View Full Version : The kitten my aunt found has a permanent home

07-17-2006, 11:28 PM
My aunt/uncle got her spayed, all her shots done and had a chip in her ear. The little girl is known as Missy. She is 5months and still very skinny. Still hasn't gain any weight since my aunt found her. Now they let her roam free in the living-room but she can't go upstairs all by hershelf because Kari is up there and she spends all her time in the spare bedroom. She hates other cats and she would fight with any female. Her younger cat Molly wants to be friends with her but Missy doesn't want to be bother with her at all. At least they don't get in fight with each other. Both of them can live in the same room together but they are apart from eachother. Molly is a very jealous girl, doesn't like it when the kitten gets all the attention. Now she spend all day outside and doesn't hang with her mommy and daddy since the kitten is downstairs now. Three females can't live together, it will never work out. I'm glad it is a happy ending. Has anyone found/rescue a kitty from the street and kept him or her? Please reply. Thanks!

07-18-2006, 12:43 AM
i have!!! :D i did it ALL the time when i was a kid, and my mom's heart cat, nimue was a stray. she still has her, and has had for about 6 years now. also, i TECHNICALLY didn't rescue my two babies, angel and abysinthe, but i might as well have. if you want to read my biography on them, i put it up on here...the link is http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?p=1548665#post1548665... :D


Laura's Babies
07-18-2006, 08:07 AM
We love happy endings here. May the kitty go on to it's new home and be a happy, spolied baby for the rest of her life.

07-18-2006, 08:51 AM
I have taken in Moose The Magnificent from a home as he was fighting with the resident Cat.
Mr Scrappy, Scrappy 2, Tubby 2, Muchkin and Princess all came off the street, and I have never regretted for a second taking them in.
Michael was a farm Cat, that the Farmer would have drowned if he could have caught him.
We are estatic that the Kitten has a Furr Ever Home.