View Full Version : Waddles, Quackers, and Puddles*13*Pics

07-20-2006, 03:52 PM
Wow, so have they ever changed while we went on vacation! They are currently molting and our growing up so fast! I just love them to death!! It ends up being though that all 3 are males, so we will see if they are going to get aggresive. To bad you can't neuter and spay birds! They are the funniest and sweetest little guys. They love following Zoey everywhere, I guess that's their mama. Anyway do you remeber when they were this little? So afraid of us.
Now they don't want to leave my side or the dogs.
Excuse the size of the pool, this is the outside pool, and they have a bigger pool in their coop.
Drying off
From left to right, Quackers and Puddles
I just love them so much!!

07-20-2006, 03:55 PM
Love their tail feathers ;)
One of my favorite pics ever. Waddles stretching (you can see one of his feet, by his tail)
Playing in the sprinkler
Thats all!!

My Peanuts
07-20-2006, 04:22 PM
They are very handsome!

BTW, birds can be 'fixed', but it's a dangerous surgery for them. When my tiel, Alex, was having trouble with egg binding I asked the vet about it.

07-20-2006, 04:26 PM
BTW, birds can be 'fixed', but it's a dangerous surgery for them. When my tiel, Alex, was having trouble with egg binding I asked the vet about it.
Oh they can? I don't want to risk my chance, because it's not like neutering a cat or dog. I am just worried about aggresive issues since all 3 are males.

My Peanuts
07-20-2006, 05:20 PM
Oh they can? I don't want to risk my chance, because it's not like neutering a cat or dog. I am just worried about aggresive issues since all 3 are males.

I didn't do it either. Too risky. Plus, for a female it didn't make much sense because the vet said she still could lay unfertilized eggs and still could get egg bound. I don't know exactly what they do anyway.

07-20-2006, 05:22 PM
Aww! Such very handsome boys! :D Its just too insane how fast they grow up.

If they get aggressive, is there any possible way that you can get a few females to even it out? Or would that even work? I don't know all that much about ducks. :o

07-20-2006, 05:22 PM
they are gorgeous! I just love 'em! I hope that they don't get too aggressive! Maybe you'll be lucky, and they will be different!?!

Steph and the crew

07-20-2006, 05:43 PM
such good looking ducks! i hope they don't turn out aggressive.

07-20-2006, 06:06 PM
Well if you were following my threads before I got thease ducks I had 4 male ducks. I had to rehome them all because of them attacking us and each other. My parents are considering finding two females, but we would have to rebuild their coop, because our shelter couldn't hold 5 ducks. They only stay in their coops at night and come out during the day, so we will see. But my parents told me they will never rehome thease ducks because they love them way to much. Funny how my mom hated thease ducks when we first got them, and now I think she loves them ten times more then I do. :)

07-20-2006, 09:00 PM
They are all beautiful!! Is Quackers a Cayuga duck? We've got a Cayuga... they are very expensive ducks. (compared to other breeds) They all have grown up to be such beauties. :)

07-20-2006, 09:17 PM
They are all beautiful!! Is Quackers a Cayuga duck? We've got a Cayuga... they are very expensive ducks. (compared to other breeds) They all have grown up to be such beauties. :)
Nope he is just a mix of a blue swedish and mallord! :)

07-20-2006, 09:21 PM
Oh, really? Well he's a handsome boy. :)

07-20-2006, 09:22 PM
Oh, really? Well he's a handsome boy. :)
Thank you, He tries!

Toby's my baby
07-20-2006, 10:03 PM
They are all beautiful!! I hope they work out for you, I am glad to hear that you wont be rehoming them!

Your 'blue' swedish doesnt even look blue!! He looks black! ...unless its the lighting or something...:o

07-20-2006, 10:06 PM
They are all beautiful!! I hope they work out for you, I am glad to hear that you wont be rehoming them!

Your 'blue' swedish doesnt even look blue!! He looks black! ...unless its the lighting or something...:o
lol, I know
that's just what the breeder told me, so who know what he is! :D