View Full Version : I don't even want to bother any more!

09-01-2006, 03:16 AM
I am so stressed out about not having a job and my difficulties in finding one. Our crock pot is completely broken (Won't heat at all) so we cannot cook our main supper (red beans and rice, hooray. :rolleyes: ). I clean the flipping apartment and it doesn't even feel nice.

I missed the dead line for applying for financial aid for the 2006-2007 school year so OUT the freakin' window that goes!

So after all is said and done there is nothing left for me to do. I am not supposed to walk around the neighborhood so I don't. I am beginning to read my last two books (Complete Encyclopedia of Cats and another). I don't know. Am I supposed to clean the WHOLE apartment EVERY day? It would give me something to do, every day, but not for any significant amount of time.

I guess the whole point of this thread was to vent my frustration. I am frustrated, freaking out, and stressed. It is becoming such a bother that my ears are constantly hurting (have a history of ear problems, though) and my jaw is always clenched so tightly (not scowling on purpose but I guess I do!) that it makes my face hurt, and just I don't know.

I want some one furry to hug but someone that is big enough that it won't bother them if they get a hug from me. :)

09-01-2006, 03:34 AM
Ok, First of all, BREATHE! Take a few deep breaths.

I am sorry about your school. That really is not good news. I am also sorry about the crock pot. Cant you just use a really big pot on the stove and make it that way? (dont ask me, I cant cook:))

And how about finding a hobby to take your mind off your trouble? Maybe take a few walks every day to clear your mind. Join a book club. Go to a park. And my best suggestion is, join a rescue group and help others in need. It really will put your hardships into perspective. Maybe even a pet rescue until you can find another job. Things will get better, just give them time. I know it is hard to see that now, and nothing anyone can say can make it better. Just remember to breath, and feel lucky to have a place where you can tell your feelings, and noone will judge you or think it is stupid. I will say a prayer for you that things get better.

*HUGS* Katie and kitties

Miss Z
09-01-2006, 03:37 AM
Angelique, I'm sorry you're feeling this way, life really bites hard sometimes. But, you know that we at PT are always hear to lend an ear and help with whatever problems you have. ((hugs)) :)

If you're feeling tense and stressed, perhaps it would be a good idea to take up something like Yoga. Whether you buy a book and learn yourself at home or join a yoga class, it can be very relaxing. Also, go to the store and buy yourself a couple of aromatherapy oils, bath scents and perhaps a candle or two, and take a nice, long, well-deserved hot bath.

I hope everything gets better from here and you'll find that job soon. ;)

09-01-2006, 10:49 AM
Oh I know how you feel! I went through the same thing 4 or 5 years ago, the company I was working for suddenly decided to close, and I was left without a job. I had a lot of trouble finding another one at the time, mostly because I was in college and my class schedule was all over the place, and I couldn't find a job that I could work around my classes. Then, just as I thought I was at my wits end, I finally found something....and I'm still here! They were flexible and let me come in around classes. You WILL find the perfect job, just don't give up.

Are you almost out of books? What kind do you read? I have lots that I have already read, if you'd be interested in any of them let me know, I'll let you know what kind I have and send you some. :)

09-01-2006, 11:26 AM
The public library is your friend! It is free, they have lots of books, and you can even read up on stuff for school for next year if you want!