View Full Version : Question about a new kitten

07-11-2006, 02:38 AM
would getting a new kitten and raising it increas the chances that the cat would get stuck to me? Basicly everyone in the house has there own 'pet' to say. Dad has a female papillon(dog for thoes that dont know), sister has a female cat(stays in her room) and another cat (female) that stays under my dads bed ALL day and never comes out. So basicly i want to get a cat that thinks im the mother basicly. I know it sounds a little selfish but i dunno, i just want a kitty to hang with ;] Would the rasing the kitten option work out pretty good? Also i heard males are more cuddly n stuff but i heard of the sprayin and i HATE that. I was basicly thinkin about goin to a humain soc. because i heard u can get kittens there that are already shot up and fixed.

07-11-2006, 07:18 AM
Getting a kitten for the reasons you listed would be a big mistake. I'm sorry, but your comment on cats spraying, being shot up and fixed indicates you REALLY have no clue about adopting a kitten. No clue about their care, no clue about socializing, no clue about how they'll turn out. I vounteer for a rescue and you sound like hundreds of people who come in for a kitten, then return them 6 months later when they are not what they thought they'd turn out like. You don't jump into adopting a kitten because its cute or sounds like fun.... because though they are cute, they are also a TON of work.

Kittens are notorious for being cute and cuddly little fuzzballs... and then becoming independent aloof kitties 6 months later. I have seen it time after time where a family wanted a kitten for whatever reason then returned it 6 months later because it was "crazy" or "wanted too much attention" (I just love that one :rolleyes: ) or "I wanted a lapcat and he's not one" and so on. An older kitten (older than 6 months) will have his/her personality completely formed and you'll know what you're getting. No surprises. Well, a surprise if you are patient enough to takea shy cat and work with them until they trust you.... then you'll have a best friend for life. But working with a shy or semi-feral cat takes a LOT of time, patience, perseverance, and understanding.

Of course we'd love a cat to bond with us, but they choose us, and you can't just get a kitten thinking it would choose you over someone else in the house hold. This kitten might decide he/she wants to be bonded with another cat in the house (thats my Pouncer, bonded 100% to Allen and only looks at us humans as pains in the neck) or bond with your mom instead of you. A kitten might decide that since you played with them all kittenhood that they want someone who would leave them alone and then snub you at every chance.

I'd suggest volunterring at a local shelter to play with the kitties and wait til one special one comes cat and then adopt him/her. Really wait to see which one bonds with you. Then you'll know you have the right cat... and you'll have learned a lot about cats too... especially the fallacy that male cats spray. You'll find here that both spray equal amounts. And for the record: female cats are equally sweet and loving as male cats.