View Full Version : Pinnacle dog food...

finn's mom
07-09-2006, 08:42 PM
David and I went to a Pet Supplies store and I chose Pinnacle as the food we are going to switch Freckles and Dudley over to. I went hoping they'd have Innova, but, they didn't...so, I'm trying this out. Anyone else feed it? I mixed some of it in with their dinner tonight and they didn't turn their noses up. We'll see how their tummies react to it, as they have been eating Iams for five years. Wish us luck! I am going to go on the website (I think it's breeders_choice.com) and read up on the company as well before making a final decision. Just thought I would share this news as I feel great that we're getting a better quality food for David's pups!

07-10-2006, 02:15 AM
I've never fed it, but Pinnacle is an awesome kibble. :) I hope they like it!

finn's mom
07-10-2006, 07:53 AM
I hope they like it!

So far, so good! And, no one got a tummy ache over night, either! :)

finn's mom
07-13-2006, 03:12 PM
For those who noticed that I changed Freckles and Dudley from Iams to Pinnacle, they are completely done with Iams, and, not a tummy ache in sight! :) I really thought they'd be picky about it, but, not once have they turned up their noses or left a bite in their bowls. Just thought I'd update!