View Full Version : UPDATED:Pit fighting movie out

08-20-2006, 01:53 PM
I was in the movie store last night and I saw a actual produced movie and it was pitbull fighting. No not a documentary on how its bad or anything actually pit fighting!!!!
I couldnt belive it!
I'm thinking of renting iut just to SEE what it is about but on the front it head a pictureof a pitbull and a picture under it of two bloody pits at each others necks.
I dont get how this is legal!?!?!

08-20-2006, 03:44 PM
:mad: :mad: ARGHHH! :mad:

08-20-2006, 04:47 PM
How the heck is that legal, when dog fighting is illegal??? :confused: I would find out the producers/makers of the movie and give them a long complaining e-mail! :mad: Do you know the title?

Lady's Human
08-20-2006, 05:05 PM
Dog fighting (Unfortunately) is not illegal everywhere. If the movie was made in a location that fighting is legal, there isn't a whole heck of a lot you're going to be able to do. I would, however, write a letter to the production company.

08-20-2006, 05:13 PM
:mad: :mad: How could they ! :mad: That's horrible ! :mad:

Have you people been watching the show, "when good pets go bad 2 "?

I watched it yesterday, I thought it would be funny, like they book, bad dog, with the pics of dogs with beer bottles and things. The show could make anyone horrified of animals. ( :o Sorry, people, but I actually sorta liked it. it was interesting. ) I thought it didn't give animals any credit at all. Those cases happen... How often exactly? And almost all of the animals were teased.

one clip had these clysedale horses ( they were taunted, people were throwing beer cans down at them :mad: ) and they went on a rampage through the crowd, and hurt a lot of people. ( it was at a parade )

One clip had a bull jump out of the ring in to the crowd, and attacked a whole bunch of kids. My mom cried " OMG, look at the little boy !!!" He was about 6yrs old, he got chased by the bull.

What do you people think about this show. I thought it was sort of unfair to the animals, but it was quite interesting.

08-20-2006, 05:21 PM
I believe this is the movie you're talking about...

Off the Chain - Pit Bull Underworld


"This film goes inside the belly of the beast, and the beast isn't the pit bull terrier, it's man. This is the ultimate betrayal of man's best friend. The director exposes the fastest growing crime in America -- dog fighting. "OFF THE CHAIN" is a horrifying glimpse into the world where the special relationship between man and dog has been perverted. It will grab you and shake you, and hopefully it will stir you into action."

08-20-2006, 05:47 PM
i think your right crazy_cat_lover..ive heard a few people talking about that video, i dont think i could stand to watch it though..

08-20-2006, 07:43 PM
I believe this is the movie you're talking about...

Off the Chain - Pit Bull Underworld

That is the one
I think I want to see what its all about..

08-20-2006, 07:46 PM
I think you've got it wrong. From the sounds of it, the actual movie production IS against fighting. It's about how humans are to blame, not the dog itself. The director wants to show America how horrible this "game" is.

08-20-2006, 07:49 PM
I think you've got it wrong. From the sounds of it, the actual movie production IS against fighting. It's about how humans are to blame, not the dog itself. The director wants to show America how horrible this "game" is.

I agree.

08-20-2006, 07:50 PM
, i dont think i could stand to watch it though..

me neither. :(

08-20-2006, 07:51 PM
I'd love to see it, but I don't know if I could handle it.

08-20-2006, 07:51 PM
:confused: Yes, the movie sounds good to me. I haven't seen it around, though....

08-21-2006, 09:39 AM
it sounds like the movie is against fighting. i hope the film help people learn how wrong dog fighting is.

Suki Wingy
08-21-2006, 11:17 AM
I knew it had to be anti-fighting, although you're in canada, in the usa it is illegal to even watch a staged dog fight.

08-21-2006, 11:21 AM
Could be animatronic. It's hard to tell the fakes now a days.

08-21-2006, 11:29 AM
Could be animatronic. It's hard to tell the fakes now a days.

I imagine the movie is real since pit fighting happens so much. :( Its a big money making thing for a lot of people. When I was researching pit bulls I read that some people bet up to 65 thousand dollars on the fights. :mad: The rapper DMX is into pit bull fighting. When I read that I told my son he could not play his music when I was around.

I dont think I could watch the movie. I would be in *tears* pit bulls can fight from 45 minutes up to an hour. It would make me sick to my stomach to see a pittie fight. Any dog fight for that matter.

08-21-2006, 11:36 AM
I imagine the movie is real since pit fighting happens so much. :( Its a big money making thing for a lot of people. When I was researching pit bulls I read that some people bet up to 65 thousand dollars on the fights. :mad: The rapper DMX is into pit bull fighting. When I read that I told my son he could not play his music when I was around.

