View Full Version : College? Ohnoes!

09-02-2006, 12:48 AM
I need the guidance and wisdom of PTers, once again. :D

I cannot decide on where I want to try to attend school. Texas A&M University, LSU (Baton Rouge), or Oregon State University.

I want to study veterinary medicine. I want to work with cats, dogs, birds, exotics, etc. I, also, want to be a surgeon and work on spines, on hearts, and help figure out Lundehund Syndrome.

Texas A&M University is in a tie with OSU for top spot. Texas A&M seems to be a big veterinary school, on the forefront of research, advancing in everything, etc. But, it is still in Texas. Nothing against Texans, by any means. I am just not a fan of tornadoes. OSU has recently inherited about $13 million dollars for their veterinary program. However, from my understanding it is just for working on farm animals. It IS in Oregon, my home, and I much prefer their weather. There are less chances for veterinary jobs here in Shreveport as there are already FIFTY SIX vet offices, hospitals, etc.

What to do?

09-02-2006, 07:57 AM
Have you been accepted yet? It doesn't sound like you've appied yet...

Unless you have stellar grades and resume, apply to both AND some that you ruled out already. Veterinary schools have a lot of competition, especially if they're considered a top vet school. Apply to all and see who accepts you THEN wonder which one you'll choose.

09-02-2006, 08:39 AM
If I were you, and given the opportunity to do it all over again, I would make a game plan. What do I want to do in ten years, then go from there. IF you want to study Vet Med,does that mean you want to become a vet? If so, isn't it similar to medicine....a four year undergrad somewhere, then, a vet school for another four years? If so, where are you going to undergrad? How does that school mesh with where you want to go to vet school? How are you funding this? Could make a difference..

For me, I went to a lesser educationally known undergrad school, a tier III if I am not mistaken. So, if I had attempted to apply to law school then, and based on my undergrad performance, well, let's just say I would be in bad shape. But, I went to law school years later, and I was considered a 'non-traditional' student, and the school that I went to liked 'non traditional' students, as it helped their marketability. For me, knowing that I intended to stay in my local area, I didn't 'need' a certain name from a law school to help secure a job. That would not have been the case if I intended to practice outside my area, at a bigger place- NYC, Chicago, LA, etc. So, for me, once I knew I was staying in my area, I chose my school.

If you are like many of us were at your age, what we wanted at 18-19 was NOT what we wanted ten, or even 5 years later. :eek: So, if you are wavering in any way, I would get a 4 year degree in a 'hard' science, from an accredited college/university, and let things develop from there.

09-02-2006, 11:29 AM
Regarding your post that you missed the financial aid deadline...maybe take a year to work/volunteer in a vet's place or with a shelter (which I know you are doing already). And save some money towards school, when you get a job (you WILL :) ).

Or maybe train initially as a vet tech? That might be less expensive for now, and give you some grounding and a few prerequisites.

You just moved into a new apartment...if you moved to Oregon, and were back and forth from there, you couldn't foster or look after your own kitties (though I know your husband would).

Maybe keep things on an even keel for now, so you aren't making decisions in a hurry. And it gives you lots of time to apply to these schools and see which one accepts you.


09-02-2006, 06:21 PM
Have you been accepted yet? It doesn't sound like you've appied yet...

Unless you have stellar grades and resume, apply to both AND some that you ruled out already. Veterinary schools have a lot of competition, especially if they're considered a top vet school. Apply to all and see who accepts you THEN wonder which one you'll choose.

Well I am trying to figure out *where* to apply.

I want to apply for schools in Oregon as if they accept me then that gives me a chance to move back so I don't have to stay here any more. That would be my main reason for applying for those schools. However, if I were to apply to Texas A&M and they accepted me then that would be great as it is a great school.

I've been having doubts, though. I am willing to go to school for just about anything to get away from here.

09-02-2006, 06:34 PM
If I were you, and given the opportunity to do it all over again, I would make a game plan. What do I want to do in ten years, then go from there. IF you want to study Vet Med,does that mean you want to become a vet? If so, isn't it similar to medicine....a four year undergrad somewhere, then, a vet school for another four years? If so, where are you going to undergrad? How does that school mesh with where you want to go to vet school? How are you funding this? Could make a difference..

