View Full Version : a few random photos (including one of finn), finally small enough to view!

finn's mom
09-05-2006, 11:31 PM
I've not posted much lately, for many reasons. But, i'm still around, for those who know me. :) I just wanted to share a few photos I've recently taken. Let me know what you think if you want. And, have a great week, even if you don't! (forgive the sizes, i resized them in photobucket, but, it's not catching up for some reason...they should size down soon, though, i hope! edited to ask...can anyone explain why it is that when i edit the photo in photobucket and it shows that the photo is a viewable size there, but, it doesn't always "catch up" on a site? the "aged" picture started out as the same size as the other pictures, but, it's the only one that is small enough to comfortably view...i think i finally got them to downsize)

Woodville, Texas at a foggy seven am


flowers (edited, of course)


Woodville, Texas (I "aged" the photo)


and, last, but certainly not least...my goofy boy, finn...


Hope someone likes these. :) And, that you are all doing well!

09-05-2006, 11:47 PM
Those are aweme pics!

09-05-2006, 11:56 PM
Love them! That's one of the best pics of Finn I've seen. That could be sold to a magazine. Could you pretty please email that one full sized? When my computer gets fixed, I would love that as my wallpaper.

Toby's my baby
09-06-2006, 07:19 AM
Those are GREAT photographs Kari!!! I love each and every one of them! I especially like the first one, it is so beautiful!

09-06-2006, 08:09 AM
Beautiful photos! I love the first one. Has sort of an eerie feel to it? And of course the one of Finn is super cute!!

09-06-2006, 08:11 AM
Wow, gorgeous photos Kari!! I love them all, and that one of Finn is ADORABLE! Glad you stopped by to share these :D

finn's mom
09-07-2006, 08:03 AM
You guys are awesome, thank you for taking the time to check out my photos. I don't know why the flower one is so big, is it really annoying to view? I'll take it out if it is, it's not the greatest anyway. ;)

09-07-2006, 08:22 AM
Very nice shots. I like them a lot. Good job with the aging. Photos don't seem big on "my scree". Maybe you need to refresh your cache on your machine??? Maybe - I don't know, but they seem fine for viewing on mine.

Laura's Babies
09-07-2006, 08:30 AM
That flower looks fine to me, a great size! I have that same problem with PB too. A picture looks real big to me but everyone else will tell me it looks normal to them... I have yet to figure out what the deal is..

That one of Finn is PRICELESS! He looks so pleased with himself sitting int hat tub! The rest are great too.... Is that your new camera and you have learned how to use it already?

finn's mom
09-07-2006, 08:34 AM
That flower looks fine to me, a great size! I have that same problem with PB too. A picture looks real big to me but everyone else will tell me it looks normal to them... I have yet to figure out what the deal is..

That one of Finn is PRICELESS! He looks so pleased with himself sitting int hat tub! The rest are great too.... Is that your new camera and you have learned how to use it already?

Thanks for letting me know the picture isn't too big. (and, you, too, Bob's Dad, thank you!) All the others are fine to me, but, the flower one is really large!

It's not my new camera, I was borrowing my boyfriend's Dad's camera while I was in Louisiana for Labor Day and got the one of Finn in the bucket then. The two from Woodville are from the camera David and I had that just broke (two days before my class started!) and the flower one was from the camera that David had before that also broke. ;) See why I'm so excited about actually having a new camera that's for me? It's an awesome gift, but, David says it's an investment. I hope he's right!

09-07-2006, 01:05 PM
Great pics! I love the last one of Finn. :D

09-07-2006, 08:59 PM
Wow! Great pics Finn s really cute!
I especially like the one of the fog and fence!
Very pretty!

finn's mom
09-07-2006, 09:50 PM
I'm so glad you guys enjoyed the photos! :) I really love the one of the foggy morning in Woodville. :) And, my Finn, of course!

Daisy and Delilah
09-08-2006, 06:39 AM