I dont think I could watch the movie. I would be in *tears* pit bulls can fight from 45 minutes up to an hour. It would make me sick to my stomach to see a pittie fight. Any dog fight for that matter.

:eek: $65 000 ! :eek: .

How can someone be "in" to pit fighting ! :mad: It's like being "in" to murder. I'd hate to see what theis DMX will turn out like.... Murder? Exactly. The thought abviouslty amuses him. He likes seeing others hurt. He likes seeing them in pain. They have no choice.

:eek: When will the maddness end? sob. :(

08-21-2006, 04:02 PM
Ok. It is for the breed.

There is a guy on there who says its like his "religon" to do it.
He described everything about it.
BUT he even said that pitbulls are not agressive at all towards humans even fighting dogs.
He had a little kid.
And that he tried to say after the fight they do try and help the dogs but they cant take them to a vet for obvious reasons.
So this wack head tries to help the dog his self by hooking it up to iv and puts it on antibiotics and cleans it up...
He said since his dog won the championship she is now worth $25,000
And that one fight went on for 6 hours..:(

Its sad but a movie everyone should watch especially people against the breed.

It really dose try to show how its gotten out of hand and how good the breed really is.

Im not done watching it I will keep updating

08-21-2006, 04:07 PM
Yes, that is true. A pit bull should never show human aggression period even the fighting ones because the handler has to get in the ring with them. :(

You are brave, I dont think I could watch it. Has it shown the dogs fighting? I'm sure it probably has.

08-21-2006, 04:15 PM
Yes, that is true. A pit bull should never show human aggression period even the fighting ones because the handler has to get in the ring with them. :(

You are brave, I dont think I could watch it. Has it shown the dogs fighting? I'm sure it probably has.Ya it has. But I looked away for most of it.
There is a pit rescue group though and it so nice to see. Seeing as most shelters put any pit down.
Its sad that alot of young kids are starting fighting:(

The guy keeps saying that he dose it as a "professional sport" and that he loves the breed..I dont get some people.

The worse thing so far is they showed a pit being electricuted because it wasnt good for fighting:mad: :(

In the end they arrested the guy who they interveiwed and his dog was put to sleep 4 days later. Sadly he said he wont stop no laws will stop them from doing it.

08-21-2006, 04:20 PM
Yea, its very sad. So many young guys get pits because they think it makes them look bad ass and cool that is NO reason to own a pit bull. It is sick that young kids are getting into the fighting. Poor dogs. :(

08-21-2006, 04:42 PM
I cant wait to own one and show my mom how nice they are.

08-21-2006, 04:57 PM
I cant wait to own one and show my mom how nice they are.

Your planning on getting one someday? Good for you! You will love them. Ebony has to be one of the sweetest dogs ever. She sure helped change my moms mind about pit bulls.

08-21-2006, 05:11 PM
Ebony is one of my favs!

I plan on adopting though.There was a little red girl at the shelter a couple months ago. She was soo sweet but I couldnt get my mom to come in and look cause she was holding Tedd.
I want her to see how great they are.

08-21-2006, 05:46 PM
Ebony is one of my favs!

I plan on adopting though.There was a little red girl at the shelter a couple months ago. She was soo sweet but I couldnt get my mom to come in and look cause she was holding Tedd.
I want her to see how great they are.

Thank you! I think Ebony is pretty special myself. She really is a good girl, you would love her. One day I will adopt a pittie from a shelter thousands need homes. It breaks my heart. :(

08-21-2006, 07:20 PM
Ya it has. But I looked away for most of it.
There is a pit rescue group though and it so nice to see. Seeing as most shelters put any pit down.
Its sad that alot of young kids are starting fighting:(

The guy keeps saying that he dose it as a "professional sport" and that he loves the breed..I dont get some people.

The worse thing so far is they showed a pit being electricuted because it wasnt good for fighting:mad: :(

In the end they arrested the guy who they interveiwed and his dog was put to sleep 4 days later. Sadly he said he wont stop no laws will stop them from doing it.

OK, Now this guy has got me pi$$ed. I mean, he loves the breed, so why not force it to endure certain death? :mad: A "profesional sport" murdering god's children. Man's best friend... Oh, I can tell.

I love the breed.

Dear Pittie fighters,

You do not love the breed. PTers love the breed, and you don't see us fighting them. WE love them.... Someone has to. :(

I still don't belive people. It's like me, saying I love Jenny. So I force her to change her gentleness just so that I can fight her against other doigs. Pitties are gentle, they don't want to fight. Me, I love Jenny, so lets gave her fight another dog, shall we. Oh, yes it's a great Sport.

Sorry if this post is difficult to understand, It's hard to put these dreadful thoughts into words.

08-21-2006, 07:31 PM
Thanks alot stupid owners for "loving" your dogs and giving them a bad rep. :(

08-21-2006, 07:58 PM
I'm afraid I wouldn't even waste my money on it!!!

