View Full Version : Congrats-and-Thanks for Spay/Neutering !!!

08-08-2006, 12:06 PM
I thought it would be a good idea to do a congrats and thanks for everyone whos dog is spayed or neutered. You can also say ( if you know ) if S/he was spay/neutered before first litter. If you breed, than it doesn't matter. We should start one for cats too. As there are many more cats in shelters than dogs. :(

Don't litter, spay/neuter your pet ! ;)

I'll start:

Spayed at 6 months

08-08-2006, 12:30 PM
all my dogs were fixed before 6 months. :) Miagi ( my cat) was fixed a few weeks after we got him and Tiger (my cat) was already fixed when we got him. :)

08-08-2006, 01:20 PM
None of my pets have ever had litters (except for a few I rescued/fostered and were found already pregnant, but were spayed asap) and they were all spayed or neutered at the age of 6 months or before (or in Nanooks case as soon as we adopted him at 8 months of age) with the exception of Kaige. he is not neutered YET, just a few more months to let his bones & joints grow properly & he'll be getting the big snip. Don't worry though, we keep a close eye on him & he will NOT be bred.

08-08-2006, 01:26 PM
Brutus my Smooth Collie is nuetered
Kandie my Sable Female is Spayed
Viktor my 4 mos old puppy (who is for sale) is still intact
And of Course Steele my Stud Smooth blue merle rough is still intact for the conformation ring. And of course he models for PetsMart Stores.


08-08-2006, 01:40 PM
Shadow was spayed before her first heat

Mini was spayed after her first litter :(

Jack and Micki were both neutered before the age of 3 months

Kyra is intact...and she will NOT be bred. We haven't found a place thats willing to do the surgery on her. If its up to my mom she will probably always be intact because of the (little) risk that's involved with putting her under.

08-08-2006, 01:48 PM
Star was spayed at 8 months. It would have been done sooner, but she had a grade 4-5 heart murmur that needed surgery first.

Wilbur was neutered at 3 years old, which was when the rescue found him.

08-08-2006, 02:07 PM
I am trying to study (even more) on Chihuahua conformation. I would really love to show Spanky but I don't think it's an option at this time. If I don't, then she will be spayed by her first birthday.

08-08-2006, 02:13 PM
Roxy was spayed at 8 months when she was adopted from the shelter. Some people in my family think she may have had a litter of puppies before though.

Lily will be spayed as soon as the time comes. She's 10 months old on the 13th of August.

Toby's my baby
08-08-2006, 04:17 PM
Maggie was spayed at about 5 1/2 months, and Autumn was spayed as soon as we "removed" her from her previous home when she was about 6 months or so. :)

08-08-2006, 05:19 PM
Cuddles(cat) spayed at 6 months
Belle (cat) spayed at 6 months
Winchester(dog) neutered at 6 months
Lou Lou not yet, she will be before she turns one(10-18-2006), she was schedule, then went into heat, then we wanted to wait a few months to get her spayed. She was on leash at all times while in heat to prevent any accidents from any roaming dogs. We will never breed any of our animals, any future animals will be from shelters too! :)

08-08-2006, 07:32 PM
Beanie was neutered when we got him. Gracie was spayed after she retired from the show ring. Ocean is being neutered as i type this.

08-08-2006, 07:55 PM
Chloe was spayed at 1 year old, after her first heat,
Malakai will be neutered at 2-3 years of age when hes full grown.

08-09-2006, 09:11 AM
Come on ! More than 11 PT pets have been spayed or neutered. We wanna hear from you !!!! Congrats and thanks for all those so far who have spayed or neutered. :D

08-09-2006, 09:56 AM
Maggie spayed at 6 months.
Sarah, intact, but will be spayed in another month or so. She is 5 months now.
Bucky, intact, but will be neutered in a few months. He is 4 months old.
Gandolf, cat, neutered at 6 months.

08-09-2006, 10:00 AM
Molly- spayed at around 8 or 9 months, after her first heat
Astra- spayed at 6 months, before her first heat.
Prince- just recently neutered :o

08-09-2006, 10:01 AM
Sassy was spayed about 3 months after we got her. She was 8 weeks when we got her so that means she was about 5 months old. All of my dogs/cats in the future will be spayed to. Star is a bird so she can't be spayed.

08-09-2006, 10:04 AM
All 3 cats and all 3 dogs fixed. Tyson the longest before being done 8 months old (just had gotten him) Lady and Dugan were done when we got them. Winky (17yrold ) was done at 8months. Ebony at 6months when she wondered in . Tupkin 12yrs done before we adopted here.

Suki Wingy
08-09-2006, 03:54 PM
Niņo was neutered at the shelter a few weeks before we met him, (6-8 months) but even if he wasn't he wold have been before leaving the shelter. It's their good policy. :)
Oslo the bunny will never be neutered because he is a show bunny and hopefully the begining of my rabbitry.

08-09-2006, 04:10 PM
Niņo was neutered at the shelter a few weeks before we met him, (6-8 months) but even if he wasn't he wold have been before leaving the shelter. It's their good policy. :)
Oslo the bunny will never be neutered because he is a show bunny and hopefully the begining of my rabbitry.

