View Full Version : Wild and Wooley

05-29-2002, 05:32 AM
My two cats are running around like little monkeys this morning. They are being about 50 times more noisey and bad than usual. I don't know what dictates their moods? Too much sleep? Not enough sleep? The weather? The sun? All of the above! Any guesses? They are just being little BRATS. Fighting.... playing... more fighting...yowling.....more fighting.....complete brats! I wonder if they do this all day long, while I am at work!:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :eek: :eek:

05-29-2002, 06:00 AM
Your little ones must be "morning kitties" unlike mine who, after they eat, are actually pretty lazy. My boys don't have too many of those dashing/racing/chasing marathon events any more. I guess they are maturing! :rolleyes: Sometimes when I come home from work I see little tufts of fur on the carpet and I know they got into one of their rolling matches. It's so funny to watch them go around and around like a big orange and white ball of fluff. Then out of the blue they stop and groom themselves! :rolleyes:

C.C.'s Mom
05-29-2002, 06:03 AM
How happy I am that mine are never running around!!!

But I remember when I had 2 little kitties... A good night rest was out of the question with those two. Thankfully they outgrew it when they were spayed and more mature.

05-29-2002, 06:44 AM
I think it was a full moon last night...my cats were doing the samething. And wanting outside at 4:30 am in the morning. Ended up shutting them up in their room cause it was so bad :(

05-29-2002, 07:33 PM
sas vt. Yes, there was a full moon the other night. If your furkids are anything like mine, they usually run a bit wild at any full moon. Another thing that I have noticed that if I'm awake a good portion of the night they instinctively know it, and conduct themselves accordingly:D (As if I have nothing to do but wait on them!)

As far as what they do while I am gone, it has been repeatedly observed that they do little, if anything, but sleep while I am out of the house. They generally reflect the attitude that I have. If I am busy about something, then they will busy themselves also. Recently, I have been musing about purhcasing my own home and moving out of state. Would you believe that Snow cat, Fawn, Ophelia, and Tiger were concerned about the speculation, to the point of them thinking that I was going to leave them. And you know how they react to this.


05-30-2002, 12:10 AM
Two of my cats are wide awake in the mornings and ready to play. Sunny, who is half aby, is usually awake at 5am and he'll start yowling up and down the hallway. He'll also meow in my ear to try to get some attention. Pepper usually waits until I'm up and then he'll get up and get frisky. Storm,who is the oldest, will stay in his bed for awhile and nap until he feels like getting up. I think as they get older they will tend to sleep in more and become more lazy. Storm will get sudden bursts of energy and he'll play chase with Sunny. It's so cute.:)

05-30-2002, 07:59 AM
I have been having problems with Ophelia. She is constantly getting into things at night, even while the others are asleep, including myself. The more I look at her, now that she is outgrowing kittenhood, she has the same antics and appearance as an Abyssinian although she is all black . However, her nighttime escapades are more reminescent of a male Aby rather than a female. Last night she was particularly noisy, and with some meowing, I suppose to get me out of bed and pick her up. As I'm writing this, she is still at it, running through the house and climbing on things. She has been at it non-stop for about 8 hours. Now her and Tiger are chasing each other around the house. they sound like a miniature stampede as they run by behind me. Also, when Tiger is hungry, she will pester me at any hour of the night to get up and feed her, which I usually do, because of her dietary problems.:D


05-30-2002, 08:17 AM
Hey Wayne, they really have you where they want you! Wrapped right around their furry little paws!



05-30-2002, 08:32 AM
SAS. Yes, and I'm almost embarrassed to admit it.:o. They sure know how to keep me at home with them, and to the point of worrying about their welfare when or if I'm away for more than 3 hours or so.

Of all my furkids the one with the most manners is Princess. She still stays inside and when she wants some scritchies, she will stand off about 2 feet away and look at me with her green eyes, as if to say "Daddy, would you give me some of your time?" Then I will beckon for her to come. Sometimes I will pat my lap with my hands, she understands this to mean come, lay in my lap, which she usually does. Princess never forces herself on me. However, when she is attempting to tell me something or to get my attention she will place her rear end in my face and then swish her tail across my nose.:D


05-30-2002, 04:25 PM
My cats always seem to get a burst of energy when I get home from work at 10 p.m. Once I turn the lights out they kind of settle down. I also notice that when it IS a full moon, they go tearing through the place. Full moons just have that effect on them. Can't figure it out, don't want to.

