View Full Version : Getting a betta tommorow :-D

07-14-2006, 10:42 PM
My dad's taking me to the pet store tommorow to get a filter, and I'm going to get a betta there! Yay! What color should I get and is there anything I should look for?

07-14-2006, 10:50 PM
:) Congrats! Is the filter for the Betta? They don't need/enjoy any high-flow filters, if you want one a sponge or corner filter is the way to go. Make sure your tank is 1+ gallons, also. I recommend Stresscoat as an efficient and easy-to-use dechlorinator, and Hikari Betta Biogold is a great pellet food. You might want to grab some frozen Bloodworms to spoil him, too!

A healthy male Betta is:
-ACTIVE. Not completely sedentary, laying on the bottom, etc.
-FULL FINS. Please do not attempt to "rescue" a Betta with severe finrot. Not a good idea for a beginner.
-BRIGHT COLORING. No fungus or dull coloring.
-BUBBLE-NESTING & FLARING. Preferably, choose a male that has a little nest going (it'll look like there are bubbles on the surface), and will flare if you point your finger at him.
-*CLEAN, HEALTHY WATER*. Do not buy from a store who keeps their Bettas in filthy, or very cramped cups. Just don't! You don't want to support that kind of neglect.

Besides that, I love marble Bettas, so I would keep an eye out for marbles if I were you. ;)

07-14-2006, 10:53 PM
Congrats can't wait to see pics.

07-14-2006, 11:14 PM
:) Congrats! Is the filter for the Betta? They don't need/enjoy any high-flow filters, if you want one a sponge or corner filter is the way to go. Make sure your tank is 1+ gallons, also. I recommend Stresscoat as an efficient and easy-to-use dechlorinator, and Hikari Betta Biogold is a great pellet food. You might want to grab some frozen Bloodworms to spoil him, too!

A healthy male Betta is:
-ACTIVE. Not completely sedentary, laying on the bottom, etc.
-FULL FINS. Please do not attempt to "rescue" a Betta with severe finrot. Not a good idea for a beginner.
-BRIGHT COLORING. No fungus or dull coloring.
-BUBBLE-NESTING & FLARING. Preferably, choose a male that has a little nest going (it'll look like there are bubbles on the surface), and will flare if you point your finger at him.
-*CLEAN, HEALTHY WATER*. Do not buy from a store who keeps their Bettas in filthy, or very cramped cups. Just don't! You don't want to support that kind of neglect.

Besides that, I love marble Bettas, so I would keep an eye out for marbles if I were you. ;)

Thanks! I'll definetley take pictures :D

07-14-2006, 11:28 PM
Everything has already been covered by bckrazy. :D
I can't wait to see the new addition, I'm sure you'll pick a beautiful guy!

07-14-2006, 11:30 PM
I love the white ones and the multi-color ones!

07-14-2006, 11:31 PM
Will they get sucked up by one of those filters that sucks from the bottom, and all the stuff sticks to the velcro like stuff, and then the water comes out the top? I don't know what they're called.

07-15-2006, 01:06 AM
Are you describing a power filter? It depends. There is a great chance that it'll shred your Bettas lovely fins, though. In-tank Whisper filters work very well, and have a low setting that does not disturb the Betta. You have to understand that Bettas (besides Plakats) are more fin than they are body, a current will blow them around the tank constantly and really irritates them.

I totally recommend Small World filters, they connect to an air pump, and have sponge & carbon media that keeps the water looking clean. You will still need to do 100% changes every week on anything under 5 gallons, with or without a filter, as cycling is near impossible in a small tank.

07-15-2006, 09:16 AM
YAY your getting a betta fish!!!!!!! :D

Make shur he gives you a flare so you know he like's you lol.

I seen a gold one those are realt perdy too or a black hehe.