View Full Version : Lil' scare with Smokey...

05-17-2002, 01:48 PM
So we're at Petsmart last night and after Smokey's class I needed to get some stuff. He was tired and wasn't walking with me well so I got a cart to put him in. Well, I turned for a second and then I heard a big THUD. He jumped out!! And hit is little head on the hard ground. Oh man! I was like, "You crazy puppy. I can't believe you just did that!" But he just got up , looked at me and was like, "Come on, let's go!" He started to walk and it looked like he was limping a little bit. I stopped him and felt his legs and hips and back and stuff but he didn't shy away or yelp. I put him back in the cart (with his leash short so he cound't jump again) and we did our stuff.
Walking out to the car he was limping a bit, too.

But this morning he seemed fine. No problems with jumping up on the bed or taking the stairs.

I'll check him out again after work today. He's going to the vet tomorrow for shots so if it still looks like he's limping I'll ask about it.

But he gave me a little scare! He never makes a sound when he gets hurt, though. Or what seems like it should hurt -
Got his toenail cut too short - no reaction at all
Another pup punctured his ear with his tooth - no reaction (I didn't even know that happened until Smokey moved his ear and I saw the side was covered in blood)
And no yelp or anything when he jumped out last night.

Tough little fella.
But if I remember correctly, they have a high tolerance for pain and don't like to let their owners know they are hurting.

Anyway, he's a thug. :D

05-17-2002, 02:04 PM
Aww.. hehe, he's a lil' ganster! ;) - Rach

05-17-2002, 02:09 PM
He sounds like a "thug", what a dog! Hope everything is going to be ok!

05-17-2002, 02:14 PM
Manda, You will be surprised at these little pups' pain tolerance! Even the tiniest amongst them is toucher than we are!

05-17-2002, 05:43 PM
maybe you should have named him after 2 pac!!!!

Shorties gonna be's a Thug
Said he's gonna be
One day he gonna be
Say he wanna be
Shorties gonna be a Thug

I still think Makaveli woulda been a cool name