View Full Version : The heat here is really making me sick!! Not kidding!

07-21-2006, 09:37 AM
We have a heat wave over here in Europe that's truly unbearable. At least for people like me who cannot tolerate heat very well. For the second time now I'm on sick leave, and I fear this may cost me my job, but I just do not function in this heat and humidity. I collapsed a couple of times in my office. The heat makes me dizzy and nauseaus, and my head is way too hot. My blood pressure, which is usually increased goes down, also, the heat gives me a migraine. I cannot concentrate, I cannot think, my brain seems to be made of jelly these days. I'm tired, I'm exhausted, and the lack of oxygen in the air gives me panic attacks.

Doctor thinks it might be my thyroid gland acting up again. You have to know, I have this autoimmune disease, Hashimoto thyreoidism. I have an appointment in the new endocrinology centre in Goettingen by the end of August.

But I really don't know how to make it through this summer. The heat could last for at least two more months! Meanwhile, we have temperatures around 100°F, here in my apartment, it's 85°F, and in my office, it's even worse. You have to know, most buildings in Germany don't have air conditioning.

Believe me, if I'd win the lottery, I would buy a summer house in Iceland, or somewhere else where the summers are cool. And it's truly beyond me how some people here can actually enjoy this weather!!


smokey the elder
07-21-2006, 09:38 AM
I think Europe is not being smart about not putting AC in buildings. One wouldn't refuse to heat the building in winter. heat is more dangerous than cold!

Pawsitive Thinking
07-21-2006, 09:41 AM
I'm with you - its too darn hot!!!

Queen of Poop
07-21-2006, 09:42 AM
Could you wet a towel, freeze it and then put it around your neck to help you cool down? If you kept a collection of them you could go with that round the clock. If you had a fridge at work you could do virtually the same thing.

07-21-2006, 09:44 AM
Thas sounds awful! :( I hope your doctors can figure out something for you!

We have had a bad heat wave here, too. This past week/weekend it was 100+ F. We don't have AC either, so until this heat broke yesterday we were pretty uncomfortable too.

07-21-2006, 09:44 AM
We are spoiled by our airconditioning, Kirsten. I can't imagine living without it.

07-21-2006, 09:46 AM
I simply cannot imagine tolerating this heat without AC. We had a blackout last week, and I nearly died after just a few hours of the heat... so did the cats and Miss Nicki.

Why is Europe so against installing AC? It would be unheard of to build a new building without AC here!

Pawsitive Thinking
07-21-2006, 09:48 AM
I simply cannot imagine tolerating this heat without AC. We had a blackout last week, and I nearly died after just a few hours of the heat... so did the cats and Miss Nicki.

Why is Europe so against installing AC? It would be unheard of to build a new building without AC here!

We're not used to good weather!

07-21-2006, 09:56 AM
Well, actually I don't know why no one here has a/c. I guess only the very rich people have it, and some public buildings and stores. The price for energy is so much higher here, so I guess even if my apartment had a/c, I couldn't affort it.

Also, many people here think air conditioning is unhealthy. People are getting colds from it, but I figure this happens only as long as you are not used to it. Personally, I think the heat is much unhealthier; in fact, it seems to be life threatening these days.

I already wrap myself into wet towels (mostly around my head), or take showers and let cool water rinse over my head. I also have these ice packages (that you can use for injuries) and wrap them around my feet, legs or neck. I also bought a fan. And I stroke my cats with wet towels, and they actually enjoy it, especially Luna. The become lethargic in this heat, and my mother's cat, Peggy, had a heat stroke yesterday, I posted about that in cat general.

I wish this heat wave would finally stop, but there's no end in sight. Also, our farmers need some rain, their crop is drying up on the fields... What a terrible summer!


07-21-2006, 10:39 AM
Kirsten, I know what you mean and I sympathise - we have a heat wave here too. Yesterday, we had the hottest day on record since 75. :eek: It has been unbearable the last few weeks - of course while I'm working. :rolleyes: We don't have AC either, but fans are running non stop at work. Sitting in front of these, I tend to get a cold though. I don't have a fan at home, but this huge thing John bought a few years ago, it has a drawer in the bottom which you fill with ice water - only, it's still in the cellar, too heavy for me to get up here, and it takes up quite some space. It can be adjusted to blow hot air too, not that it's neccesary now!! :eek: It has been up to 29 in my bedroom when I went to sleep!

