View Full Version : Simba returns. AND HE NEEDS YOUR GOOD VIBRATIONS.

07-13-2006, 04:49 PM
My former foster Simba (see here (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=99211&highlight=Simba) and here (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=100089&highlight=Simba) ) is being returned by his adopter.

Sad for him, but HAPPY for me. If you recall, I wanted this cat SO bad.

But as I recall, he was a bit of a fussy eater......so off to the pet store for Eukaneuba Lamb and Rice. :rolleyes:

I get him tomorrow.

(BTW...supposedly he has "peeing issues". Well, he may be sick or he may not like his adoptive parents, but this was a GOOD boy with NO behavioral problems!)

EDIT: Simba is petrified here and needs all the good thought energy you can spare. (see later post, page 2)

Laura's Babies
07-13-2006, 04:56 PM
I am glad that they are bringing him back to you and not just dumping him somewhere... So now....Does this mean he is going to get to STAY? Maybe his issue was that he loved it better at your house and wanted to come "home".

What is it about these blackies that makes them so emotionally attached.. I sit on the sofa with Samantha and she gets on my chest and from time to time, she takes her paw and puts it on my face and looks at me with so much love in her eyes. I just adore her and love her just as much as she loves me and thank her all the time that she didn't give up on me...

07-13-2006, 05:01 PM
OMG, it's HIM! I remember this black angel. Oh, please hang on to him!!

07-13-2006, 05:04 PM
Some things are just meant to be. Could Simba's "behavioral problems" possibly be the result of wanting to be with you? Please let us know how things work out? I'm relieved to know the new owner is returning Simba to you rather than the shelter or abandonment route.

07-13-2006, 06:40 PM
We think that this is the Lords way of saying
JEN, Simba is YOUR CAT!
I think that Simba truly belongs with YOU!
Tubby 2 thinks so as well.
Adopt a Black Cat!
We bring Good Luck!!!

07-13-2006, 07:57 PM
Ah, now I remember his adoption! Yes, she WAS A flaky woman. and I remember thinking at the time that it just was not going to last.

Yay! Simba's back HOME!

I do believe I had a conversation with her about litterboxes and the special food... so no wonder he had peeing issues!

07-13-2006, 09:07 PM
I'm sorry he did not work out, but it sounds like it wasn't good for him. But she did exactly the right thing...she brought him home to you where he's safe and loved and you understand his quirks. :D

07-13-2006, 09:27 PM
It certainly looks like he's meant to stay with you (forever)! :)

07-13-2006, 10:31 PM
I just have to share this. There was an email where one of the heads of the rescue told a few of us that Simba's coming back.... please read Jen's response:


Hmmmm... I think she expressed herself quite eloquently! :p

K & L
07-13-2006, 10:58 PM
So is he yours on a permanent basis? ;)

Laura's Babies
07-14-2006, 10:59 AM
How about a update! Is Simba there yet?

07-14-2006, 01:29 PM
Not until tonight. And he will be having a vet check this afternoon to see about an UTI.

07-14-2006, 02:03 PM
I believe things happen for a reason, and Simba is meant to be ;). Goodluck with the vets, hope all goes well and it is not a UTI.

Laura's Babies
07-14-2006, 04:31 PM
OK, it is late afternoon.........?

07-14-2006, 05:07 PM
Laura! :eek: I thought that I was the impatient one around here! ROTFLOL

I am not the one taking him to the vet. Our adoption coordinator picked him up this morning, took him to the vet this afternoon, and I will meet her tonight to bring him home. I will know more then. :D :D

Don't worry, I will update! ;)

Laura's Babies
07-14-2006, 06:38 PM
LOL! :D I just want you to have that baby HOME!!

Maybe we need to throw him a welcome home party!

07-14-2006, 07:56 PM
Simba is here.

Vet says.......inflammed bladder! giving the urgent feeling of a need to go all too often. 2 meds and a recheck in about a week.

I have yet to let him out of the carrier. I am offing some food and will give him his pills THEN I will let him go. It has been about 6 months (I think) since he has lived with other cats. he may not be happy right away. But he was always good before.

He looks good, thank heaven.