For me, I went to a lesser educationally known undergrad school, a tier III if I am not mistaken. So, if I had attempted to apply to law school then, and based on my undergrad performance, well, let's just say I would be in bad shape. But, I went to law school years later, and I was considered a 'non-traditional' student, and the school that I went to liked 'non traditional' students, as it helped their marketability. For me, knowing that I intended to stay in my local area, I didn't 'need' a certain name from a law school to help secure a job. That would not have been the case if I intended to practice outside my area, at a bigger place- NYC, Chicago, LA, etc. So, for me, once I knew I was staying in my area, I chose my school.

If you are like many of us were at your age, what we wanted at 18-19 was NOT what we wanted ten, or even 5 years later. :eek: So, if you are wavering in any way, I would get a 4 year degree in a 'hard' science, from an accredited college/university, and let things develop from there.

Yep, I want to be a vet. I figure that in ten years I'll be saving money for my own clinic and rescue. I *think* LSUS gives the option of studying for four years here and then you have to go to LSU BR for grad school.

I believe that I am wavering. I just don't know. I feel like there are too many things that I want to do! heh. If you would have asked me a couple of years ago, I would have told you that I was considering being an astrophysicist. What do you think of as a "hard" science? I am not really sure what schools are good choices, really! :( There are so many things that I want to do! I want to be a vet, I want to be a teacher, etc etc! I am freaking out because I feel so messy and disorganized! Heh. I will go with making a game plan.

Funny story (kind of), I used to be *OBSESSED* with having a plan for even the simplest things. Troy told me all the time to stop worrying about it and now I need it more than I ever! Haha! :D

09-02-2006, 06:40 PM
A hard science would be biology, chemistry, and NOT political science. :p

If you are unsure, then, I would go for the degree that would give you the most opportunity to pursue what you **think** you want right now. For instance, if you were thinking that you are pretty sure you want to become a vet, then, I wouldn't major in graphic design, or, American History. Too hard to make those mesh with a heavily scienced master's or doctorate degree. If you were pretty sure you would be going into teaching, then, you are going to have to focus on educational requirments.

You mentioned something about getting out of where you are....are you simply talking about the area? Or, do you mean your particular situation with Troy? Is he mobile? Where ever you go to school, he follows? Just curious.

09-02-2006, 06:44 PM
Regarding your post that you missed the financial aid deadline...maybe take a year to work/volunteer in a vet's place or with a shelter (which I know you are doing already). And save some money towards school, when you get a job (you WILL :) ).

Or maybe train initially as a vet tech? That might be less expensive for now, and give you some grounding and a few prerequisites.

You just moved into a new apartment...if you moved to Oregon, and were back and forth from there, you couldn't foster or look after your own kitties (though I know your husband would).

Maybe keep things on an even keel for now, so you aren't making decisions in a hurry. And it gives you lots of time to apply to these schools and see which one accepts you.


I am just hoping that it does not look bad as this will be my second year off out of high school. I graduated a year and a half early (would have been two and a half years if I had just not been so flippin stubborn about economics!), so maybe that'll balance out. Heh, I am excited about volunteering at some place because even if I don't get paid, I still get to interact with dogs, cats, ferrets, etc and that is what I am all about! :D

You know, you recommended what I was considering! :D My parents and Troy had advised me to go that route so that I was still up to date and in the know about things while I was learning (working as a tech while going to school to be a full on vet). :D

Yeah, and the lease isn't up until next July anyways so I guess I really shouldn't worry about not having financial aid this year.

Heh, I am really high strung (I think) so I think I might make mistakes if I do these things in a rush. Heh.

09-02-2006, 08:37 PM
A hard science would be biology, chemistry, and NOT political science. :p

If you are unsure, then, I would go for the degree that would give you the most opportunity to pursue what you **think** you want right now. For instance, if you were thinking that you are pretty sure you want to become a vet, then, I wouldn't major in graphic design, or, American History. Too hard to make those mesh with a heavily scienced master's or doctorate degree. If you were pretty sure you would be going into teaching, then, you are going to have to focus on educational requirments.

You mentioned something about getting out of where you are....are you simply talking about the area? Or, do you mean your particular situation with Troy? Is he mobile? Where ever you go to school, he follows? Just curious.

Heh. Yeah, I think doing one of those would be very interesting, neat, and compatible! :D

The teacher idea was just sort of a second or third choice. It's not something that I *really* want to do but if the other two weren't options then I'd think about going with it.

Yeah, the city of Shreveport. I am not fond of it here as there isn't really anything for anybody. It's got terrible crime and the like. Troy is great, though. :D He is willing to go anywhere that I want to go to school at. He is not sure what he wants to do, either. He jumps around from being an engineer/working with robotics or being a chef. Personally, I think he should go with the latter as he is the creator of many tasty things! :D