However, today we had a few showers and the air has cooled down a bit, hope it will at your place too! :)

07-21-2006, 11:32 AM
It IS very hot- but it is not too hot too often- so I anyway prefer it to cold weather.
The A/C thing is an energy thing: you need oil for that and I wonder whether I should use more of that precious stuff ( a quart of gas now is about 1.80 US$) just to cool down. I have my bedroom under the roof- so I close the blinds during daytime and open all windows after the sun is down- and it took all time until yesterday before it was really warm- but thunderstorms are on their way and so it's only a day or two. :)

My- this is summer- the summer we all dreamt of when we were kids :D

Miss Z
07-21-2006, 11:41 AM
It is so hot here too! I was sweltering walking around Tatton Park today.

As Brody's Mom said, AC isn't installed as we don't expect to ever use it! Plus, all the environmentalists are advising people against it, saying it gobbles up fossil fuels which equals more greenhouse gas which equals even higher temperatures!:eek:

I'm sorry that you've been ill Kirsten, I hope the heat eases a bit for you In Germany so you can get better!

07-21-2006, 12:00 PM
We just got over a huge heat wave here in the Northeast...it was awful! We had a TERRIBLE storm that finally made it cooler here....it's alot more comfortable now! When that storm came, the sky turned literally black...not dark gray or a light black color...it was black! Then there was alot of loud thunder, the power went out at alot of places, the internet line got zapped, there was very frequent lightning, and it downpoured. I am just so glad it is finally cooler here! I'm really sorry about all the heat everyone else is having! :(

07-22-2006, 07:34 AM
It's awful, hard to get a breath sometimes. I feel as though this will happen anytime now. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v11/CwmmawrJet/Bobby%20Boy/Smilies/pp_summer_012.gif

Europe swelters in heatwave
Reuters Friday July 21, 08:28 PM

PARIS (Reuters) - A heatwave in France has probably killed 21 people, including a 15-month-old baby, officials said on Friday, and the rest of Europe also sweltered with no sign of temperatures dropping.

Temperatures were not as high as they had been on previous days but authorities warned people to take precautions.

"Desert London", a headline in Britain's Evening
Standard newspaper said over a photo of a parched Hyde Park on Friday.
"This is not the Sahara or Serengeti -- these remarkable pictures show how London's parks have been turned dry, brown and dusty by the drought," the newspaper said.

A severe drought, said to be the worst in a century in the south of England, is making itself felt and temperatures hit a July record of 36.3 Celsius (97.3 Fahrenheit) earlier this week.
British farmers have begun harvesting wheat fields early because of the dry weather.

In Spain, a sunbather died in Barcelona from the heat and a 37-year-old man died in hospital on Friday after collapsing from heat exhaustion while working in a greenhouse in Almeria on the south coast the day before.
Six people were reported dead from heat-related problems so far this Spanish summer.

As in the last major heatwave in 2003, which in France lasted less than a month but killed around 15,000 people, most of the victims were elderly people or the infirm.
A health ministry official said a baby died in Paris where temperatures hit 37 Celsius earlier this week, but provided no further details.
Of the other victims, 10 were aged 80 or over, four collapsed at their workplace, one collapsed on his way home from work, two died while playing sport, two were homeless, and one was an obese youth "in poor physical condition".


Temperatures well above 30 Celsius have been registered across France over the past week and weather forecasters say the heatwave looks set to continue well into next week.
The high death toll stunned health authorities and local officials have worked hard to try to improve their response to heatwaves, supplying air conditioning to retirement homes and broadcasting constant information on how to cope in the heat.

In Italy, temperatures pushed higher on Friday, reaching nearly 39 degree Celsius in Florence, and were expected to increase throughout the weekend. Many cities raised their alert levels to avoid a repeat of 2003, when the heatwave killed 20,000 people.
Emergency workers in Rome said they were handing out water to people standing in queues outside museums and art galleries or waiting in the sun to catch their bus.

A worker collapsed and died of heat-related causes in the island of Sardinia on Thursday, while health services received thousands of calls from elderly people asking for help.

Southern and western Bosnia have been hit by a series of fires as temperatures reached as high as 41 degrees, prompting local fire fighters to ask the army for helicopter assistance.

(Reporting by European bureaux)

Heatwave death toll rises in US
Severe heat across much of the US has claimed at least 22 lives around the country, officials say.
At least 10 states have suffered heat-related deaths as a swathe of the US has sweltered above 38C (100F), although temperatures are set to fall.

Four people died in Chicago, raising the city's toll to seven.

Other deaths have been reported in Philadelphia, Oklahoma City, Arkansas, Indiana, South Dakota and Tennessee and Wisconsin, AP news agency reports.

