View Full Version : Rose & I are Finally safe !

07-14-2006, 06:27 AM
I never told anyone how unsafe it was living here. Rose's boyfriend was a huge threat to both of us, including the pets. Last month I started locking my doors & pooking my head outside my door for every little noise I heard.

Francois got into coke :(

Hes such a wonderful person when he's clean & such a monster when he's not... Yesterday (I was at work) he did 4 lines, & then wanted to drink. Rose ketp taking the drinks & bottles away from him, cause hes UGLY when he drinks! He got a few glasses into himself & Rose got his last glass.. he threatened to hurt her & she took out her cell & was trying to dial 911.. he ripped from her hands & broke it in 1/2 (it was a flip phone).. She walked over to the house phone & dialed 911.. He ripped the phone off the wall & smashed it.. however 911 was able to hear everything!!!

the police rushed over & charged him for trashing her house (he smashed all her crosses & broke other things).. The police can charge anyone without the consent of the Rose (LOVE that law)...

Rose is physically ok, but she feels guilty cause she couldn't help him... She feels guilty cause she can't cry & embarassed... I was the first & only person she told for many hours. I'm so glad shes so open with me (I'm the same with her), as its good to know whats going on in the house.. I changed the lockes for her & were going out to buy an alarm system..

I tried to talk her into trading in Cyrus for a Poodle, but it didn't fly hehe

If anyone knows how I can help Rose feel less guilty, that would be great!

Laura's Babies
07-14-2006, 07:41 AM
It is guys like that, that's why you should really get to know a person before you get involved with them. NO JOKE! Getting involved with the wrong person can cost you your life and I am betting it is not over with this guy yet either.

07-14-2006, 08:02 AM
Wow Jess that sounds really scary! I know you had said he had gotten into drugs and was drinking, but I didn't know the extent of it. You must have been terrified! What did Cyrus do while all this was going on? was he protective? I'm really glad that you guys are safe, at least for now. Can Rose get a PFA (protection from abuse) order against him? Sounds like she needs to protect herself first.

07-14-2006, 08:28 AM
Francois isn't allowed on the complex property anymore (she might own the townhouse, but not the land the complex is on, so he can't move back in no matter what now, YAY!!)... Rose has been with Francois for a year, so its not like she just let him in... & he wasn't on coke when they met.. hes only been into it the past month (maybe 2).. Rose was trying to get him help as she did love him.. I've never seen him high on coke nor drunk, but I've heard him yelling (just yelling about random things)...

Rose didn't even know he was on coke until Shawn told me. Shawn said he saw it in his eyes & in his body language & said, "Do you know that hes on Coke? He has those eyes & the way he's walking.. looks just like my uncle".. so I told Rose that & rose got Francois to fess up :(

No Cyrus wont do a thing, he runs to my bathroom & bedroom doors (its a corner) & hides there. I told Rose if I had the money I'd buy a Rottie & train him (I've already worked/trained with 2 guard Rotties, they were sweet hearts!).. There is no man in our house & neither of us feels good about that (we're both short, with me being the tallest at 5'2). Cyrus is a chicken (which is good, cause we don't want a mean pitty in the house! Cannot control them!), thats why I said trade him for a poodle, as those things are more likely to bite hahaha

Rose cannot go anywhere without someone with her, due to her accident. I'm now the driver, YAY! So Rose is trapped in her home until I get home (or until 1 of her kids pop over), so I don't plan on straying very far from the house (she only told her daughtor, her son will find out later). Cyrus wont be going for any walks for a while, but Rose & I will drive to a dog park, so he can run about.

07-14-2006, 11:34 AM
Rose did nothing wrong to feel guilty about. She absolutely did the right thing. Tell that girl to get herself to an Alanon meeting. She doesn't have to carry his mess.

07-14-2006, 11:46 AM
Rose did nothing wrong to feel guilty about. She absolutely did the right thing. Tell that girl to get herself to an Alanon meeting. She doesn't have to carry his mess.

I'm taking her to Church tonight, shes big on this God stuff, & I know its helped her deal with everything before & I know taking her will make her better..

I'll be bringing Cyrus with us, so I can walk & play with him, while she does her thing.. She was also seeing a special Dr. for people who are living with druggies & want to get them help... I know after Church she'll be better

07-14-2006, 12:07 PM
AlAnon might help Rose, even though she's not the one who was drinking on doing Coke. If church helps, that's great, just give her, and make sure others give her plenty of support, and maybe teach Cyrus how to do a "mean dog" impression!

My friend Caley's family dog greeted people by growling ferociously and wagging her tail just as furiously. If you didn't know that was her "freindly" greeting, it could be quite intimidating!

07-14-2006, 12:12 PM
That's good that she can turn to church for help - I know that always helps me. Sounds like she'll be able to get through this, and she's very lucky to have you for support. I agree that AlAnon might also be a good resource for her. Good luck!

07-14-2006, 12:17 PM
That's good that she can turn to church for help - I know that always helps me. Sounds like she'll be able to get through this, and she's very lucky to have you for support. I agree that AlAnon might also be a good resource for her. Good luck!

AlAnon is group support correct? She wont do that, she will not talk in groups, she'll just want out.. Thats why she goes to Church at night to pray (alone)...

Karen we cannot have Cyrus showing his teeth, cause he would be PTS in a heart beat with all these stupid Pitty laws here :( Cyrus is scared of everyone, unless I greet them at the door (then he wants to greet them).. otherwise he'll woof & run away :rolleyes:

07-14-2006, 12:21 PM
AlAnon is group support correct? She wont do that, she will not talk in groups, she'll just want out.. Thats why she goes to Church at night to pray (alone)...

Karen we cannot have Cyrus showing his teeth, cause he would be PTS in a heart beat with all these stupid Pitty laws here :( Cyrus is scared of everyone, unless I greet them at the door (then he wants to greet them).. otherwise he'll woof & run away :rolleyes:

Awwwww, okay. Forgot you have that dumb breed-specific legislation.

She would not have to speak at all. She can go to AlAnon and just listen, forever if she wants to.
