View Full Version : Am I going to survive another 2 and a half years.

09-12-2006, 09:25 PM
Okay sorry teens but will I survive until my teen is 18. I have 2 by the way and one is very easy so I know all teens don't go through this but the attitude has me counting the days till she turns 18. I fantasize about having a lock changing party.

I am at the end of my rope, how did you all cope that have grown kids.

09-12-2006, 10:19 PM
I don't have any kids yet but I work with teenagers. I can totally understand where you are coming from...the girls I work with all have tons of problems so the attitude is MAJOR.

Honestly I can barely stand it and I'm counting the days until I find a better job and I've only worked there for a month. LOL. I would love to work around teens where being called a stupid b**** and fighting among kids didn't happen on a daily basis. Hang in there, it could be a lot worse!

09-12-2006, 10:30 PM
LOL.... I definately know what you mean! I was counting the days til Ash turned 18.... I was counting the months til she left for college. Then she ended up having the baby and things are MUCH better between us (not that having a baby is the best thing she could have done, but I honestly do think it changed our relationship forever for the better)

BUT, now all the fun is starting all over with my youngest who is 16 going on 30. :rolleyes: I swear, the kid who has always been easy is starting to give me a run for my money. Her sarcasm has been awful lately :(

09-12-2006, 11:11 PM
Kim, I know someday we will be like you and Ashley I just hate that we have to go through this. I swear I am her mom and can't stand her sometimes, isn't that terrible. I feel like if it wasn't for my furbabies I would go crazy.