Relief ahead

Storms brought down power lines in St Louis, Missouri, cutting air conditioning units and forcing the National Guard to evacuate residents.
Missouri Governor Matt Blunt ordered in the National Guard in a bid to restore electricity and move sweltering citizens to buildings with emergency air-conditioning.

"We can't overstate the danger of this heat," said Francis Slay, mayor of St Louis. "I've never seen this many people without power, this much debris, buildings collapsed, lines down."
The St Louis heat was expected to subside on Friday, with milder temperatures forecast in the days ahead.

Story from BBC NEWS:

07-22-2006, 08:42 AM
Your posts remind me of this movie "The Day the Earth Caught Fire" set in London in 1961 starring Leo McKern. Everybody looked like they were melting all the time.

Keep cool everyone!

07-22-2006, 09:28 AM
Kirsten, I'm so sorry you're going through this! :(
I can relate to an extent. I'm near Houston, Texas where the heat index is 110' some days. And let's not forget the *lovely* humidity. I too have thyroid issues and until just this week, I had no a.c. in my office. :eek: I know the thyroid problems cause muscle weakness in the lower extremeties and man, some days i really just about fainted!! Finally, my boss allowed me to get a small a.c. unit, for about $90. American. Until then, I would water down my face and head and sit in the fan, for relief. Do you at least have a fan in your office? Have you heard of the cold suits? It's a cooling device you wear under your clothes. I remember hearing about it and did several searches but came up empty. Perhaps someone here has heard of it. Otherwise, I hope you can get an a.c. somehow!
The dizziness you're experiencing has me concerned. Maybe you could write to the press and they could do a story on this issue. **HUGS**

07-22-2006, 09:35 AM
Boy do I understand i can't do heat well either any thing over 75degrees Farenhit and I'm cranky and headachy too. thankfully our store has Ac and I have a small one at home. We too have been having a heat wave here not like some but it's more than we are used to.

07-22-2006, 09:52 AM
http://www.sharperimage.com/us/en/catalog/product/sku__SI758SL2 (http://)

I found it!! I knew i'd seen it at Sharper Image. Perhpaps it would help. Good luck!!

07-22-2006, 11:07 AM
If you want to keep cool.

Just keep putting Ice cold bottle's or Ice cubes on your wrists it can cool off the hole body actualy and for me it works and hopefuly for you.

Im glad its not too hot here In Canada mostly.

We have been getting cool rain showers like once every 1 to 2 week or sometimes 3 days In a row in Toronto that is.

Right now its raining but I cant go outside thats the down part. :p

07-22-2006, 11:18 AM
It's raining, bucketing down ... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v11/CwmmawrJet/Bobby%20Boy/Smilies/blissysmile.gif ... cool breeze! oh, oh, thunder!! ... oh, I don't care!!

Look at that beautiful grey sky! :D
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v11/CwmmawrJet/Bobby%20Boy/Miscellaneous/th_IMG_0180.jpg (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v11/CwmmawrJet/Bobby%20Boy/Miscellaneous/IMG_0180.jpg) http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v11/CwmmawrJet/Bobby%20Boy/Miscellaneous/th_IMG_0178.jpg (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v11/CwmmawrJet/Bobby%20Boy/Miscellaneous/IMG_0178.jpg) http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v11/CwmmawrJet/Bobby%20Boy/Miscellaneous/th_IMG_0179.jpg (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v11/CwmmawrJet/Bobby%20Boy/Miscellaneous/IMG_0179.jpg)

And listen to the sound of the falling rain.

By the time I uploaded the rain had stopped and the sun is peaking out again. Never mind, it was a nice break. :D

07-22-2006, 12:21 PM
If you want to keep cool.

Just keep putting Ice cold bottle's or Ice cubes on your wrists it can cool off the hole body actualy and for me it works and hopefuly for you.

I had a nurse tell me once to run cold water on your wrists to help cool your body temp down. It seems to work. I've done it quite a few times.

Our heat wave has finally broken here. I hope yours ends soon too!

07-22-2006, 10:00 PM
It was 112F here, hot even for here. My daughter had a diving meet today so I got to sit out in it for 4 hours.

The A/C was icing up this morning so I ran to home depot at 7am for new filter and that seemed to do the trick thank god.

07-22-2006, 10:40 PM
We're also having a heat wave here too and I don't have any AC either. I have a ceiling fan in the dining room and anther floor fan in the living room that have been on all day to help circulate the air and keep my cats cool. It's still about 100 degees in the shade and about 90 degrees in my condo. It's supposed to be even hotter tomorrow. I hate the heat and even though we usually have a dry heat it's still way too hot for me.

