View Full Version : Shiba Inus?

08-17-2006, 09:30 PM
Hi everyone, I am new to this site. I really want to get a Shiba Inu, but I only know what I have read online about them. I have a 13 month old daughter, and I need a dog that's going to be good with kids. Can anyone help me about with this? I just want to know what it is like to actually own a Shiba. Thanks

08-17-2006, 11:10 PM
I Don't Know A Lot About Them, But The Ones I Know Are Kinda Mean And Prone To Nipping. But Just The Couple That I Am Familiar With.

08-17-2006, 11:16 PM
Well first of welcome to pet talk! I hope you enjoy it here. I think mostly everybody here will say please adopt. There are hundreads of homeless healthy animals being put to sleep everyday. www.petfinder.org is a great place to start your serch for the right dog. I personally don't see much point of getting a purebred unless you are going to be showing or doing some kind of sport with a dog, and even if you are going to do a sport you can do it with mixed breeds. With going to petfider you can even find shiba inus or mixes on there. :) Good luck with your search.

08-18-2006, 10:30 PM
yeah. I am afaide to adopt because I have a baby and older dogs can be unpredictable. Other wise I would.

08-19-2006, 09:52 AM
There are tons of puppies and young VERY trainable dogs at shelters!
Not all dogs at shelters are old.
If you are looking for a family dog, a Shiba is not for you.
They are very independant and are not easily trained because they tend to be hard headed.
What size dog do you have in mind?
20lbs? 50lbs? 90lbs?
How big is your yard?

08-20-2006, 12:59 PM
I like the way shiba's look and that they are medium dogs. They feel so awesome. But yes like i said I don't know much about them. After readying the post my peers put down. I changed my mind. I love German Shepherds. I might just want to go with a shepherd. I know alot about them, and they are good with kids. As long as they are trained. I could go to the shelters to look for one they probably have pups there. They are really popular here in Maine.

08-20-2006, 06:17 PM
I heartily approve of getting a shepherd from the shelter. My very first dog was an adult Shepherd mix, my family got her when I was a toddler. Sheba was the best, smartest dog in the whole wide world, protected us when we were not even aware of needing to be protected, taught me a lot about the world, including to look both ways before I crossed a street, and was, above all, my friend.

08-20-2006, 09:11 PM
aww that is sweet!

08-20-2006, 09:21 PM
I just wanted to say pitc9 I love your Shepherds.They are beautiful!

08-21-2006, 12:23 AM
I don't know much about Shibas, but, from what I've heard, they are NOT the type of dogs to tolerate a 13 month-old's poking and prodding. Shibas are independant, cat-like dogs. Therefore, I must disagree with DIANESDOGS. While Shibas are loyal and affectionate with their own family, they are often aloof with strangers and can be aggressive with other dogs. This does not, however, mean they are "kinda mean" and nip other people for no apparent reason. Only poorly raised dogs do that.

Shibas aren't often recommended for first-time dog owners so if you are, I'd suggest you contact a reputable breeder before you make a decision. Chances are they'll probably talk you out of one because, though small in stature, Shibas have a lot of spunk and they're often too much for young children/first-time owners. Please check out the Shiba Inu's Club of America:

09-18-2006, 04:56 PM
If you REALLY want to get an idea of what the Shiba Inu personality is like, I HIGHLY recommend these 2 websites:



The 2nd site is quite funny, but believe me, every word is very true.

Shiba Inus are very unique - I have one and I organize a Meetup Group for them, so I have met SEVERAL of them - each one is different and the same. I've met some that are great with kids, however I also do rescue for them in our area and the #1 reason these dogs are given up are because of families with young children. Either no time or the dog has snapped at the child (for various reasons).

You said you have a 13 yr old. To get a Shiba involves a lot of work and commitment and patience and a sense of humour. I don't have children, so all I can tell you is what I know. You would need to really look at how your son or daughter behaves towards other dogs. A very mature 13 yr old might do just fine.

In fact, I know of a 12 yr old girl that adopted a rescue Shiba (I think he is 5 yrs old or so) and that dog listens better to her than to her father!

It's not a matter of one person in the family being Top Dog - the entire family must be Top Dog and the Shiba MUST know that.

They are wonderful dogs, but they are very intelligent, which can be good and bad.

All I can say is please do plenty of research on any breed you are interested in and try your hardest to make THE PERFECT match for your family and the dog.

Toronto Shiba Inu Meetup
Shiba Rescue GTA