Sleep well, kiddo.

09-16-2006, 07:22 AM
Positive thoughts, Kim! Everything will go ok!! :)

Maya & Inka's mommy
09-16-2006, 08:33 AM
I am glad to hear it is over now, Kim. I know, it is NO fun when they "look" in your belly via your belly button.... . I had it 24 years ago when I had a laparascopy too. The main pain was NOT in my belly but in my shoulders :eek: . Sounds weird, but that was a result of all the air they used to blow up my belly, so they could have a better look at the ovaries!
Do you have this painful shoulders too??

I wish you recover fast! No more info yet about what they eventually found??

09-16-2006, 09:33 AM
HUGS, Kim!

The hope is that they can work on the problem and you will feel like a New Woman! :)

Heather sounds like a doll! Ice water - and ICE CREAM! Start picking your favourite flavours while you can.

I hope this pain and wooziness passes soon.


09-16-2006, 10:16 AM
Karen, I will PM you you with my number, its great to be able ot talk to someone who's been there, but I want to wait til I feel like talking! Right now my throat is all scratchy from the tube they put down my throat and talking just isn't something I want ot do.

I am so very sore in my tummy area today. Sitting, standing, lying down.... all painful. Of course, last night as I'm laying in bed trying to get comofrtable, Pouncer came up to actually fall alseep on my tummy. Do you know how long I've complained ot hubby that he doesn't do that anymore, and he chooses last night to try to start that again? I felt awful pushing Pouncer away but it HURT! God, I could imagine him plopping down then making happy paws on my incision! :eek: :eek:

Thankfully, I have little soreness in my shoulder. I do have a shooting pain up and down my right hand ribs though. Ouch.

Oh, and my neighbors think I'm nutso. They were outside hammering in their garage til 10:30 last night when I finally went out and asked them if they were just about done for the evening. They looked at me like I had 6 heads, and said "uh, yeah, sure, we're just finishing the last nail." um-hmmm :rolleyes: Is it unreasonable for me to think 10:30 at night is an absurd time to be hammering? It wasn't so loud on street level but man, it was LOUD in the room - weird echoing went on in the alley behind the house that made the hammering sound like jackhammers.

09-16-2006, 10:22 AM
Glad to hear it's over. Now, continue with your purr therapy and relax all you can! Wishing you a speedy recovery! :)

09-16-2006, 11:22 AM
Kim, glad to hear you aren't suffering from that shoulder pain. That really was the worst part for me.

When do you find out the results or have you already? My lap confirmed the suspicion of endo and the dr. burned off all he could. Anyway, feel free to PM me anytime too if you want to talk.

09-16-2006, 11:41 AM
When do you find out the results or have you already? My lap confirmed the suspicion of endo and the dr. burned off all he could. Anyway, feel free to PM me anytime too if you want to talk.
The doctor called and said everything looked good and he was able to get all the endo yesterday (YAY!) No additional surgery as far as he can see but he is waiting for some lab tests to return on the samples he sent out. I'm an thrilled I won't have ot go through this again in a month or so, its over! He wants to see me in his office in 3 weeks, but it sounds as if its all over. Whew!

I also took one loooong steamy shower. I held the shower head a few inches away from my stomach and gave it a nice massage with the water... oooo did that feel won-der-ful!

Now all I need is FOOD! I'm feeling ready to actually eat something more than toast and ice cream LOL

09-16-2006, 11:56 AM
That is good Kim! I know there are ways to control the endo with meds (hormones) but none of those options work for me. If you decide to go that route be sure you are aware of all the side effects.

