View Full Version : A new tiny addition

08-22-2006, 02:29 AM
Today while I was at work I recieved a phone call from a friend of mine. Her co-worker found a kitten in the alley by her house. She said the kitten was about four weeks or that is what she thought. She had been bottle feeding it for a week but her kids are going back to school and there will be nobody to care for it for like 9 hours a day...so here is where I come in. I called the lady, Donna, and asked her if the baby's eyes were open. She said that they opened about 5 days ago and the kit just scoots, not really crawling. I told her the baby was about two weeks old and that I have two nursing mommas that may except the newbie. So Donna brings it to our home/rescue and my fiance takes over till I get home. He introduced the kit to Dottie. She is the one who is nursing four. She was nursing five, but one passed away Sunday morning. Instantly, Dottie starts to clean the baby's bottom and take control...but the baby will not nurse on her. So I am bottle feeding the baby and letting Dottie do the cleaning and potty stimulations. I am hoping the baby takes to Dottie. I noticed the baby's rear legs are a bit swollen and have no hair and when I was stimulating potty, the kit bled from the rear. I am thinking that the swelling and hair loss is from the kitten scooting on the ground outside in the heat...who knows how long it was outside alone. I don't know why it is bleeding, maybe worms. I am taking it to an emergency vet in the morning...my vet has no openings. I don't have the money, I was saving for the Lil' Dirty Dozen's vet needs, but this is much more important right now. I will keep you posted. I just hope the little kit makes it. More little thing. :(

08-22-2006, 08:11 AM
Oh Tracy you're such an angel for taking in this baby! i hope he makes it! please please keep us posted!

hang in there little kitten!

08-22-2006, 08:55 AM
Oh, I am n angel...it is just my nature to care for felines! I will update after the vet...we are leaving shortly. The animal welfare opens at ten....first come first serve.

08-22-2006, 09:19 AM
Now I am getting interested in the kitten too!!!!

You are an absolute rescue Angel indeed. I sure do hope that kitten can be repaired and takes to your Dottie right away.

08-22-2006, 08:41 PM
So, I took the baby (whom I have named Itty Bitty for now) and two of our other babies (Dottie's babies who have severe eye infections) to the vet at Animal Welfare. I sat and waited for about two hours, but finally I was seen. The two five week olds are underweight, Dottie is not taking good care of them. I have to give them baby food five to six times a day and put eye ointment on them three times a day. As for Itty Bitty...it is a boy. He is three weeks old and weighs 6 oz. Which is just right they said. They lady that found him, did well. I have to bottle feed him every three to five hours or whenever he cries for food. Dottie still stimulates the poop...so the Dr. said to keep letting her do that. His legs are raw, but the doctor is not worried, he said it may be due to crawling around outside as I thought. He said just to keep an eye on them for a couple of weeks if they get worse, bring him back. The Dr. also dewormed all three of the babies. He said that may be why Itty Bitty is bleeding from the bottom. Now, all we need to do is pray he makes it and put all our effort into this baby. The bill wasn't too bad, but it was funds towards the 12 Olney kittens...now I have to postpone altering...but it was well worth it. I will post pictures in a day or two of Itty Bitty.

08-22-2006, 11:05 PM
Oh, I am so very thank-ful that you replied about that little sweetheart!!!

You and Dottie make a wonderful team. !!!!!! ;)

I sooo look forward to seeing Itty Bitty grow up to be a beautiful cat, along the those other little kittens.

Congratulations, You are now, the Queen Mother!!!!! :D :D

08-23-2006, 01:29 AM
Oh, I am so very thank-ful that you replied about that little sweetheart!!!

You and Dottie make a wonderful team. !!!!!! ;)

I sooo look forward to seeing Itty Bitty grow up to be a beautiful cat, along the those other little kittens.

Congratulations, You are now, the Queen Mother!!!!! :D :D

I wouldn't call myself that, but Thank you. I am very worried about Dottie's four babies though. They are very underweight and weak. I syringe fed them kitty formula and spoon fed them baby food mixed with kitten food. They took it all well...slow, but well. There is just one I am particularly worried about. A little orange girl...all of her bones are easily felt and she is very weak. Pray for them please. Itty Bitty is striving though! At least there is an upside!

08-23-2006, 08:21 AM
OOOHHH, :( ,

Of course I will pray for all of Dottie's little ones!!!!!!

Especially for that poor little orange girl!!!!!

(closes eyes~~and Prays that the *LOVE* bestowed upon the lives held in your care~ will thrive ~and thus,~ Bless the Human Race with their Gift!!!)


08-23-2006, 11:42 PM
OOOHHH, :( ,

Of course I will pray for all of Dottie's little ones!!!!!!

Especially for that poor little orange girl!!!!!

(closes eyes~~and Prays that the *LOVE* bestowed upon the lives held in your care~ will thrive ~and thus,~ Bless the Human Race with their Gift!!!)


Thank you for your prayers, but....the little orange 5 week old that I was worried about passed away today. We did everything we could last night to save her. My son was so upset. I wish we could of saved her, but she was so under weight. I don't know why her mom is not taking care of them...she was for a while, then just stopped. So now me and my fiance, Dave, are taking turns feeding them every four to five hours. It is so hard with work and all...wish we had some voluteers. I just hope we can save the last three and Itty Bitty. He scared me this morning. He was so limp and breating weird. He seems better now...I am so worried.

The good news is that I made an appointment for four of the Olney kittens to be altered, vaccinated, and tested. It is on September 17...only available. They are only open Sunday to Thursday. We have to be there at 6:15 am and with the boys going to school at 8:30...I don't think I would make it. Paws is about 40 minutes (with traffic) from us. So Sunday the17th it is! The bill is going to be $195.00 USD. I have to make three appointments to get all 12 done. I thought it was going to be less...it's not. That amount times 3 is almost $600.00 USD!! Not bad for 12 kittens...but bad for my pocket book!! I will just have to spread them out a little. I hope I can get some donations for this...I will post a picture of them later tonight or tomorrow. Well, that's all for now.