07-23-2006, 10:40 AM
I, too, am sorry you are going through this hellish heat, Kirsten. The combination of high heat and humidity really does make you feel that you are not breathing in any air. Do you have plants in your office to help with the air quality?

It's in the nineties in the Seattle area now and today's set to peak before it "drops" into the upper eighties. Over the weekend, I've tried to sleep during the mid-afternoon into evening so that I could do things at night when it's cooler. But even during the night, moving furniture and rugs, vacuuming and scrubbing out litter boxes makes me drip with sweat. After a brief sleep, I got up at 5am to try to get more done, including cooking some pasta for salads - but I couldn't bear to warm up the house to any degree so I guess it's bean and veg salads today. I also tried to do some weeding at about 7am but got overheated very quickly and gave up. Ah! A slight breeze just fanned over my arms from the window and I could feel myself inhale with pleasure and smile from the brief relief.

The kittens are racing around now, using up their pent-up energy. By this afternoon, as the sun pounds into the house, they will be stretched out trying to get as much of their bodies exposed to air as possible. One of my upstairs cats is a black long-hair and she feels the heat intensely.

I've managed to avoid the heat enough that I haven't become ill from it, though twisting my sleep/wake cycle around so much is making me feel pretty rotten. I have A/C in my car and at work so I'm lucky in that. In fact, my workplace can be so chilled that I keep a winter coat there and wore it a few times last week.

Ugh! I just had to close my window because a neighbor went out onto her deck to smoke. She's not that close, and I have a high hedge, but it's an unpleasant shock when you are taking deep breaths of relatively cool fresh air.

07-23-2006, 01:01 PM
I can't stand the heat either. Really makes me appreciate the " extremely hot summer weather " here is about 20. And that's unusual.

07-23-2006, 04:49 PM
Thanks for being so understanding - and for all your advices to keep cool! :)

I wish I could tell you that it has cooled off meanwhile, but it didn't. Even though there was thunder and some heavy rain today, it's still warm, and VERY humid, and they say the humidity is going to last the next days. Also, it will be really hot again next week, so there's just no end in sight. It's simply unbearable!

Besides, I have learnt yesterday that I have a lack of vitamine B12, something that needs to be treated. I will go and see my doctor tomorrow. Maybe this is because I feel so extremely miserable this summer?


07-23-2006, 05:32 PM
It's not just the wrists, it's the pulse points.. all of them, and it works. Coldness/coolness, whether it be ice or cool compresses on wrists, behind the knees (really) behind and around the head. Wet down your hair. Sit in a tub. Heat stroke/exhaustion is very serious and can be deadly. Extra salt and more water intake than you think you want. If you start to get nausiated get to a medical facility quickly. No joke. :(

07-25-2006, 05:29 AM
Apparently you do not have A/C at work, Kirsten! Here it's quite frequent to have it in offices. In my office I am almost freezing if I stay too long behind my computer and if I close the door :rolleyes: And believe it or not, but after some time you do not realize anymore how the real temperature outside can be. It is always a surprise when you go outside the building in the evening.

Having cool air the whole day makes the heat easier to stand when you go back home, because your body do not have to fight permanently against the high temperature.

You can also take cold showers at home, it helps a bit, but the effect does not last long. My mother who has heart problems and cannot stand the heat anymore does it several times a day when she does not feel well.

Poor you and your kitties, I hope you feel better soon!

07-25-2006, 10:20 AM
Anyone ever try a cooling vest? http://www.arcticheatusa.com/ (http://www.arcticheatusa.com/)

These were all over the news when the Olympic athletes were wearing them to keep cool before and after their races.

07-25-2006, 05:25 PM
Anyone ever try a cooling vest? http://www.arcticheatusa.com/ (http://www.arcticheatusa.com/)

These were all over the news when the Olympic athletes were wearing them to keep cool before and after their races.

That's a really good idea.... :)

Maya & Inka's mommy
07-26-2006, 01:34 PM
OMG, same problem here....! In France, it was more bearable, because we were along the coast of Bretagne, so the temperatures were at least 7° lower!
Here, in Belgium, it is terrible! Though we water the garden 2 times per day (our son did it while we were gone), lots of the plants are suffering or dying... :( . Bernard is praying desperately for rain......!!
As my health isn't really good either, it is very hard to survive this weather! I am drink tons of cold water, have lots of showers. My head is overheated too, and I am having problems with breating too.
Oh please God, send us some cool showers asap.
My mom, 83 and MS-patient, is suffering terribly....