Laura's Babies
07-14-2006, 08:40 PM

I am so glad he is back and I think he will do great there when he gets over his inflammed bladder and is feeling better. I know you are happy he is back too... :D

07-14-2006, 09:13 PM
He is PETRIFIED! Almost wild. :( I could not get near enough to him to give him his medicine. So much stress for the poor guy. :(

If she ruined this cat I will choke her with my bare hands! :mad: He had no problem before adjusting to new cats and a new home. (but I will admit, that I am usure how he acted when her FIRST arrived at 1by1). I hope he can relax VERY soon. he needs his medicine, and I want my boy back. *sob*

07-14-2006, 09:37 PM
I'd get him some rescue remedy.

07-14-2006, 11:04 PM
Poor guy is probably stressed out, he should settle down soon I hope. :)

Prairie Purrs
07-14-2006, 11:57 PM
Poor fella! What with feeling bad, seeing the vet, and relocating, he's probably all confused and upset. I'm sure he'll relax once he realizes he's HOME! ;)

07-15-2006, 06:10 AM
Oh my gosh, what happened to this poor boy while he was seprerated from you!!! :( To be honest, I'm glad he's out of there, and back with you again.

Hopefully it won't take long until he settles down and learns to trust you again. I guess once his bladder infection is treated, he will feel better.

But how I hate this!!! People give up on their cats because of peeing issues and don't even consider a medical condition!! I see it happening all the time, and it makes me so mad! :mad:


Laura's Babies
07-15-2006, 07:27 AM
Poor baby! First he lost his home at a time when he hasn't been feeling well and all these changes.. That poor baby. I guess he IS petrified with all those strange things and changes going on. I will send him all the good vibes I can for him to realize where he is and remember how good you were to him and hopefully he will settle down fast.

Simba, you are home baby, where you are loved and treated with love and respect. Calm down and look around, SEE where you are, see who is there and REMEMBER!

07-15-2006, 09:45 AM
Welcome Home Simba, and we know that you will have a wonderful home with Jen, Charles and thier Cats!

07-15-2006, 12:18 PM
That poor boy. No wonder he is all stressed out. He feels bad, has been moved AGAIN, and now he probably feels like he's on a merry-go-round.

I know you'll do everything to make sure he feels relaxed and get him to calm down.

Sweet Simba, you are where you belong.

(what the HELL did she do to him??? :eek: )

07-15-2006, 05:48 PM
Sweet Simba prayers are on the way from me.

You are home now Sweetie! I think your traveling days are over and you can relax and bask in all the love coming your way!!!

07-15-2006, 05:59 PM
SIMBA!!! You are very safe now, and you know that Jen LOVES you so much!!!!

07-15-2006, 07:55 PM
I found out that when Simba FIRST came to our shelter he was also VERY terrified. So I guess I will just wait him out. Poor thing has not gotten his medicine yet, But as soo as I can.

I had to play MEAN mama this morning. :( I had no choice but to get him out of his hiding spot and into my 3 story cage. Unfortunately this was achieved in not the nicest of ways. :o (but, you gotta do what you gotta do)

So he is resting comfortable in his condo, but not eating. (also something he did both when he first arrived at the shelter AND when he first came to my home) Still no petting allowed (and the scars on my palm attest to that :eek: ) but he seems just a bit more relaxed.

Day by day, we will take it. Thanks for all the thoughts.

07-15-2006, 08:11 PM
Poor, poor Simba! I certainly hope he starts remembering how happy he was with you before, and can settle down. I'll be keeping him, and you, in my prayers. Keep us updated.............


07-15-2006, 11:03 PM
you have my thoughts as well. i am so glad you got him back, tho i wasn't on PT then, i got the general gist of what happened from the posts on here and stuff. i hope he warms up to you soon, without a doubt, not only is he scared and confused, (which you know this), think of how PAINFUL and IRRATATING his bladder infection has got to be!! hopefully all goes well, and if he's at all like my abby, he's probably shedding ALOT from stress, so make sure he's getting good foodstuffs in him as well!! ;)
good luck!

07-15-2006, 11:59 PM
Jen, I'm glad that Simba is back in your care:) but It's so sad to hear how terrified and scared he is now:(. I'm sure that he'll feel more at home soon and thrive once again in your home. Good luck and please continue to keep us updated about him.:)

07-16-2006, 02:21 AM
I do believe I had a conversation with her about litterboxes and the special food... so no wonder he had peeing issues!
Did she have some strange ideas? What went wrong do you think? :confused:

It sounds as if it is a good thing that Simba is going back to Jen, hope he checks out fine at the vet. :)

Lots of love,
Sus and Bella

smokey the elder
07-16-2006, 07:23 AM
That poor baby! No wonder he's out of sorts. I hope he feels better and settles in like before.