That's the policy at the one I get Jenny at too. :) But she was spayed by her previous owners anyways. :)

I've never heard of a rabbitry, Is it like a breeder for rabbits?

A question: Do you prefer to alter dogs before their first heat, or after?

I prefer before.

My Peanuts
08-09-2006, 05:05 PM
All 4 dogs are fixed.

Sylvia was done at about 11months old. The vet said to do it at about 9 months, but she went into heat so we had to wait. I would have prefer before her heat and if I had it to do all over again she would have been spayed at 6 months old. She has never had a litter.

Harley was done the day we adopted him. He was 1 year old.

Morty was done before we got him when he was living with the foster mom. Morty was about 11 months when he was neutered.

Jimmy was done 6 months after he was rescued. He had heartworms and we couldn't do the surgery until he tested negative. Jimmy was 3 years old when he was neutered.

As far as I know, the boys never fathered any litters. Jimmy was on the streets unfixed for years, so I would think he's a daddy. They have NEVER fathered any litters while they were with us. It felt so good after Jimmy was fixed. All of them were done! :)

08-09-2006, 05:08 PM
All of my boys are neutered except my new boy, Snoopy. He goes in on Friday! And both of my cats are fixed as well!

Neutered pets not only help with over pet population, but they honestly do make BETTER pets!

08-09-2006, 11:53 PM
All my animals have been spayed/neutered.
Duke: neutered at 6 months

08-10-2006, 12:30 AM
Nebo was neutered at 4 months. He's the only dog I've personally been responsible for and paid to have it done.

Sydney was spayed when my sister had her...she was still a pup, I'd say around 6 months or earlier.

Reggie was not neutered until after we got Nebo (and no we did not breed him or let him roam my parents just didn't understand the need to do it...they have since learned) I think that would make him about 9 years old when it was done.

My pets will always been spayed/neutered.

08-10-2006, 01:05 AM
Tango was spayed at 7 months, much sooner than I'd have liked. Tia was spayed at 6 months, Morgan at 10 weeks (which IMO is waaay too young), and Winston was neutered at 6 1/2 years (before we adopted him).

I prefer to spay dogs after their first heat and my age preference is around 18 months or so to allow for proper growth and development. All of my future dogs will be spayed after their first heats, and somewhere between this age if I'm not showing them. If I ever have another male, the same age will apply.

08-10-2006, 01:16 AM
Rusty is neutered, not sure how old he was when he got neutered. But he was neutered when we got him when he was around 3,4 years old. :p

08-10-2006, 11:53 AM
Neutered pets not only help with over pet population, but they honestly do make BETTER pets!

I agree ! :)

08-10-2006, 12:11 PM
Jasper is about three, and he was neutered about nine days ago by the shelter. :)

08-10-2006, 12:12 PM
Both mine were spayed and neutered at 5 months. :)

08-19-2006, 04:54 PM
BUMP. I really hope more people than that are spay/neutering. ;)

08-19-2006, 05:04 PM
I *think* Sadie was spayed at 6 months, but I'm not completley sure.
Rita will be spayed, just need to make an appointment. Although... I would love to show her.

08-19-2006, 05:34 PM
Frisk was neutered... at 6 mos, I believe.
Ethan was neutered at 1 year old, by the rescue organization.
Skylar was neutered at 4 months before he came home from the Humane Society.

The only dogs in the house that isn't fixed is Danny, and he will be once he's a bit older.

All of my future dogs & cats will be fixed, also^^.

08-19-2006, 06:00 PM
Daisy was spayed at 6 months.
Thanks to everyone who has had their pets spayed or neutered. :D *applause*

08-19-2006, 07:15 PM
Gonzo was neutered when he was about 1 1/2 years old. I wanted to wait for him to "mature", and he was also quite underweight when he was under 1 year old.

Fozzie will be neutered on Thursday! Which makes him almost 6 months old.

08-20-2006, 09:42 AM
all spayed /neutered. My cats were all neutered at about 5 or 6 months. Star was spayed before her first heat - our vet thought it was better than waiting. Sherman was not neutered till he was 18 months old- when we adopted him from his breeders. i think they waited till their dogs matured before spaying/neutering. When my son's year-old husky came to stay till we could find him a new home, he was neutered before being adopted out.

08-20-2006, 10:13 AM
Skipper was nuetered.... George and Fred are nuetered... and timber will be getting nuetered when he's like 6 months old... and my hamster isn't spayed obiously...lol. but yeah i think its a rele rele good idea to spay and nueter!

08-20-2006, 10:19 AM
All of my pets, 3 cats and 2 dogs are neutered. 2 of the cats were shelter animals, my 2 dogs are rescues and 1 cat is a gift to replace a cat that died.
My vet bill over the years has been high, over $13,000 in 22 years but I consider it money well invested in my personal happiness and my pets health and well-being.
Labmomma X 2 :)

08-20-2006, 02:11 PM
Bailey will be neutered when he's 12-18 months old.