View Full Version : Hip Dysplasia((UPDATE))

08-19-2006, 09:38 AM
Do any of your dogs have it? I think Runner has it. :(

She's always acting like she's cautious about her hind. She has trouble sometimes getting up on the couch or the car. No whimpering tho.

And she's always sitting on one side of her hip. I've seen her sit normal once for 30 seconds, then fall back onto one side. With one of her legs beneath her.

I am calling the Vet first thing on Monday. For that and other health checkups.

He didn't even have to take exrays. He could see it and feel it. He gave me a prescription for pain meds. Keep Runner in your prayers and thoughts. She's only 3. Lets hope these work and make her feel better.

08-19-2006, 10:02 AM
My daughters' German Sheperd, Hexay, has mild hip dysplasia.

I took her to a Vet in June. The x-ray revealed mild erosion.

After changing her diet and giving her suppliments, she is doing much better. She hd to loose come weight!! :eek:

08-19-2006, 10:06 AM
I dont' think Runner is overweight, and shes a small dog. But maybe her diet will help. I was going to try raw. HOpefully that will help/

Cinder & Smoke
08-19-2006, 10:19 AM
And she's always sitting on one side of her hip.

Hmmm ...

Smokey suffered from a Luxating Patella -aka "trick knee" - for quite a while
till he learned how to manage it and I fed him enough Vet-suggested Glucosamine
to lubricate the knee.

But to this day he "sits Phunny" :( ...
the Bum Knee leg is almost always splayed out to the side, almost as a side brace,
and the "good leg" is centered under his rump.

You might ask the Vet to check his knees (Runner's knees). :p

08-21-2006, 09:46 AM
I am sorry I have no personal experience with hip displaysia itself but I have experienced many other joint, muscle, ligament, etc.. problems.
She could have something as major as displaysia but it could be something as simple as anal gland problems. I am sure your vet will be of more help. I would also contact the rescue organization (IF I remember correctly that's where you got her???), they may have more information on her health that they didn't share with you for one reason or another and they actually *may* help you with some of the vet fees.
I wish yous the best of luck at the vets. Please keep us posted. {{hugs}} to you all!

08-21-2006, 10:38 AM
She's goin to vet today.. I asked foster earlier if she had any problems and she said.. no.. she didn't notice anything..

But theres obviously something. She just wasn't paying close enough attention.

One of the ladys that adopted her at first, took her back because she wouldn't jogwith her :mad:

08-21-2006, 12:42 PM
update in first post

08-21-2006, 12:46 PM
He didn't even have to take exrays. He could see it and feel it. He gave me a prescription for pain meds. Keep Runner in your prayers and thoughts. She's only 3. Lets hope these work and make her feel better.

Did the Vet offer any surgical options to fix her hip?

08-21-2006, 12:48 PM
nope. He said it's worse in her right one. He just gave me pain meds for right now to see if it helps. And if it doesn't then we'll try something else. I'm googling about it.

08-21-2006, 12:55 PM
I feel so bad for poor Runner!!!

I hope his pain medication helps him feel a lot better. What did your Vet prescribe for the pain? The Vet that I took Hexay to told me to give her over the counter Buffered Aspiren. :confused:

I'll keep Runner in my thoughts.

08-21-2006, 01:17 PM
I've never dealt with hip dysplasia, Visa has awesome hips, she had her hips X-rayed and sent in to OFA earlier this year. Would've gotten an Excellent rating if she wasn't laying in such a poor position, but she got a Good rating and that's good enough for me!

I give her Glucosamine and shark cartilage supplements. You might want to give them a try. :)

08-21-2006, 01:25 PM
A bit of glucosamine wouldn't hurt. Natural pet stores usually have some available but the cheapest option is going to the pharmacy and picking up some human pills. I just break open the pills and mix the powder in their meat. I took Kai in to a holistic vet because lately he's been having trouble clearing jumps in agility. She said it may be hip dysplasia, but we still need to do xrays to confirm it. She gave us a blend of yucca, glucosamine and devil's claw (all help with joints I believe). It's too soon to notice a difference in him but I've been giving Kaedyn glucosamine everyday for the past three months because he's starting to act his age and act stiff around the joints. I've definitely noticed less limping.

08-21-2006, 01:45 PM
He gave Rimadyl

She's already a lil more active :)

08-21-2006, 03:53 PM
I am so happy that Runner is improving. He needed some relief for the pain .

How long will Runner have to take this?? Did your Vet suggest any joint suppliments?

Just wondering ;)

08-21-2006, 04:09 PM
Be careful of Rimadyl because it can cause liver problems. I've had 5 dogs with hip problems and 4 of them had to be put to sleep because of it. They all got to the point that they would lay down and were unable to get up. It broke my heart over and over to send them to the Rainbow Bridge but I could let the suffer any more. With my last dog, I crushed up 1 buffered aspirin and one glucosamine/chrondroitan with her morning feeding and it greatly relieved her problem. She lived one year longer that expected and finally developed cancer.
Best of luck in treating your dog.

08-21-2006, 04:10 PM
Be careful of Rimadyl because it can cause liver problems. I've had 5 dogs with hip problems and 4 of them had to be put to sleep because of it. They all got to the point that they would lay down and were unable to get up. It broke my heart over and over to send them to the Rainbow Bridge but I could let the suffer any more. With my last dog, I crushed up 1 buffered aspirin and one glucosamine/chrondroitan with her morning feeding and it greatly relieved her problem. She lived one year longer that expected and finally developed cancer to which I had to, once again, send her to the Rainbow Bridge.
Best of luck in treating your dog. God bless!!

08-21-2006, 04:12 PM
nope he didnt. But I'm sure I can find somethingfor her. All your suggestions sounds great.

Should I get her a more energenic doggie to play with her ?

On top of walking her for her excercise. It says a lot of excercise is good to build up muscle and stuff. She's very calm which is probably due to pain.

08-21-2006, 04:19 PM
I am glad that someone mentioned the reported side affects from this pain medication for dogs.

I read a post awhile ago about the dangerous side affects from the prolonged use of Rimadyl, and, cautioned my son when their Ver precribed this for their Chihuahua. Here is a link that I found.

I don't want to scare the snot out of you, because I know that Runner has been in such horrible pain, and, you were a responsible Mommy too.

I am just concerned. I have read so many sad stories about dogs that died of liver or kidney failure after prolonged use of Rimadyl.

I hope Runner gets to "Running" soon!!!


08-21-2006, 05:13 PM
I think I'll just use what I have now, and research for better more natural.

08-21-2006, 05:28 PM