View Full Version : Don't know what to do......(CHANGE OF PLANS)

08-03-2006, 06:24 PM
Sorry this is a vent but you don't have to reply just not it a good mood and thought i would share what's going on.

Well my dad just called today and he said that he wants to move to Cedar City. I was listening to my mom talk to him and she got dissapointed right when he said that. I don't get why he wants to move there he just likes it up there, but the last time i lived in Utah i wasn't enjoying there. I had new friends and all but i was in a small school in Logan, Utah. I have no family there. I already had what i wanted to do in life and i want to go to my High School and i love my high school and i want to finish it. I want to go to college here but my dad doesn't understand. My mother doesn't want to go to Utah either she doesn't seem to fond of it either. He said that we are going to Cedar City, Utah on Monday and Tuesday to look for houses. It would be great to just visit there and all but to move... i don't think so. I love it here in Arizona all my family lives here my close friends. My grandparents and i don't want to move while my grandpa is sick and is about to cross the bridge. I was thinking they were offering him a job there but apparently they weren't they did last month for Salt Lake City, but he turned it down. Right now i don't know what to do we are gonna try to talk to him. He just wants to go there for the heck of it. But last time we moved we couldn't take any of the dogs we had to keep them with my brother. That also pissed me off and i don't think we are gonna be taking the dogs this time either if we do move.

Sorry for the vent i just needed to get this straight. Don't have to reply i understand but it would be great to talk this through about the moving for no reason when neither my mom nor i wants to move.


08-03-2006, 06:35 PM
i know how you must feel, the difference is that when we moved (to another state, no family at all, no friends and all) I did take my dog (I had one at the time :)) and it was because my dad got promoted 2 and a half years later we got back and we were so thrilled about it............

hoping there´s something better than just "because he likes it there" i believe if its for that reason it should be a family desision (sp?) unless it was for job issues, then it would understandable, and besides with all your grandpa being sick he might consider what your mom and you have to say, it really is not a good timing "just because he likes it"

sorry if i sounded harsh, that was not my purpose. just to let you know that i get you and i´m here for you.............hugs....

08-03-2006, 06:42 PM
i know how you must feel, the difference is that when we moved (to another state, no family at all, no friends and all) I did take my dog (I had one at the time :)) and it was because my dad got promoted 2 and a half years later we got back and we were so thrilled about it............

hoping there´s something better than just "because he likes it there" i believe if its for that reason it should be a family desision (sp?) unless it was for job issues, then it would understandable, and besides with all your grandpa being sick he might consider what your mom and you have to say, it really is not a good timing "just because he likes it"

sorry if i sounded harsh, that was not my purpose. just to let you know that i get you and i´m here for you.............hugs....

yea i understand what you mean it didn't sound harsh. But yea i know there wasn't a job promotion or anything. I just don't get why now? Can't it be later when the family tragedies are done and everything. It would be good to move after high school or if he has to go for a job. My mother is going to talk to him when he comes home from work to see why he wants. to move...

Thanks Husky_mom

08-03-2006, 06:46 PM
I have the most crappy advise around... but i still say yaz and your mom need to corner your dad and talk with the dude about it.. and find out exactly why he wants to move there.

~hug ~hug ~hug ~hug ~hug

dang... if only i had that smile as file.. id upload it and use it. LOL

08-03-2006, 09:08 PM
Thanks Vette i appreciate your help also. ~hug back atcha.

08-04-2006, 11:47 AM
I know how it feels to be uprooted and move. i've done it pretty much every 3 years since I was born. But it has never been a spur of the moment decision. From the time I was 12, and old enough to have an opinion, my dad discussed it with me and my step-mom. Moving should never be the decision of a single person when it will affect many more. There are so many factors that go into moving and it can be so disruptive.

You mentioned wanting to finish high school in Mesa (I'm in tucson, btw :) ) and go to college (i'm guessing ASU or even UofA down here). I think those are both very good reasons to stay. I don't know how old you are, or how much longer you have til you graduate, but moving in the last couple years of high school would not be a good idea. Curriculums are different, and there's a good chance that whatever they're studying in Utah the students would have been used to from the get-go. It could be a major set-back coming in so late in the game.

Some possible alternatives to present to your dad (if you want):

1 - Suggest that, if he wants to move, he does so after you graduate and get into college. You can live in the dorms and be out of the house thereby giving your parents a certain freedom. Stress the importance of your education. :)

2 - Would there be a way to live with your grandparents or another family member while you finish school? If you stayed with your grandparents you could probably help them out too.

Just a couple of ideas. Good luck! Hang in there, everything happens for a reason!

08-04-2006, 02:25 PM
I know how it feels to be uprooted and move. i've done it pretty much every 3 years since I was born. But it has never been a spur of the moment decision. From the time I was 12, and old enough to have an opinion, my dad discussed it with me and my step-mom. Moving should never be the decision of a single person when it will affect many more. There are so many factors that go into moving and it can be so disruptive.

You mentioned wanting to finish high school in Mesa (I'm in tucson, btw :) ) and go to college (i'm guessing ASU or even UofA down here). I think those are both very good reasons to stay. I don't know how old you are, or how much longer you have til you graduate, but moving in the last couple years of high school would not be a good idea. Curriculums are different, and there's a good chance that whatever they're studying in Utah the students would have been used to from the get-go. It could be a major set-back coming in so late in the game.

Some possible alternatives to present to your dad (if you want):

1 - Suggest that, if he wants to move, he does so after you graduate and get into college. You can live in the dorms and be out of the house thereby giving your parents a certain freedom. Stress the importance of your education. :)

2 - Would there be a way to live with your grandparents or another family member while you finish school? If you stayed with your grandparents you could probably help them out too.

Just a couple of ideas. Good luck! Hang in there, everything happens for a reason!

Thank you very much. Yea i don't get why my dad wants to move and its probably just because he likes it there. I still haven't talked to him because he is out of town for work right now.
Yes i'm almost done with highschool just 3 years but i want to be in my school and i love that school the teachers teach things very well. For me i want to go to NAU that is in Flagstaff.
I don't get why he wants to move there we did 4 years ago and my mother and I didn't like it. But like what Vette said i'm going to have to talk to him one on one or even with my mother to and ask him why he wants to get property there and a house.

I don't think i can move in with my grandparents because, my grandpa is about to cross over the bridge, my grandma isn't feeling to good she is getting into the stage she doesn't feel like doing anything, and my aunt there is a teacher and so is my uncle and they are mostly gone and they also live 3 hours away from Phoenix.

But thanks for the first suggestion I think I will tell him that when i'm done with high school.

08-05-2006, 01:19 AM
1 - Suggest that, if he wants to move, he does so after you graduate and get into college. You can live in the dorms and be out of the house thereby giving your parents a certain freedom. Stress the importance of your education. :

I've kept up on your thread. This time in your life is very important,you know that.

You need to speak up, and become a part of this plan to move. It will affect your future. My parents uprooted me from High School right after my Sophomore Year---It still affects me to this day.!!!!

I strongly urge you to confer with your Father on this matter!!! you are only young once!!!!