K & L
07-16-2006, 07:38 AM
Well at least he's in the best of hands right now and with time I'm sure he'll be all yours again! Good luck with this and I'll wait for updates. Have you gotten medication down him yet? Just getting his bladder to feel better might help calm him down.

07-16-2006, 09:08 AM
Oh Jen, I am so sorry to hear that he's not adjusting back "home" well yet. I know what the power of love can do, so I'm sure he'll realize your arms are the best place he can be!

07-16-2006, 03:27 PM
If she ruined this cat I will choke her with my bare hands! :mad:
Hey Jen, can I have a piece of that action? :mad: :mad: :mad:

Welcome home, Simba!! It's wonderful to know that you'e in the very best home a sweet kitty like you could ever hope for. You're probably confused and upset on top of not feeling too good with that nasty bladder infection. Please let Meowmie give you your medicine so you can be all better quick and in a hurry. There's nothing to be afraid of anymore, you're safe, loved, and best of all you're a PT kitty again with all the perks and privleges that go with it. We hope you'll let Meowmie take some pictures because we'd all love to see you again! :) :) :)

07-16-2006, 03:37 PM
How is Simba doing today? Please give him some scritches from me... :(

07-16-2006, 03:55 PM
Simba is not taking scritchies from anyone yet. :( But he did eat a bit over last night thank goodness. It wasn't much, but it is a start. Can't wait until he's my BOY again.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-16-2006, 04:04 PM
Oh Jen, I'm so sorry it wasn't a happier homecoming for Simba. I can only imagine what he has gone through in the last months. :( I know that he will come around though. It won't take too long and he'll remember how good you were to him and he'll be YOUR boy again in no time.

07-17-2006, 04:34 AM
I know you'll be patient with him; apparently he was not happy in his 'other' home. Now he's where he belongs.

It's ok, Simba, don't worry. You are in your happy home now and no more problems.

07-17-2006, 07:28 AM
OK..............Simba is eating his canned food! Which means, as of last night I started the medication mixed in his dinner. He still is afraid of my hands when I go to pet him. (yes, I got swatted again this morning...more scratches! :rolleyes: His nails are DAGGERS :eek: Why do people wait so long to have them trimmed?????????)

But he is enjoying some catnip. So I rubbed my hands in it and he decided they weren't all that bad after all. ;) (Of course, now my own cats won't let me alone. :rolleyes: )

07-17-2006, 08:21 AM
Yay, Simba! You and mom will be cuddle buddies before you know it!



07-17-2006, 11:28 AM
Jen, I'm glad this boy is back with you. It sounds like it will take some time, but he will come around. The meds will help him, too.

Hang in there and know that my prayers are with you both.


07-17-2006, 12:18 PM
Black cats cannot be with anyone else once they've found love.I think Simba belongs with you :)

07-17-2006, 04:31 PM
Exactly right.

Simba is your boy. :)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-17-2006, 07:27 PM
I knew you'd find a way to endear this boy to you again, Jen. Catnip hands, how can a kitty be afraid of those? ;) :D

07-18-2006, 10:54 AM
This must be very frustrating for you, Jen, because you must want to cuddle him so very badly. How clever of you to think of catnip hands - I'm sure that's an idea the rest of us will try when needed. You are his last and best home, right? I don't think you would be up to letting him go to another home after all he's been through. Anyway, good luck on the socialization and on keeping him medicated so that he feels a lot better soon.

07-18-2006, 10:58 AM
Jen, I love that you are using 'catnip hands'. How smart!

Poor guy, you'll get him back to his old self I just know it.

Laura's Babies
07-18-2006, 11:49 AM
Black cats cannot be with anyone else once they've found love.I think Simba belongs with you
Is that why Samantha has always been so drawn here to my house? :eek: I never thought about that..

Jen, that was a great idea to put catnip on your hands.. Maybe you should do that every day until he gets use to your hands near him.. At least he is eating now and I bet by the time I get back, he will remember you and how good you have been to him.....

If he is so afraid of hands, don't it make you wonder WHY? Only God knows what he has been through.