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View Full Version : Ouch

08-15-2006, 09:58 AM
Ok, I really don't mean to drag attention to myself, I just felt like posting, lol. Anyway, I was at my dad's softball game lastnight, and me, my cousin, my friend, her sister, her sister's friend, my brother and his friend were behind the fence waiting for balls to be hit over the fence. My friend's sister's friend accidentally threw the ball at my cousin's nose...she really didn't mean to! Then my friend's sister's friend went and sat somewhere else, and so did my friend's sister. Then, I said "show me how hard she threw the ball, so I know what it felt like". Well, I should not have said that. My cousin threw it hard, and I missed the ball. Rather than catching it in my glove, I caught it on my left eyebrow. It hurt!!! And still hurts! It is all red and swollen. It even looks like I have a lazy eye because it being swollen lowers down my eyelid, lol! I know that my cousin didn't mean to because on the way back to the stands, he said sorry to me at least three times. I am not mad at him at all, it was my fault!

You guys really don't need to reply to this at all! I just felt like posting it! I better go get some ice.

Pawsitive Thinking
08-15-2006, 10:01 AM
Ever wish you hadn't said anything? Owwww!

08-15-2006, 10:11 AM
Ever wish you hadn't said anything? Owwww!

Yupp, I just had to open my big mouth to my cousin, didn't I? :p It really was all my fault, because if I wouldn't have asked him to throw it to me, it wouldn't have happened!

08-15-2006, 10:25 AM

I sure do hope that your elbow is alright!!!! Soft ball injuries can be pretty serious.

Sorry you asked, I know. And I do hope you're alright. ;)

Toby's my baby
08-15-2006, 10:55 AM
Ouch!! You should never have opened your big mouth! ;) :p jk

My best friend was at softball practice this spring, and the coach was hitting balls out so they could catch them. The ball was comming my friends way, and it hit the top of her glove and then hit her in the mouth. :eek: Blood poured out of her mouth and nose, and they brought her to the emergency room. She was O.K, but she ended up having to go the the dentist and the orthodontist to fix her teeth and her braces. She also had a concussion (sp?). I'm glad she is ok, but she wasn't the prettiest girl for a while ;) :p

08-15-2006, 12:52 PM
Ouch!! You should never have opened your big mouth! ;) :p jk

My best friend was at softball practice this spring, and the coach was hitting balls out so they could catch them. The ball was comming my friends way, and it hit the top of her glove and then hit her in the mouth. :eek: Blood poured out of her mouth and nose, and they brought her to the emergency room. She was O.K, but she ended up having to go the the dentist and the orthodontist to fix her teeth and her braces. She also had a concussion (sp?). I'm glad she is ok, but she wasn't the prettiest girl for a while ;) :p

OUCH! I'm glad she's ok now! Thanks to everyone! :)

08-15-2006, 01:05 PM
Ouch.. that must hurt. :eek: I would put ice on it though Hope you feel better soon:)

08-15-2006, 06:12 PM
Thank you, I_luv_rusty! :)