08-21-2006, 08:09 PM
I cant wait to own one and show my mom how nice they are.

Same here. Jadapit, you have made me love pitbulls! :D

08-21-2006, 08:17 PM
I cant wait to own one and show my mom how nice they are.

sometimes owning a pittie can change people. both my parents hated pit bulls until Juicy came along. he prooved to them that pits are great dogs by protecting us and being such a big luvable lug! :D

08-22-2006, 07:04 AM
I'm afraid I wouldn't even waste my money on it!!!:confused: why

08-22-2006, 07:25 AM
Could you guys ever own a retierd fighter, if one came your way?

Sorry, Pittie lovers, but I honestly don't think I could. :o It would just scare me. I've heard that they are gentle breeds, but the thought might keep me up at night. :o I don't think I could own a Presa Canario either.

I don't know why. Here are some thoughts as to why I don't like them as much as some other breeds:

-Maybe I'm just not into the "muscular" look.

-I've never had one before. ( or even seen one in real-life )

-I like being able to "phisically" control my dog if nessecairy.

Once again, Sorry any Pittie/Canario lovers that might be offended by this. I wanted to know the answer to the question, but didn't want to lie about the answer. :o

08-22-2006, 08:01 AM
Could you guys ever own a retierd fighter, if one came your way?

Sorry, Pittie lovers, but I honestly don't think I could. :o It would just scare me. I've heard that they are gentle breeds, but the thought might keep me up at night. :o I don't think I could own a Presa Canario either.

I don't know why. Here are some thoughts as to why I don't like them as much as some other breeds:

-Maybe I'm just not into the "muscular" look.

-I've never had one before. ( or even seen one in real-life )

-I like being able to "phisically" control my dog if nessecairy.

Once again, Sorry any Pittie/Canario lovers that might be offended by this. I wanted to know the answer to the question, but didn't want to lie about the answer. :o

That is not possible, sadly. Humane Societys, ASPCA, and shelters often go in to the get these dogs, but it isn't possible to put them up for adoption, really. They are put to sleep right away, but a investigation undergoes. They are put to sleep because they will try to attack every dog on the street, everything looks like a fight to them. This isn't their fault, it's the idiots who fought them. These dogs are VERY loyal and only want to please, so the guy teaches them to fight and that's what he shows makes him happy, so they do it. It's a very sad fact, but its true. :(

08-22-2006, 08:30 AM
GreyhoundGirl- Don't be sorry for your answers! They are YOUR answers and you are allowed to answer them anyway you wish! We all have our special breeds that we love and will always love!
If anyone were given the chance (somehow) I would own a retired fighter. They would have to only own that dog and no others (something I could not do!) And having to keep the dog away from the public where other dogs may be. It would be so hard, but it would be possible! The owner would have to have the dog register with their county maybe?
I'd love to help a retired fighter, but I think maybe the rest of their lives need to be spent in peace at the bridge after having such a hard start to life.
Then they can start their lives all over again! :D Maybe they are then reincarnated as Yorkies or Shih Tzu's! Then they can have a taste of the good life and be spoiled rotten and carried everywhere!! :D
(okay.. that post got away from me... sorry! :o )

08-22-2006, 11:52 AM
I agree. There was a rescue shown on the video that had pits that were seized from the ring or retired. They fully evaluate them in all ways possible.And alot of them are fine with other dogs. Usually the reason the dog will be "discarded" is because they are too loving and wont fight

08-22-2006, 12:37 PM
People just make me sick :mad: Dog fighters are just fooling themselves if they say such oulandish things like "I love the breed". That is complete BS! :mad: Why not turn the tables on them, and make them fight other fighting people and see how they like it??

Sadly, where I live, there is a LOT of dog fighting going on. :( The year I was volunteering at my local shelter, we had so many fighting dogs and bait dogs come in. I felt so sad for the bait dogs. They were always so scarred on their faces and ears, but oh so sweet. :( Luckily, those dogs were pretty easy to adopt out. Unfortunately, we always had to put the fighting dogs down. When I say the fighting dogs were scary, they were scary. :( It's just sick that some people can do such a thing to an animal...turn it into a monster. The people are the real monsters though.

Another time when I was at the shelter, some guy had the nerve to waltz in and ask "do you have any unaltered pit bulls?" WTF??? :mad: I had to leave that area because I would have just gone off. I let the shelter employees handle him.

I really do hate people sometimes...

08-22-2006, 10:17 PM
and make them fight other fighting people and see how they like it??
Being the type of people they are and who do that. They usually bring knives and guns and willl usually glady stab/shoot a person who dares to dissagree so not only is it ruining a great breed,putting out bad media,hurtiong the animals,they are also killing of people(maybe people who deserve to die because they fight pits) but killing another person non the less.