View Full Version : I am back!!

05-18-2002, 01:39 PM
Hi everyone - I am back!

For anyone trying to contact me the new email address is [email protected]

If anyone wants me to look at a problem they have posted here please let me know.

Dixieland Dancer
05-18-2002, 05:22 PM
WELCOME BACK!! You have been on my mind so much lately. I was wondering how all the moving went and just when you were going to honor us with your presence again on Pet Talk. I really missed you!!!

I have a thread on one of Dixie's puppies being aggressive that I am having a hard time understanding. If you get a chance can you read it and give me you opinion! Thanks! :)

Aggressive Puppy story??? (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=10411)

05-19-2002, 07:22 AM
Welcome back Carrie! We have missed you!!!

05-19-2002, 09:26 AM
I was hoping that you hadn't left us for good! Welcome back Carrie :p

05-19-2002, 11:21 AM
Welcome back, Carrie! Since I just recently moved too, I'm sending some unpacking vibes to you!

May everything you need be in the first box you open! :p

05-19-2002, 04:43 PM
Welcome Back

05-20-2002, 04:55 PM
Carrie, I'm so glad you're back!! I have been thinking about you a lot lately also. Things are going well with Duncan but...Anyway, nice to hear from you!

:D :D

05-22-2002, 09:23 AM
Welcome back from me too!

05-22-2002, 09:31 AM
CARRIE, CARRIE, CARRIE, I have been thinking about you and wondering how you are getting along. I'm so glad you are back and I missed you so much. Logan did tell me that you were moving, etc so I knew you were very busy and probably still are, but I'm sure glad to hear from you.

05-24-2002, 07:39 AM
Welcome back!

06-04-2002, 06:34 PM

So you post a big "I am Back" and then you disappear
again.:D LOL. Seriously , there have been a few posts
requesting help with dog problems that I thought could
really use your imput. Where have you gone? Hope all
is well after the house move. :) Liz.

06-05-2002, 02:07 PM
Sorry folks - I am still too busy to draw breath!!

The best thing for you to do if you want my input is to email me and then I can go straight to the problem, rather than going through the whole site - fab as it is......I just don't have the time at the moment but am happy to help if asked to.