05-31-2002, 07:16 AM
Bo gets her spurts of energy in the evening, after mealtime or after receiving a good snack. She'll tear through the house as if being chased, then with two leaps reach the top shelf of her 6 foot high penthouse. Then she jumps down, repeats the process and after a few of these antics decides to lay down and go to sleep. She is still quite playful at 14 years old, she will beg for attention by running to her toys and laying down on top of them, then looking at me with those liquid gold eyes! I usually can't resist. :)

05-31-2002, 07:43 AM
Early this morn (5/31) all of my indoor furkids, including the kittens, were running and tearing through the house. It looked like a 3-ring circus going on.:D I knew they were hungry, but after feeding them, the playing didn't subside until almost an 1- 1/2 hours later! Surprisingly, they do not destroy things, and do not trash the place, although there are so many in here. Possibly, it is the new cooler that I recently installed. After yesterday's heat (98 deg), they probably felt like playing in the early AM coolness.:)


05-31-2002, 09:56 PM
I posted a few months ago about the same nuttiness on the part of my two abys around the full moon.The last few days they have been totally mad trying to jump up on the ceiling to chase sunbeams, running into corners and jumping up the wall, doing body slams into the doors when I've locked them out ( of the bathroom so I can have a moments peace), dragging newspapers all over the first floor and papering every corner, sending a statue flying off a shelf and dinging an ear off the 3 foot ceramic dog, knocking a wooden dog statue off a window ledge and pulling out the ears and tail, jumping ino the fridge and dishwasher... oh and this is all before lunch after tearing the blankets off me at 5 in the morning and biting my toes. Sigh.. my previous two never behaved this badly or it was 15 years ago and I don't remember..They are going to be altered in 2 weeks although somehow I don't think it will make the slightest difference to their behaviour. Sas they so look like your two (sweet and innocent ) but only when asleep.

05-31-2002, 11:01 PM
:D :D They do sound lively. (And you sound very proud of them.) I hope the spaying does calm them a bit. Good luck.

Former User
06-02-2002, 06:55 AM
LOL Sas, we have that running thingy going on E V E R Y morning! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

06-02-2002, 07:03 AM
Casper and Kitty are still very young cats Niina !!
:D They will slow down when they grow older !!!
Sydney also loves to chase from one couch to another during 10 minutes ??????? BBBBBBBBuuuuuuuuuutttttttt .... after this :confused: ; follows a LONG resting period !!!!:p :p :p
And mommy does not like him doing that (the racing !!); the couches are leather , and full of scratches by now ( and Sydney owns 2 scratching poles !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!):mad: :mad: :eek:
CATS !!!!!!!!!!!

06-02-2002, 07:14 AM
I don't know if it was a full moon or what but my Trevor and Bella (the dog...sorry to mention a dog on the cat board :) ) were racing all over my bed this morning chasing each other. Keep in mind Bella is 40 lbs. and Trevor is 20 lbs. It's kind of hard to sleep through that! This began at 4:45 a.m.! At first I locked Trevor out of the room and he thumped on the door until I had to let him back in and then it started all over again. Finally I gave up and just fed them and started the morning, VERY EARLY I might add. Gee, I'm glad this doesn't happen every day! :rolleyes:

06-02-2002, 08:28 AM
LOL Pam. Sometimes I think how easy you have it with just one dog! After reading some of these stories about the cats and their antics, I have to admit my perceptions about life with a cat are pretty clueless. :eek: Obviously I need to come over to this side more often.

06-07-2002, 03:56 PM
Hello! Welcome to pet talk

Your kitties sound likes mines, they are most active in the morning and late at nigh and they slow down in the afternoon. I guess if it is a fool moon, they co crazy. Mines are all young so they are pretty active and playful. That should be expected from young cats.