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View Full Version : Bailey's Gotcha Day is Today!

07-11-2006, 08:56 AM
Got my little boy one year ago today...

07-11-2006, 12:27 PM

Bailey came into my life so quickly and right when I needed him. I had been going through a really hard time.. had just hit the 2 year marker of losing my siblings and then both of my older sisters left. I really didn't have any friends and so I was begging my mom to let me get a kitten. We had one cat and a bird and what I really wanted was a dog but I knew Mom wouldnt go for that. She agreed to go ''look''. We went to the petstore and on the way out Mom just happened to look at the bulliten board. There was a poster there on a little guy named 'Gizmo' saying his family was having another baby and knew they wouldnt have much time for him. Mom glanced at it and walked out. We went to dinner and she told me about the poster. She was very surprised when I said I was interested. We went back and got the poster and contacted his owner at the time Angie. She agreed to meet us and so we went to her house. The first time I saw my baby he was running out their front door [on concrete mind you, not caring about his legs) and he ran to me his tail wagging like crazy. Angie gasped, ''He hasn't moved his tail since his surgery, a year ago.'' We went inside and stayed... for almost three hours. The whole time he layed in my lap. She saw that he was the best thing that happened to me and so we took him home that day. He enjoyed going to the park and the petstore. That night he got a bath and watched 101 Dalmations and barked at Glenn Close aka Cruella DeVil. The next day I had voice lessons and we were preparing for our showcase. I had just done 'Annie' and was doing 'Maybe' and 'Dumb Dog' in the showcase. Tom [my coach] took one look at Bailey and said ''There's our Sandy.'' He loved every bit of it. I'll post pics if I can find them. He really is my inspiration. I don't know what I'll do if he ever has to leave me.
Happy Gotcha Day Bailey!

07-11-2006, 01:08 PM
Happy Birthday, Bailey! You're one special dog!

07-11-2006, 02:07 PM
Aww, happy birthday you cutie! :)