View Full Version : Incredible Shrinking Duck

09-03-2006, 08:31 AM
Laura is sooo wonderful and made this flash animation of Cameron with the duckie. Man, it sure does emphasise how much the duckie's shrank the past 2 months. ;)


Hmmm.... Photobucket seems to have resized it and added some bad splotches. I'll attach it too so you can see just how nice it is!

THANK YOU LAURA! You did an awesome job and we'll forever love this!

PS: I felt SO SO SO SO special yesterday. I came home from work and was greeted by a hubby ready to rip his hair out because he had a crying infant for 6 hours straight. I know EXACTLY what he was feeling because I am typically the one who experiences hours on end of crying. So I took Cam from him. No sooner do I pick him up, does Cam stop crying. :D He calmed down and fell immediately asleep! :D I think I'm starting to get some of that power Ashley has! :D He was sooooo good for me Friday afternoon, then he stopped crying when I picked him up yesterday. :D

The best part? Hubby actually realized that when I tell him I can't get anything done because of crying boy, he realized you can't get anything done -- not even a trip to the bathroom. He actually said that she'll have to drop her idea of working after classes because I can't be babysitting that much, that I need to get work done myself! Woohoo! That was a major weight lifted off my shoulders.

Laura's Babies
09-03-2006, 09:17 AM
WOW! I can't believe photobucket did that to it, that was a mess! Did you try loading it as a video?... also, what size do you have pb set to load your pictures?

(When they changed over, my pic's were so big and I went in and found how to change the size on them, then they were to small so I changed it again.)

Toby's my baby
09-03-2006, 11:01 AM
Aww, that is so cute! Great job Laura! :D Cameron sure has grown! :eek:

09-03-2006, 11:29 AM
Ugh I hate it when photoshop does that. I usually just have to upload it to another hosting site, like imageshack.us or something.

It's adorable! Sure has grown a lot, or maybe the duck shrank :p

09-03-2006, 11:47 AM

I sure do enjoy the Ducky getting smaller and smaller as Camaron grows!!

Be sure and save that Ducky so he can hold onto it when he is a year old, then, take Ducky for a ride on his new bike when he is older, then, take Ducky to school a few times, or, even, Have Ducky included in his Senior Pictures!!!!! :eek: :D

Such an enjoyable thread, such a Wonderful Little Cry Baby Boy!!!!

You are such a Proud Mother too!!!! With every right to be so proud!!!!!

(Ashley powers~~~~ :D )

09-03-2006, 12:00 PM
That is neat to see him growing like that. Wow is he getting big. I love the thought of seeing him carrying the duck in his cap and gown or on his wedding day, LOL!

Glad to hear you are getting the magic touch with him. I can't imagine a crying baby all day.

09-03-2006, 02:30 PM
Dorothy, I'm the grandma! :D

And yes, I am proud of the little screamer. He really is very sweet. He just wants his mama.

He's about to start teething - he's drooling a whole lot more. He's also trying to push himself up, so crawling can't be that far away. Ashley says she saw him roll himself over the other day, though I haven't seen that one yet myself. Growing SO fast!

09-03-2006, 07:34 PM
Catnapper, All I had to do was read your profile and I would have known that,

Geeez!!!! :D (I forgot I could do that!!!) :D

This sloooow dial up has got to go!!!!! :rolleyes:

Well, anyway, You are a very Wonderful "Grandmother" to Camaron!!! I can remember reading those "cry baby " threads you posted awhile back!!!!

Am I ready for Grand Kids? :eek: :rolleyes: Yes Lord, bring them to me!!!! :p

Your Camaron is so adorable, so worth the wait it takes to see his pictures!!!!

09-03-2006, 10:47 PM
Hi, Kim!

GOOD news that your hubby found out what it is like to try and work with a crying baby around!

Does the soother still work?

Cute pic, though the pictures changed really fast - but yes, Cam is getting to be a BIG boy!

Do you have those plastic lock things that baby-proof cupboard doors? :D


09-04-2006, 12:00 AM
Wow! He sure is growing up fast.:)