09-16-2006, 12:00 PM
That is good Kim! I know there are ways to control the endo with meds (hormones) but none of those options work for me. If you decide to go that route be sure you are aware of all the side effects.
Yeah, I've been reading up on side effects.... I can NOT have the weight side effect! I'm already way too heavy thanks to the PCOS and those meds weren't helping because my body doesn't agree with them. Gosh, when I first started out on the glucophage for the PCOS, I lost 20 pounds in one months thanks to the meds. Unfortunately my body reacted badly to the meds and I went off them. All 20 pounds reappeared within a few weeks :( I hate that people assume you're fat because you are a pig who can't control their portions, etc. I'm sure I could restrain myself more than I do, but if I didn't have the PCOS, I definately would not be in the "women's" clothing department.

09-16-2006, 01:22 PM
No additional surgery as far as he can see
This is great news!!!!!!!

09-16-2006, 01:34 PM
Kim, I'm glad to hear that you won't need another surgery.:) I hope you'll start feeling less pain each day and that the doctor will be able to help you so you won't have this problem any more. Please take care.:)

09-16-2006, 02:49 PM
That sounds great- that you don't have to go through it again!
Wishing you all the best- crazy hormones are a bad thing for your mood and your body!

09-16-2006, 07:55 PM
I'm happy to hear they got all the endo! :)

Hopefully the pain will recede soon.

09-17-2006, 01:24 AM
Kim..remember..don't be picking up the baby for a few days..at least until your innards are healed.....Just a friendly reminder..I know the temptation.....
Where I live, there's a law about what time in the morning and night you can mow your lawn or hammer etc. A noise ordinance, But the new neighbors across the street did have a LOUD (with DJ) rocking party tonight and nobody complained. I think it was because the music was SO funky and good. I danced alone on the back porch while Logan peed. :rolleyes: :D
Anyhoo..hope you're feeling better. Ginger Ale will help relieve the gas too.

09-17-2006, 12:49 PM
Great to hear you won't need any more surgery. What are PCOS?

09-17-2006, 02:00 PM
Hey girl! I'm so glad you don't have to go through any more surgery!!! That's wonderful news! I'm sorry you've had the post-op nausea though ... did your doctor prescribe you any medication for that to take home? I always insist on having something before I go into surgery and as soon as I am awake! I am emetophobic (fear of vomiting) so they make sure I don't! ;)

I'm sorry about all the pain, but just try and take it easy and it sure get better with each passing day! Tell Pouncer that you really appreciate the extra attention, but could he PLEASE wait on the tummy a few more days? :eek:


Ally Cat's Mommy
09-17-2006, 02:59 PM
Yeah, I've been reading up on side effects.... I can NOT have the weight side effect! I'm already way too heavy thanks to the PCOS and those meds weren't helping because my body doesn't agree with them. Gosh, when I first started out on the glucophage for the PCOS, I lost 20 pounds in one months thanks to the meds. Unfortunately my body reacted badly to the meds and I went off them. All 20 pounds reappeared within a few weeks :( I hate that people assume you're fat because you are a pig who can't control their portions, etc. I'm sure I could restrain myself more than I do, but if I didn't have the PCOS, I definately would not be in the "women's" clothing department.

I am glad the surgery went well, and that you are on the road to recovery. I feel your pain re the PCOS and weight gain. I was up to 185 pounds at my heaviest (due to PCOS - which was undiagnosed for at least 3 years). Now I am down to 152 and still dropping. (I AM following a very strict calorie-restricted diet, but when I followed the same diet before when I had PCOS I simply did NOT lose any weight). I am hoping to get down to around 132, but I already feel much better.

I also had the surgery done laproscopically through my belly button and 2 other incisions. Try not to put too much strain on the scar tissue - especially the belly button - I was up and about FAR too quickly, and my scar went all thick and red, formed an ugly keloid. I have just (3 weeks ago) had another op to fix up the scar, now I am pampering it whilst it heals. Once the stiches come out, maybe you could look into the scar tape with 3M makes - especially as you will be picking up Cam and NOT following orders to take it easy!!

09-17-2006, 05:48 PM
Glad to hear the surgery was successful and that you won't have to go back for another one. Hope to hear that you are feeling much better each day.