View Full Version : Ritzy's being a stinker

05-19-2002, 04:36 PM
This morning, I went out onto the back deck to excercise a little - which means I usually open the glass part of the patio door and close, but not latch, the screen door.

I was warming up, and I hear this shoosh....like the door is opening and I turned around, sure enough Ritz was standing there with that AHA look in her eyes...heading for the underside of the deck (bad, dirty place to be and nearly impossible place from which to extract a curious pussycat).

She figured out how to open the screen door! I should have known that would happen eventually - she always sits and stares at me when I'm out there - "why can't I come out there, mom?"

I scrambled to grab her, and did so, but not without a few scratches and many surprise leg attacks the rest of the morning...plus her fur fuzzed out to the "puffy tail" look for about 5 minutes after she was back in the house.

She has never been outside and I don't want this to become regular behavior - too many unhealthy cats in our neighborhood.

Bad Ritzy! Smart ritzy....but bad Ritzy

05-19-2002, 06:09 PM
My cat Storm is the smart one of my three. He's also learned how to open up the screen door. Once he opens it, the other two will run out. Luckily it's only a balcony on the second floor. I used to have plants out there and he liked to dig up my plants. He also likes to eat dry leaves that are out there. I always keep a spray bottle on hand so I can spray him when I catch him in the act. He knows he's not supposed to do this but he's like a kid. Oh well what can you do?

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-20-2002, 01:16 PM
Peanut did this too, one time. I had Tubby out in the backyard, and Peanut is always a little more skittish and is usually happy to stay inside. I closed the screen door, but evidently not as much as I should have. The next thing you know her little paw is going at the crack between the door and the frame and lo and behold it moved - just enough for her to squeeze out. It usually sticks and is hard even for me and Terry to open if you don't get it just right, but this time it just slid right open.:D I must have heard it, or maybe Tubby gave me some kind of sign because I turn around to find Peanut sauntering over to sniff at the roses - no collar, no rope, just free wheelin' it! First of all I was surprised because like I said, she's a timid little thing and doesn't exactly fall into the bold, adventurous category, but here she was acting like she owned the joint and she wanted to sniff those flowers! Needless to say I secured Tubby and grabbed her so she wouldn't get too far. She, of course, protested, but I picked her up and promptly got her little collar and rope and brought her out too. There have been other occassions since were I've seen that little paw trying again, but luckily to no avail, and I'm usually pretty vigilant now to make sure the screen door is closed tight enough that there's no way that little paw is going to make it between the door and frame.

I said the same thing too. Smart Peanut, but Bad Peanut. Sounds like you've really got a handful with that Ritzy. Between the odd shapes she forms with her mice in the dish, and now figuring out how to open the door, who knows what she'll come up with next! :D

05-20-2002, 06:37 PM
Yes, bad Ritzy!
Kedi also does this, so no more leaving only the screen door open when he is about :eek:
Poor kitty, he just does not understand that he would have more freedom and allowences if he would just behave :D

05-20-2002, 06:51 PM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
I said the same thing too. Smart Peanut, but Bad Peanut. Sounds like you've really got a handful with that Ritzy. Between the odd shapes she forms with her mice in the dish, and now figuring out how to open the door, who knows what she'll come up with next! :D

I'm just so sensitive to this right now because there are some cats in the neighborhood that hang around our back yard and deck, obviously not well cared for, scrawny, dull fur and scratched up noses....I don't even think the owners have had them neutered. Learning from a different pet talk thread, I'm paranoid about any unwanted diseases over which I would have no control. Ritz has all her shots updated, but still - you just never know.

I just would be beside myself if anything happened to Miz Ritzy. She definitely has a mind of her own, but it's her personality that makes her so much fun, too. :cool:

05-21-2002, 04:23 AM
Aw - not bad Ritzy - just very curious Ritzy!!:D :D


05-21-2002, 06:07 AM
:rolleyes: you call that smart ???:rolleyes:
Sydney here is the smartest cat I ever met !! He even knows how to open sliding doors !!! :confused: All our closets close with good sliding doors , even the door between our bedroom and the dressing (with all the clothing-closets) is like this !!!
Well , smart Sydney manages to open them all !!!!:mad:
Can be funny sometimes yes ; but when I find cute Sydney making a soft sleeping spot among my husbands freshly ironed shirts or suits , it's not funny anymore ......;:eek: :rolleyes: :mad:

05-21-2002, 06:11 AM
Originally posted by lynnestankard
Aw - not bad Ritzy - just very curious Ritzy!!:D :D


Well, that's true - she does follow me from room to room, in her mind, this was just another big room and she can't understand why I won't let her out there. When I step out into the laundry room or into the garage, she wails like she's been separated for days!

I call her name through the door and the wailing turns into this bright trilling purrow? MOm? MOM! come in here!

05-21-2002, 08:03 AM
One of my 2-month old kittens (Tiara, a tortie, so named because of a diamond-shaped brown spot on the top her head), loves to dart out the door when ever I open it. So, in order to keep her inside, I will place her in a pet carrier for a few minutes. If she does get outside , it is nearly impossible to re-capture and place her back in the house. However, when she is READY to come back in, she will sit on the table in front of the sliding window that is used for a cat-door, until I open it up for her. It is ONLY when she is ready that she will voluntarily come back inside. Her other two litter mates do not behave in this manner, in fact, the male (Silver Prince) is very content to stay inside, and almost the same for the other one (Pepper). Speaking of Pepper (a long furred tortie) , she has the longest whiskers and eyebrows of any cat I have seen. They are so long that they curl up on the ends. .:)

(later) The neighbor came over to ask if I would feed her cats while they were gone. While I was showing off my menagerie, Tiara darted out the door, and she caught her, but not without a struggle. Finally she let her go because of her hand being scratched up. 'Had a battle with Tiara trying to capture her and finally, I gave up. then she was ready to come in a little later. and I gently picked her up without a hastle. But what is even more interesting about this "fight" with a kitten, is that now she doesn't dart out the door any more!


05-24-2002, 02:29 PM
Such smart kitties!! :)

The only thing my babies do with the screen door is run up it to chase the birds!! :rolleyes:

Noah has ran out the front door when my hands are full (read: taking too long to get in the door). Thank goodness we live on the second floor...he stops at the stairs...which coincidentally is when I yell "Noah James Cotte!!" Gosh, we do turn into our parents! :)