07-26-2006, 03:29 PM
:eek: I was listening to the radio the other day and it was annonced.... 40 people have died from heat in france. :eek: ( in the past week or something like that... )

Pet Talkers in France, Keep your cool... We Can't Lose You !!!!! PTers are too special to lose.

07-26-2006, 03:36 PM
Thanks everyone for all the advices how to survive in this heat. I'm already doing most of the things recommended, but still, I'm feeling like a zombie, and I'm just not myself. Maybe I should consider getting such a cooling vest sooner or later, if our summers continue to be like this!

Sonia, I really envy you for the AC in your office. Ours has 97°F (36°C)!!! :(

Lut, I'm with you, and your mom. What you describe is exactly how I feel, too. Yes, I think it has a lot to do with the fact of not being healthy. Also, my plants here are are dying, too, and the lawns outside are brown, not green. And the first river in Germany has dried yesterday.

GreyhoundGirl, yes, it's true, 40 people have died in France so far, including one baby. :( And more people have died in Spain, the Netherlands and Germany from the heat.


07-26-2006, 04:45 PM
Prayers still on the way here for you all!

We had a brief shower this morning which was desperately needed but now it's so steamy it's hard to breathe even with ac.

At least the days are getting shorter now, so that's less time for the sun to beat down on everyone.


07-26-2006, 07:19 PM
Gosh, it seems like this heat wave is global! Bless your heart, I get those same symptoms when it's really hot as well. I was jokingly asking a friend of mine the other day if it's possible to be allergic to the heat/sun, because it makes me nausiated, brings on horrible headaches, causes my bp to go down, etc...and she actually told me that it is possible. How strange is that? :eek:

I'm just glad we have a/c here at work, because I don't have it at home and I've been so miserable. We were topping 110 and 119 F last week, and today I think we're down to 101. Ugh...I hope this heat wave ceases for everyone...and soon!


07-26-2006, 07:52 PM
Yes, I think it has a lot to do with the fact of not being healthy.
You know, I think this is very true! With this heat, I've felt so much worse...as has my good friend CiCi, who suffers from fibromyalsia.

Not only does the heat make me feel ill, but irritable as well! I felt so badly on Monday when I took Tonya (Zippykat) and Staci (Shais_mom) to an outdoor mall....I was soooo crabby when we were walking from store to store! :( I just felt ill and soooooo uncomfortable. Ick, I hate this weather!!

Our high for today way 92 with a TON of humidity. Ick, I feel like I need to just live in the cold shower until winter comes - California is blessed with something called Indian Summers, which means September/October are SUPER hot as well. Ugh, I'm SOO not looking forward to then. :(

Where I live right now does not have A/C either. When I was at Gini's this weekend for the BBQ, I received a call from CiCi tellilng me that Noah was overheating. :( I was soooo worried. She got him a lot of ice to lean against and cooled him down, but it was scary. :eek:

As far as work goes, I'm lucky to work in a hospital - where its imperative that we have A/C. Unfortunately, our A/C seems to "die" at 11:00 and we have to call and complain, without help, I've been calling sinse April!! So we, and our patients get to sit in a steamy hot office...its just so lovely. Ugh. :(

I hope you get to feeling better soon, Kristen! The heat makes it just so much more worse. :(

Hugs, Kelly :)

07-27-2006, 01:59 AM
I'm from Ohio - but last week, I've been having panic attacks/breathing problems because of the darn humidity and the oxygen in the air, like it wasn't enough of it, it was very strange.

07-27-2006, 02:00 AM
Wolflady and Kelly, you sound as miserable as I feel!

We had a brief shower this morning which was desperately needed but now it's so steamy it's hard to breathe even with ac.

momoffuzzyfaces, that sounds just awful!! :( We also had some real bad thundersturms in some parts of Germany last night (with a lot of damage), but not in my area.

I was jokingly asking a friend of mine the other day if it's possible to be allergic to the heat/sun, because it makes me nausiated, brings on horrible headaches, causes my bp to go down, etc...and she actually told me that it is possible. How strange is that?

Wow, this is interesting! :eek: I actually googled for heat/sun allergy a while ago, because I was wondering the same, but I didn't find anything. And yet, heat and sun is really making me ill.

Kelly, that is scary about Noah!!! :( Poor boy!!! Oh, and did you read about little Peggy in Cat General? She actually had a heat stroke last week! The silly girl slept on the attic, the hottest spot in the house, and my mother found her lethargic and unresponsive. She cooled her with water, which made her feel better.


07-27-2006, 02:08 AM
I'm from Ohio - but last week, I've been having panic attacks/breathing problems because of the darn humidity and the oxygen in the air, like it wasn't enough of it, it was very strange.

