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View Full Version : Chloe got groomed today....she wasn't happy.

07-29-2006, 01:14 PM
Poor Chloe. It was that time of the year and she got hershave along with her monthly bath. Thankfully she fights it very little and doesn't yowl and hiss. Tipper will barely let my brush her let alone clip and bathe her. Poor Chloe has been so hot that it was time to do it. I think I took a pound worth of fur off her. I always forget what a petite little thing she is underneath that thick coat.

07-29-2006, 06:57 PM
I know what you mean.
Even Michael the Mild will turn agressive at the sight of a comb, and they seem to prefer to groom themselves.
Thank God, there are no real long hairs here.

07-29-2006, 07:14 PM
Calvin is getting his lion clip tomorrow :)

07-30-2006, 02:42 PM
Tipper will barely let my brush her
I had the same problem with Groucho, one look at the brush or comb in my hand and he was outta here. Well, recently I noticed a few small matts at the base of his tail and decided, like it or not, he was going to be brushed and combed every day. One night he was sitting on the sofa with me and out came the brush. During the brushing, in a soft and reassuring voice, I kept telling him how handsome he was but he'd be even more handsome and beautiful after being groomed. While I brushed with one hand, I gently petted him with the other while telling him how much better he was going to feel once all the tangles and loose hair was gone. The task is much easier now and Groucho almost looks forward to it. Before we start I put the brush and comb next to him so he can check it out and become familiar with them. I still talk to him softly and pet him while brushing and combing. Groucho still won't let me do his tummy but I'm trying to ease him into that. Maybe that will work for Tipper.