View Full Version : I am Hooked!!!!

critter crazy
08-12-2006, 12:34 PM
I have recently started watching The Dog Wispere with Cesear Millan on the national geographic channel, and i am hooked!! he is just awsome!! what does everyone else think of him????

08-12-2006, 12:35 PM
I guess he's okay. But didn't I hear that he forced a dog to go onto a tread mill or something? Not sure if I'm correct or not but I think I am.

08-12-2006, 12:40 PM
i love him, i think he is great..not everyone thinks so though, many people dont like what he does..i see absolutly nothing wrong with him or his methods, im not saying hes always right, no ones perfect..but i love him

08-12-2006, 12:41 PM
I like him a lot, I've got a lot of episodes on my TiVo just waiting for me to watch them. I really enjoy them and I'm getting better at being calm and assertive and it really does make a difference. I won't say I agree with all of his views/opinions because I don't know a whole lot about him at this time. He's quite a cutie too. haha

critter crazy
08-12-2006, 12:41 PM
Now i realize this is T.V. and things are always different than real life, but he seems to genuinely know how to read the dog, adn anticipate and stop their bad behavior. I dont know anything about the treadmill thing, but i have yet to see him use one. I am very curious about everyones opinions on Cesear.:)

08-12-2006, 12:54 PM
I like him a lot! I have learned a lot by watching his show. Last weekend they aired a lot of his shows. He was talking about some of his past guests and how they were doing. It was intresting. He was also talking about some of the dogs that live in his pack. He has Will Smiths dog a lot, he's a cute little guy.

Awhile back someone on here was talking about the pit bull "Daddie" I think it was Lute. She was wondering why Daddie wasn't fixed. He doesn't belong to Cesar, the rapper Redman owns him he stays with Cesar a lot though. He's been with him since he was 4 months old. That's probably why he isnt fixed since he doesn't belong to Cesar.

I think anyone that can take pit bulls that were used for fighting and rehabiliate them to live in a pack with each other is amazing. I really like the pittie "Popeye" He lost his eye fighting. Cesar was saying last weekend the things most important things to him in life are his family and his dogs. :)

critter crazy
08-12-2006, 01:07 PM
I just watched another show of his, and he took a pitt/shepard mix that was very aggressive and brought him to his home to interact with his pack and it was just amazing!! I think he has a very good training method and it does seem to work! He trains the owner, more than the dog! we are always saying "it is not the dog, but the owner" and he is fixing that!! I am going to start using his methods! i love it!!

08-12-2006, 01:29 PM
I think there is a serious danger to his shows. Yes, what he does works for him. Yes, HE can read dogs very well. The show doesn't tell the viewrs or the owners how to read these same dogs. Some of these dogs could be very dangerous. I also think that him making it look so easy gives the avearge dog owner with a serious problem, a false sense of "Oh, I can do this." When in reality, I am sure his shows are filmed over several days and we see what looks like a matter of an hour or two condensed. The only technique I have seem him advocate on his show is that of pack leader. As useful as that concept is, it is not the end all be all of dog training. There is NO WAY the average person should ever step between a dog aggressive or person aggressive dog while that dog is stimmed. It is just a recipe for disaster.

I think Ceaser really has a lot to offer to the doggie world. However, I do not like the avenue or tactics he has used to sell his training. Many dog trainers who have been in the business for many years have very similiar views as I have stated.

I have seen the treadmill used on his programs a couple of times. Using a treadmill for a dog is illegal in some states (like Louisiana). I believe it is illegal because of the implication of training dogs for fighting. Other then that, I have no opinion. I would imagine, it could be a good exercise device IF a person knew the appropriate way to train a dog to use it safely.

08-12-2006, 03:01 PM
I guess he's okay. But didn't I hear that he forced a dog to go onto a tread mill or something? Not sure if I'm correct or not but I think I am.

Someone brought a lawsuit againt Cesar's company, not Cesar himself, claiming his dog had been injured while on a treadmill, theoretically under the supervision of one of Cesar's employees.

That made a splash in the news, though I do not know if the case has come to trial or not.

I have seen Cesar use a treadmill with a dog on his TV show, but he says to alway, always watch carefully. It is useful for someone with a high-energy dog that cannot walk the dog much for whatever reason. At first Cesar walked on the treadmill with the dog, then the dog walked by himself, but was always supervised.