Just saw your post. Same here, the brain doesn't work because of the lack of oxygen, and you feel like you're going to suffocate. I'm fighting down these panic attacks for many weeks now - sometimes not even successfully. :(


Maya & Inka's mommy
07-27-2006, 04:42 AM
How exactly do you cool down an overheated cat? What is the best way? Maya seems to be suffering the most, poor girl

07-27-2006, 11:04 AM
:eek: I was listening to the radio the other day and it was annonced.... 40 people have died from heat in france. :eek: ( in the past week or something like that... )

Pet Talkers in France, Keep your cool... We Can't Lose You !!!!! PTers are too special to lose.

OK, just to joke a bit, I think I am the only French PTer, so if ever I disappear...it will be only one less! :rolleyes:

More seriously, yes, this is true, up to now ~40 people died; mainly very old people or people living in the streets. I think they are talking a lot about them because we had a very-very hot summer in 2003 (from what I remember it was worse than this one because longer and temperatures were around 40 degrees), and it was the hotest ever. Nobody was prepared, not only in France but all over Europe, and many old people living alone at home died without anybody noticing it for days or weeks! And in 2003, there were many more than 40 deaths. :(

I think I live in one of the coldest areas in France (together with north of Bretagne), in the very North and not far from the sea. My house is located in a very windy and rainy corridor. Usually the temperatures in summer hardly reach 22 degrees but now it is the same everywhere. It is even worse here because of humidity. But still, compared to other areas, we are OK, especially because it really cools down during the night. I am lucky that my kitties are OK with the tiles we have on the ground floor of the house and all the blinds closed during the day, we can keep 25-27 degrees maximum. Kirsten, I wish you would live closer and you could drop your kitties here for cool holidays!!! ;) Noah and other candidates could come too, no problem!

07-27-2006, 11:44 AM
How exactly do you cool down an overheated cat? What is the best way? Maya seems to be suffering the most, poor girl

Lut, You can add some ice to their water bowls, wet them down with a cold washcloth, or mist them if they'll tolerate it. Last weekend many animals died or have come close to dying in Northern California :( and they said that if you have to bring your animal to the ER because they're suffering from the heat then you should put lukewarm water on them first and this will help to stabilize their body temperature. I hope that I'll never have to go through this with any of my cats. I've been keeping the ceiling and floor fan on nonstop and opening up the windows and sliding glass door when it's cooled down enough. Lucklily things are finally starting to cool down here.

07-27-2006, 01:18 PM
Sonia, I remember that incredibly high death rate in France during the summer of 2003. About 15000 people have died in 2003.

I remember the summer of 2003, like this one, it was a long and very hot summer, but more bearable as it wasn't so humid, at least here in Germany.

Lut, to keep my cats cool, I'm stroking them with a wet washcloth. They really enjoy it! :)


07-27-2006, 01:25 PM
I wouldn't use cold water cloths on a cat, not right away, more like tepid - which will cool on their fur/skin. I suggest this because when I was a children's nurse in the 60's (they've probably got more hi-tech ways of helping now), we used to bathe children who were having seizures from high temperatures in tepid water, not cold because it's too great a shock to the system. It's the same with frostbite, you use warmish tepid first.

It's cooled down into the high 70's, low 80's here in the Seattle area which is a great relief. Sitting out on the deck at about 7pm, when the sun is behind the fir trees, is just wonderful now - that aspect of summer I can truly enjoy. It's also wonderful to see the kittens racing around madly all the time instead of just in the very early morning.

Do they still use heavy wooden shutters in Europe, or have they disappeared except on older buildings? I remember that when I lived in Greece they were wonderful for keeping out the hot sun. Since I only have blinds and drapes on the south-west side of my house, I haul sheets of plywood over the deck door windows every morning to block out the heat, and it works well.

07-28-2006, 12:47 AM

I hadn't seen Peggy's thread, but I'll go look. Poor Sweet Peggy!! :(

Luckily, CiCi was home and she brought him lots of ice and water. She put more fans in my room and let him roam the house so he could cool down a bit. I'm SOOOOOOO lucky she was there, if he was alone??? I don't even want to think about it. :( :( :(

I hope its getting better for you, sweetie. Its horrible being this hot. :(

We finally got A/C help at work!! They installed TWO HUGE window A/C units that'll cover TWICE the space we have...thank goodness!!! Its going to be sooooo cold when I get in tomorrow morning and I'm soooo Happy!!!

Hope you're cooler and feeling better.

