View Full Version : Meet my new Bunny!!!!

critter crazy
08-11-2006, 09:37 AM
over the last couple of days, I have been building my rabbit Buttercup a outdoor Hutch!well after i was done, i realized it was quite roomy(i can lay down in it!) So I decided that it was the perfect time to get her a companion! so yesterday we came home with a 7week old baby bunny, we have called Sugar! so without further adu! here she is, Sugar!!

08-11-2006, 09:56 AM
She is so cute.She looks so small next to Buttercup.

08-11-2006, 10:14 AM
Awww what a cutie. :D

What a nice brown colour too.

critter crazy
08-11-2006, 10:14 AM
Buttercup is just about a year old, and Sugar is only 7 weeks! they sure are cute together and get along great!!! Cant wait to see Sugar get bigger, i cant tell if she will have longer hair or not. she definitely has longer hair than buttercup!

08-11-2006, 11:52 AM
;) Aweee what pretty babies & so adorable ..

08-11-2006, 12:38 PM
Where is the cuteness warning!

Too adorable for words!

Aspen and Misty
08-11-2006, 02:25 PM
OMG She is adorable!! Such a cute little baby.

On a side note - I hope you properly bonded the two rabbits before leaving them alone together as, even if it seems like it's impossible or that Buttercup wouldn't do it, Buttercup could kill sugar. My rabbit Jaxom has been sent to the vets office twice for emergency visits because of Julian. I didn't think that Julian would ever do such a thing, and they seemed to get along great, then all of the sudden I'm rushing Jaxom to the vet to get stitches. Bunny bonding isn't pretty or easy.


critter crazy
08-11-2006, 02:36 PM
OMG She is adorable!! Such a cute little baby.

On a side note - I hope you properly bonded the two rabbits before leaving them alone together as, even if it seems like it's impossible or that Buttercup wouldn't do it, Buttercup could kill sugar. My rabbit Jaxom has been sent to the vets office twice for emergency visits because of Julian. I didn't think that Julian would ever do such a thing, and they seemed to get along great, then all of the sudden I'm rushing Jaxom to the vet to get stitches. Bunny bonding isn't pretty or easy.


well they spent all of yesterday afternoon, and night on either sides of a cage together getting used to each other, then this morning we placed them together for a trial run, and they got along famously. I have been checking on them every hour or so, and they seem fine. I will however be watching them for a while, just to make sure.:)

08-11-2006, 05:20 PM
OMG She is adorable!! Such a cute little baby.

On a side note - I hope you properly bonded the two rabbits before leaving them alone together as, even if it seems like it's impossible or that Buttercup wouldn't do it, Buttercup could kill sugar. My rabbit Jaxom has been sent to the vets office twice for emergency visits because of Julian. I didn't think that Julian would ever do such a thing, and they seemed to get along great, then all of the sudden I'm rushing Jaxom to the vet to get stitches. Bunny bonding isn't pretty or easy.

I agree I would be petrafied that my bunny would kill a baby...
She wont be long haired youd be able to tell by now she is fluffier because Buttercup is a Rex so she has way shorter fur.
She will just have normal length fur.
I would seperate them at night just to be safe

congrads shes cute