View Full Version : I'm going quite, quite mad - colds, spraying, fights

07-06-2006, 11:46 PM
There are times when I love having lots of cats, such as Saturday mornings when I look down the bed and grin as I see 7 or so furry faces looking back at me as they cuddle in. But right now I'm going mad.

Kitten 1 had a gummy eye and Kitten 2 was sneezing so we started cold treatment on Saturday - Amoxy, Teramycin. Since 3 had been with them, I left him there and treated him as well. They continued to eat well, play fight, etc. and I thought they'd be well by the beginning of next week. I took Kitten 2 to the emergency vet last night because he suddenly got worse - nothing they could do, I just have to keep up the supportive care which now includes force feeding. I came home tonight after talking to my vet and set up another room to separate Kittens 1 & 3 from 2 and found 1 had also got worse so only the big brother is on his own and he's crying furiously. 1 and 2, after meds and force feeding are now in the bathroom on a bed together as I run the hot water. I can't afford to buy a humidifier after all the vet bills.

While rushing around getting the force feeding together, I found that one of the adult cats had sprayed on the stove top, right across the heat coil and up over the back of the stove. I knew there were spraying problems but I kept cleaning up and telling myself it was just my FIV+ guys all settling in together. I lost one stove to a previous cat spraying on it and I'm not about to go broke losing another, so now I'm looking at which ones are the likely sprayers to be isolated downstairs. I'd so hoped to have a home where all the cats could mix together at last, but these sprayers always end that dream.

The four big FIV+ boys, I call them the Black & Tux Boyz, have started harassing the semi-feral females and there was a major fight tonight. I feel like sitting them down and saying "Look, you can go back to the shelter, they will take you, but I really don't think you want that. I saw Dallas there a few weeks ago, and he's miserable. So, shape up, keep your pee for the litter box, or move out!"

It looks like no heavenly laze in bed this weekend but cleaning, moving furniture, putting up plastic, separating cats and nursing the babies. Sigh!

07-07-2006, 01:42 AM
but it is worth it, I know your pain and anxiety but it will work out, and truthfully whats a stove between friends (said as she rescues whats left of her futon) :rolleyes:

07-07-2006, 05:08 AM
I've gone through those spells. They are HARD!!!!!! All seems impossible. But, these days shall pass. Hang in there.

(I just found a big pee spot on my kitchen TABLE! :eek: and splashed on one of the chairs :mad: But I don't know who. :( )

07-07-2006, 10:02 AM
The "cherry on the cake" or "coup de grace" more likely, was finding out at 11pm as I finally reeled into bed that Ginger, my going-senile geriatric, had done a major and very wet poop between the heavy cupboard holding a monitor and players and a newly replaced sheet rock wall. She'd totally ignored the many litter boxes, both filled and unfilled, the newspapers over plastic and lino, all around her and squeezed into a space that would be most hellish for me to clean. I couldn't get the cupboard out without dismantling a day-bed so ended up heaving it a few inches, standing on one foot and with my nose nearly on the mess, slowly cleaning it all up.

And to think, I created this monstrous mess for myself. :eek:

Laura's Babies
07-07-2006, 10:18 AM
My heart goes out to you and I just don't know what to say. It does sound overwhelming and I understand why you feel so outdone. I have no advice just a ((((HUG))))).

07-07-2006, 10:31 AM
Shemp was spraying in the wrong places, as he would smell where Tubby 2 would have accidents and try to out stink him.
And they are always leaving little oiles of pre chewed cat food for me to slip on.
And sudden fights to startle me.
But as Jen says its well worth it all, in the long run.

K & L
07-07-2006, 06:57 PM
I think all us multi-cat households can relate one way or another. I feel for you right now and am going through similar situations. We’ve been having peeing issues for sometime now and I am SO sick of it. I am such a clean freak and I feel my house is filthy and smelling due to this. Luckily we have flooring versus carpeting, but the odor still lingers. We replaced our coil burner stove with a flat top cause they were peeing on this and it was the worst smell when we turned on the burners. I am at a loss on what to do cause I know Leila is a culprit, but I also caught Kurby spraying the other day.

Then we have Scooter who is having problems again with UTI and blood in his urine. He cost me $160 the other day for tests and antibiotics. One of the newly rescued cats brought in ear-mites so now we’re battling that dilemma along with the costs of the meds. Beavis cost us $109 yesterday due to ear-mites and a major eye infection. We picked mom cat up after her quarantine, and even though they gave us a huge break in costs, it was still way over $200. The 3 kittens were in the $100’s also. We just released the remaining 2 with mom and last night we were cleaning up a huge mess in the bathroom. They had fleas and there were a lot of residual flea mess left. Then to top things off we discovered 2 more kittens at the park. This means there’s a mom cat, the 2 kittens (if not more) and one kitten still from the other litter.

It all gets so overwhelming, yet I look at their faces and my heart melts. I can tolerate just about anything but this peeing. I too am about ready to go crazy. I sympathize with you and if you come up with a solution, please pass it on to me.

Good luck with everything and hopefully it will settle down soon.

07-07-2006, 10:15 PM
Oh Kirsten...maybe you really should try that cat psychic, even for the peeing. That one thing would be a HUGE load off!
