View Full Version : An update on my kitchen...

09-09-2006, 06:17 PM
You might remember that back in May, we had our entire kitchen ripped out for renovation. Welll, it's been one long saga, but finally we are getting somewhere.

Basically, what happened is the first contractor (Bill) got everything ripped out, the cabinets put in; but up and moved to Montana without finishing the job (no plumbing, no countertops, no flooring).

So, we were like mad-people, trying to find someone else to do the job. We finally found someone through the recomendation of my dad-in-law (btw, we have learned NEVER to take the recommendation of a relative!). Contractor #2 (Fred) was an absolute disaster. He had a new soap-opera going on in his life everyday, which prevented him from coming to work. When he DID show up to work, his work was shoddy, and he demanded payment immediately. We let him go, and did not pay him for the last day of "work" because he totally did it all wrong.

The month of August flew by, and we were at a stand still. Here it is September, getting colder, and the window is not finished and we were on the border of desperation. All the contractors we contacted our 6 months, 9 months, a year out.

So anyway, we got talking to a neighbor up the road, and he gave us a business card of a guy that he highly recomends named Jeff. Mark called his #, and the message on the machine said "HI, you have reached DAVE, please leave a message" Mark left a message anyway, and that night, Dave called back. Turns out, Mark had dialed the WRONG number -- instead of -4480, Mark dialed -4448(0). Turns out, Dave is a contractor, willing to do the work for us and started today. He is totally professional, and we are so happy with the work he has done so far. In just one day, he made so much progress, and it is obviously done right.

A coincidence? Or fate? I am so happy tonight that progress is finally getting done on my kitchen. I can't even tell you how tired I am of the construction mess, and it is FINALLY getting done!!! I am sooooo :D!!!! Thanks for letting me share.

09-09-2006, 06:25 PM
That is so totally mind blowing that it gave me goose bumps! Good for you to choose this guy, even though it was an accident. A *happy* accident! :cool:

09-09-2006, 10:28 PM
I can relate to your distress - we just did a kitchen reno and it feels like forever to get it finished - there seems no end to the detail!!

Very happy to hear you may found a reliable soul to help you along. Tradespeople are so far stretched these days that getting a commitment is such a challenge. I'll keep my fingers (and toes) crossed for you to get the project done!

Hugs, Betty

Laura's Babies
09-09-2006, 10:28 PM
It was fate! Just far to odd to be a coincidence!

09-10-2006, 12:14 AM
*Twilight Zone music*. That's really incredible. See...some things are meant to be!!