View Full Version : Does this ever happen to you?

09-06-2006, 07:21 AM
I swear I'm losing my mind.... I keep looking for things, for example, I was looking for a business card yesterday. I looked through all my cards a hundred times and the business card was not there. This morning, its sitting right there, with all the other cards as if its always been there. I SWEAR it wasn't there!

Or pens. I could spend an hour hunting down the green one. Its not here. Then I turn around and *poof* its on my desk as if its always been there.

Same with rulers, brushes, handcream, tweezers, my glass of tea... well, you get the idea. I keep losing things then when I give up looking for them and move onto something else, the original item appears as if it was always there and I didn't rip my house apart looking for it.

Now, this phenomenon goes on whether I'm alone or not. I first fgured the kids might have picked up that green pen, tweezers, brush, etc. But noooooo.... it returns (#1 clue its not the kids! LOL)

Anyone else experience this? I swear it weird, and has been happening a lot more lately than ever before. Could I possibly have a ghost (woooooooo- BOO!) Maybe a Bermuda Triangle type event in my home? Or am I seriously just losing my mind?

09-06-2006, 07:31 AM
Sorta like the Paul Simon song....

I think many of us are in constant motion and not noticing what we are doing with things...and where we were headed....I think it is called STRESSED OUT!

It happens to us all, as we get older, as "our plates" are too full in many different senses. (I over-eat as well as keep myself too busy with too many responsibilities).

So like Paul Simon says.....or is that Simon and Garfunkel? ...Slow down, you move to fast......


09-06-2006, 07:42 AM
Yes it happens to me too! Usually with pens and little things like that. It drives me crazy! :confused:

Laura's Babies
09-06-2006, 08:53 AM
I am the ONLY person (or I thought I was) that can sit at my computer desk, never getting up and LOOSE something forever! I just had it, now it is gone, never to be seen again!...(maybe there is a PT ghost that visits us at different times through our computers to mess with our heads?)

09-06-2006, 09:29 AM
I think it is called STRESSED OUT!

Hmmm... you might have a point there. I just returned from my pre-op meeting at the doctor's. The doctor said "You NEED to relax between now and the surgery!" Yeah, right, easier said than done! Not only am I worked up about the surgery itself, but how much it'll cost.

09-06-2006, 09:40 AM
It happens to me at work a LOT.. but only when I'm dead tired :p Maybe that has something to do with it? :D

Pawsitive Thinking
09-06-2006, 09:53 AM
Me too........I put it down to old age :D

09-06-2006, 12:49 PM
Happens to me all of the time. One day I "lost" my dustpan 5 times without leaving the room!

09-06-2006, 01:47 PM
O_O!! YES! That happens to me all the time!

My stepdad has an interesting theory ( :P ). They're called the time people and they take the item and then poof it back. Interesting!

09-06-2006, 01:53 PM
Relate? Keys and sunglasses all the time

09-06-2006, 02:05 PM
Happens to me all the time too. I blame it on my "estrogen-free" brain :rolleyes: although I swear there's a black hole in my bathroom - if I ever drop anything in that room *poof* it's gone - only to turn up months later in plain view.