Hugs, Kelly :)

07-28-2006, 04:24 PM
There were finally some thunderstorms, and rain, so the air is actually a bit cooler. Even though I didn't manage to get all the muggy air out of my apartment, it's more bearable now, and today, our office had "only" 85°F instead of 100°! LOL

But they say the heat will be back this weekend, so I think I'll enjoy these slightly cooler temperatures as long as they last.

Kelly, good for you that you finally got AC installed at work! And I'm glad that CiCi was there to care for poor Noah!

Lizzi, usually we don't have these wooden things; like you said, only the very old houses have them. I have only curtains, but I think I need to come up with something else to keep the heat outside. We have blinds in our office, but once the heat is inside the builing, they don't help much...


07-28-2006, 05:28 PM
My Mother recently recieved a letter from my cousins in Germany. They too are complaining of the heat. They live in OLmstat? Does that sound right. My other Cousin lives in Phmgstat? It be much easier if they made the spelling easier. lol
Anyhow, I sympathize with you. I am a production Supervisor in the Nations largest Independant Bakery and we have 14 ovens that are 300 feet long, so I know what your dealing with for my Deptment has no AC.

07-28-2006, 06:47 PM
Is it getting better yet?

I don't really have any suggestions that haven't been mentioned yet - I knew of the cold water or ice on the wrists.

Also, I know general rules are to try to avoid caffeine or alcholol. Also, do you like spicy foods at all? Hot, spicy foods that cause you to sweat more actually help to cool you down.

07-28-2006, 06:56 PM
You could move to canada. Just Joking. ( If you do, stop by my place ;) )

You could... Um.... shower in really cold water and wash your face a lot. And... put a wet towel over yourself. Um.... Or.... Go to a public pool often...

What do the other people in your town do ?

07-28-2006, 08:39 PM
Is it getting better yet? It is here - Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! I LOVE San Francisco's natural air conditioning - our wonderful fog. It feels absolutely delicious now :)

07-28-2006, 09:28 PM
Okay - short of blinds and wooden shutters (just spelled that with an "i"! :rolleyes:)

Aluminum foil! COVER your windows with it, shiny side out.

I bet that'll help by a few degrees!


07-28-2006, 09:59 PM
It is here - Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! I LOVE San Francisco's natural air conditioning - our wonderful fog. It feels absolutely delicious now :)

Yes the San Francisco is wonderful, just north of san francisco in bodega bay is my favorite place in the whole world...the weather the ocean...too bad I could only afford a shack there.

Russian Blue
07-29-2006, 10:31 AM
I can relate Kirsten since the heat and humidity is killing me! I never really noticed the humidity before but these last two summers have been bad. Plus the humidity is bringing some scary weather. Within the last month, there were two mini-tornadoes that touched down just 20 minutes north of me and a funnel cloud was spotted 20 minutes east of my location. This is not normal for the Toronto area.We're renovating a century old house and do not have air conditioning so we really feel it. We've closed off the second floor of the house since it's too hot.

I've been offline since I've had constant migrains recently. :( This week they are forcasting more humidity which will make the temperature feel like 40°C. I'm ready for fall/winter.

07-29-2006, 11:06 AM
Putting the foil up shiny side out reflects the sun AWAY from the place. I am thinking, with more sun deflected...the temp inside has to ease off a bit.

Doesn't cost much to try it.

and a thought....for a few hours in the evening....when it MIGHT be a TAD cooler...is there a place you can put your fan (preferably higher up) so it is blowing the hotter inside air OUTDOORS?

That's why warehouses have those exhaust fans WAAAY up in the ceiling, in the peak of the wall where the wall meets the ceiling. The hotter air is at the top, and the fan removes it outdoors.

If you have a fan that will fit in part of a window, that would be good...and keep some air moving as well...

I'd say keep the foil on the windows for two days(including two nights) then you will know if there is a difference.

I am just trying to think of things here - the heat there is horrible. If you have sunlight coming into your place, it can't hurt to try blocking it.

07-29-2006, 11:41 AM
Yes the San Francisco is wonderful, just north of san francisco in bodega bay is my favorite place in the whole world...the weather the ocean...too bad I could only afford a shack there.
{{{{ waves }}}} Hi neighbor! :D Yes, paradise is expensive and we're so lucky to live here.

07-29-2006, 11:45 AM
Put Farrusko in the bathtub with the water running at his favorite rate of trickle and put a few ice cubes in there to melt and cool him down. Watch him carefully for signs of dehydration. I used Kirsten's tip of rubbing Mitzi down with a cool, dampened washcloth during our heat wave. She LOVED it and then aired herself out in front of the fan for more cooling. Both of my cats were eating less during the heat and were more lethargic, but I don't think they stopped altogether.

