View Full Version : I think my dogs are all wore out lol

07-11-2006, 10:58 AM
ok I andomly woke up at 3 this morning and never managed to get back to sleep, so at 6am I was outside playing frisbee with Misty and at 8am I grabbed my bike so take Misty pulling and Happy just along for the ride(Happy wont pull) but my mom was not up yet and Ripley was looking at me wanting to come, so I harnessed him up hooked up Misty and Ripley together and we were off! that had to be the most fun I have ever had! Misty and Ripley together can pull a heck of a lot better then Misty alone, so I am just sitting on my bike passing cars lol we went apporx 12KM Total. Happy and Misty had no problems, when Misty could not pull anymore I pedaled and she trotted beside me, Happy was not pulling in the first place lol but poor Ripley aint no BC, he is a lot smaller! the poor guy could not even walk the last block, I had to get off my bike and carry him home! (and let me tell ya walking a bike with a dog attached with one arm while the other arm holds an 18lbs dog, and making sure the 3rd unleashed dog is stayng to your right is NOT an easy feat!) all 3 are now wiped out around the computer lol

Pawsitive Thinking
07-11-2006, 10:59 AM
Phew! I'm shattered just reading about it............

07-11-2006, 11:11 AM
So you should see my dogs on your front door step soon then ;). I wish i could wear my guys out like that... i did get a bike attachment thingy whilst we were away but i have not tried it yet.