View Full Version : Pool Pooch

08-06-2006, 02:22 PM

Not sure if anyone can help me here. Our park district is having a 'pool day' for the town dogs. It says all dogs are welcome and I was considering taking Bailey. If you were another owner there and saw a dog in a diaper what would your reaction be? My mom said she wasn't sure if he'd be allowed due to his 'potty problems' but my thinking is, he's more protected than the other dogs and who's to say they won't pee in the pool? At least Bailey'd be protected? Also, is this a health issue?

What do you think?

08-06-2006, 02:42 PM
maybe phone around and ask? I think I would be curious more than anything about Bailey sorry if that sounded a little mean I mean if you didn't know why he has it on so people might ask but I dont see why it would be a problem I dont think the other dog will have pool manners so I would take him along! We would need to see photos though :p

08-06-2006, 02:51 PM
hehe don't worry it didn't sound mean at all and I am planning on calling the supervisor and asking. And yes I'll deffinately take pics.

08-06-2006, 02:54 PM
Good! we need to see more of your Bailey so take loads ! ;) :p

08-06-2006, 02:55 PM
I would be asking why he was in a diaper, but I wouldn't see anything wrong with it. I'm sure he'd love it! :)