View Full Version : cats getting into my food....................

05-30-2002, 06:05 PM
I finally figured a way to keep Tiger, Fawn ,and Ophelia from getting into my food, whenever it is left on the table for a few seconds, while I get up to get something else. This evening I had 3 bean and beef burritos, but then I added some "fire brand" prepared horse raddish. Now folks, "this aint no wimpy stuff". It is every bit as potent as Chinese hot mustard, if not more so. the kind that makes your eyes water and you become incapacitated for a while until the "fire" wears off. Any way, I let Tiger take a whiff of the stuff, and she made a hasty retreat. It is great on burritos, and other foods as a flavor enhancing condiment. None of my furkids got into my food this time. Wondering why I hadn't thought of this before!:D


05-30-2002, 06:24 PM

My Sphynx MooShoo is a real pain in the butt when it comes to my eating. He is relentless about being in my face. My cure all is "kitty jail", which consists of putting him in my bedroom with the tv on till I'm finished eating. Works everytime!!



Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-30-2002, 09:27 PM
Originally posted by wayne0214
This evening I had 3 bean and beef burritos, but then I added some "fire brand" prepared horse raddish. Now folks, "this aint no wimpy stuff".

LOL That is so funny Wayne. Reminded me of a time quite awhile back, I was eating Taco Bell on the couch and Tubby was being relentless about getting his nose right in there and not giving me any peace at all. So I thought, "well, you want some, you'll get some." I took just a tiny, tiny drop of the mild sauce that they give you and put it on the tip of his nose. First of all he didn't like it because I touched his nose (which he normally doesn't like) but then once he licked it, you should have seen the face he made! :D He just kind of crinkled up his nose real funny and kept licking, but not in a good "mmmm, yummy" sort of way. He jumped down off the couch and I had no more problems eating in peace that night. :D 1/2 hour later he was still occassionally licking his chops and wondering what that nasty stuff was. :D :D

I know, bad mommy, but Taco Bell's mild sauce, I'm sure, is nowhere near the horse raddish stuff that Wayne was eating. Peanut wants nothing to do with the Taco Bell sauce. She takes one sniff, crinkles up her nose and runs. :D

I think you've really hit on something here Wayne. :D

05-31-2002, 12:59 AM
Hot sauce only works if.. you cat doens't LIKE IT!!!! :eek: :D I tried it with Tilly.. she was overlicking herself so I put some sauce on it. She licked it all off and came running to me for more! Altho it was only tabasco.. maybe it wasn't strong enough :P

05-31-2002, 04:40 AM
Hot sauce only works if.. you cat doens't LIKE IT!!!!

LOL One of my RB kitties did not refuse a bit of spicy food either! :D It was oranges she absolutely loathed if we just showed her an orange she would run and hide.

05-31-2002, 05:23 AM
My cat Pickle was all over us for some pizza one time, so my boyfriend finally gave her a little bite of spicy beef. You, guessed it, she left the pizza well alone after that and wandered around licking her lips. In the end I had to give her a saucer of milk to put the fire out!!! :rolleyes:

Still doesn't stop her from trying to get a bit of whatever else we're eating! She's really fond of cheddar cheese, any roasted meats and the remains of anything involving vanilla ice cream. One time she got her head right inside a Muller Lite yogurt carton I had finished with to get at the leftovers, she came out with yogurt on her ears, whiskers... everywhere! It took her ages to wash off. :D

05-31-2002, 08:27 AM
Pickle, welcome to pet talk!

I sincerely hope that I do not find a furkid that likes hot sauce because there has to be something left for me to do to keep them away while I'm eating. Placing a squirt bottle of water next to me helps, but some of the new kittens do not understand (yet) what it is for. I do not have an extra room that is not already filled with storage boxes in this little place to put any of my furkids into while I am eating. So, from now on i will have to rely on some additive that they do not like to keep them away. And besides, after eating that hot horseraddish, I actually feel better this AM!

06-03-2002, 01:26 PM
That hot sauce might not go too well with some foods, like apple pie:D

06-03-2002, 07:08 PM
mruffruff. I don't worry about things like apple pie, as I am not fond of sweets, and seldom keep any in the 'frig. But the hot stuff, I really enjoy.:D


06-03-2002, 08:43 PM
Originally posted by Gio

It was oranges she absolutely loathed if we just showed her an orange she would run and hide.

. . . citrus is supposed to be a cat repellent, so that is probably why she ran.

Gradually, Debra has turned her nose up at ALL canned cat food, so I have been grilling steak and cutting it up in tiny pieces for her . . . she still eats her dry food, so at least I'm not concerned about her nutritional needs being met . . . of course I am well stocked on all the canned food she USED to like (figures!) so they now go out for the strays that I feed.

06-04-2002, 06:46 AM
Cats are unusual that way (because I do not know about the eating habits of dogs), in that, if you give them really expensive, and good food, then that is what they will demand from you. I made the mistake of starting my kittens on some canned food, and now it is a problem getting them to eat only dry food. Perhaps one of the way to get them to change "downward" is to not feed them much of anything excpet the dry food. Also, that if they get hungry enough, they will eat most any kind of food.:) They will nibble dry food, but all of them will ususally "starve themselves", knowing that later on in the day that I will serve them a mixture of canned and dry.


06-04-2002, 07:20 AM
I had a cat (RB) that just loved Stella Dora cookies. I would find his furry little head in the box all the time. He would climb to the top shelf to get them, knock them down, chew on the box/wrapper until it opened. I would usually find certain ones with all the icing licked off and then other ones nibbled on.

My current two cats love butter. So now I keep it in the refrigerator, since they know how to open cabinet doors now.

:eek: :eek:

They own me. Thanks goodness they don't like many of the foods I eat! They just like drinking my water all the time!

:confused: :confused:

Those furry devils!

06-04-2002, 09:39 AM
SAS VT, LOL, :D . the one I have to watch closely is Tiger. She will lay next to me while I am eating. As sometimes I do give her the scraps or the "lickins" that are left on the plate. She likes the strangest things. Her latest craze is Cheez-it cheese crackers! If I do not give her some of them while I'm eating, she will raid the box at the first chance. Silly kitty!:D


06-04-2002, 08:03 PM