07-29-2006, 11:57 AM
what are the signs of dehydration on a Cat? I'm not really sure. I know when we were going through our heat wave, Mishi was actually sweating at one point (I didn't know cats could sweat!), he felt extremely warm and his nose was warm and very dry. I put him in the tub and he seemed to perk up after cooling down a bit.

I know others on this board or a vet probably could answer that question better than I can.

07-29-2006, 01:32 PM
Lift up the skin on the back of his neck and let go. If it falls back into place right away, he's ok. If it stays up, or returns slowly to its original position, then he's dehydrated.

Try the wet washcloth. Will a water bowl and some treats fit under the bed?

07-29-2006, 01:40 PM
Would it be easier if you held a BOWL? LOL Sounds like another human-training session!

But I am glad to hear he is not dehydrated.


07-29-2006, 01:47 PM
Richard just posted this in Cat General. I think #9 suits Farrusko!

Ed’s tips for being a cool cat during the hot weather.

1. Cool tile floors.

2. Sleep on your back with your legs open.

3. sleep on your stomach with your legs open

4. Wait until your dad moves, then grab his seat in front of the fan.
Snarl and growl if you are moved from that spot, after all, they left it.

5. Find a nice plastic bag to nap on.

6. Conserve energy-sleep all day, play all night.

7. Avoid all contact with your hot parents.

8. Walk don’t run, to your food dish.

9. Disappear into the closet, cabinet or favorite dark spot
P.S. This may cause your mom or dad to overheat.

10. Offer your parents a cool drink, but then remind them you do not have opposable thumbs. They will feel sorry that you don’t and pour you a cool drink.

07-31-2006, 06:39 PM
what are the signs of dehydration on a Cat?
I've been thinking of you all weekend. Googled dehydration in cats and came up with this:

Cats can become dehydrated for many reasons including illness, fever, infection, vomiting, diarrhea, diabetes, and kidney problems. You can tell if your cat is dehydrated by doing the 'pinch' test. Take a bit of skin on the cats back and pinch it, let go and see how long it takes for the skin to retract back to its normal spot. The skin should be extremely elastic and immediately bounce back, if it takes more than a second or two your cat is probably dehydrated.

Symptoms to look for:
- Dry nose
- Dry mouth or eyes
- 'Pinch' test
- Severe thirst
- Lethargy

If your cat is dehydrated take him/her to the vet to determine the cause of the dehydration. If the dehydration is not serious it may be able to be treated by simply giving the cat more water. If the dehydration is caused by a pre-existing condition or illness your vet can determine that and direct you as to how to take care of the condition. Always make sure your cat drinks plenty of fluids and always have a full bowl of clean, fresh water available to your cat.

In more serious situations your cat may need to be given fluids subcutaneously or intravenously.

Precautionary measures:
Make sure your cat drinks plenty of water. Cats, as we all know, can be quite finicky so keep his/her water bowl clean and full. Many cats dislike the taste of plastic so try to keep their food and water in porcelain or glass bowls. Keep your home at a 'normal' temperature and make sure your cat is in good general health.

Medical and care advice on this article is for your knowledge and information only. It is not a substitute for a veterinary appointment or an actual diagnosis for your pet. If you feel your pet has a health or behavior problem please consult your veterinarian immediately for specific advice tailored to your individual pet.

However I see that Farrusko is training you properly to offer him water via your hands. :p Mishi has me well trained too :D

Maya & Inka's mommy
08-01-2006, 03:20 AM
It has been raining a lot this morning, so now the garden is vERY happy!! And.... so am I :p . All our windows and the patio doors are wide open to let in the fresh air!!!

08-03-2006, 10:28 AM
Was Yesterday hot everywere? I think that was the hottest day I have ever lived through. I went to the Dog Park with Jenny and no one was there, :( It was just way too hot ! The temperature on the road was 37 ! ( Which is very unusual, were I live )

08-05-2006, 04:25 PM
Farruska, that is so scary about that tornado!! :( Isn't it strange how often we have them now?

Yes, luckily it has cooled off now, we have temperatures between 75° and 85°F, and I managed to cool my place down. For the last three nights, I was able to sleep with only tilted windows, which means I could have Luna and Lily with me. But I'm afraid these cool temperatures won't last, and the next heatwave is just around the corner. I'm so ready for the fall!!

I heard that it's very hot in other parts of the world, too. Heard that NYC and Chicago had huge problems with the heat.
