View Full Version : Had a good time!

07-09-2006, 06:58 AM
Fritz had a good time with the Aunties.Gave them big kisses and got bacon treats,had a few walks,one of which I went on with Auntie Bev.He met a little Scottish Terrier ,waited in the middle of the road,lying down for it to com eover.He had to move as a car came down the street and went and layed down again and the dog and its owner come over and Fritz wanted to play,the other dog didn't.Just at the start of the walk,a Shih Tzu barked at Fritz,Fritz ddin't pay it any mind.I got a picture of him on the walk,not with the other dog though,should have.He had his supper before we went to diner and he waited at the door for us when we came back and we gave him a piece of chicken as a treat,ate it up,.he would not kiss them goodbye,never does,no matter if they stay the night or not..He eventually ende up under the couch downstairs,wouldn't come was whining,possibly dreaming.Mom finally got him out of there with a piece of meat. ;)

Daisy and Delilah
07-09-2006, 07:28 AM
Keep on dreaming little man. The Aunties will be back soon sweetheart. Don't worry. You do love them alot don't you? It sounds like you had loads of fun while they were there. Be careful in the road. We don't want to hear of any mishaps. Have a good day Fritz!! :)

07-10-2006, 12:05 PM
Oh Fritz, was the Scottie a little girl? Perhaps you have a crush on her???

Or were you playing hard to get with the Shih Tzu?

Either way, I'm so happy you had fun with your Aunties. I'm sorry they had to leave. It's a shame they don't live next door.