View Full Version : How to have a fun 4th of July, by Nova (*10 pics*)

07-04-2006, 05:14 AM
Deer PT dogz, I thaught I'd show u how we have a funn 4th O' July. Lissen up!

Wake up


Gripe when mom doesn't feed you a good enough breakfast ('cause it's never good enough!)

Put stupid hats on your sister

Listen to the elderly

Laugh at their stupid jokes (this one's important!)

Pose to make mom happy. Put on your sad face to get it over with quickly!

Inform mom that her camera is really, really crooked.

Give mom kisses when she says the photo shoot is over

But most of all, STAY SAFE!

I hope you all have a wonderful 4th O' July. Lurve, Nova

07-04-2006, 05:27 AM
he he that is too cute! You really know what to do with the day Nova! :D

07-04-2006, 05:42 AM
Ok. I'm listening, Nova.
Nice pic set!! Ya'll stay safe too. :D

Ginger's Mom
07-04-2006, 06:51 AM
Hehehe, very cute. :D I particularly like the listen to the elderly picture. :) But they are all cute, love the captions.
Happy 4th to you too Nova, and to your sisters and brother.

Daisy and Delilah
07-04-2006, 07:15 AM
Yes Nova, make sure you laugh at all the elderly jokes---very important ;) Those pics are fantastic and so are those lovely labbies! Thanks for the happy holiday greeting. I loved it!! :)

Toby's my baby
07-04-2006, 07:33 AM
Lol, thanks Nova!! I'll be sure to imply those today! You forgot "Yell and mom when she wakes you up WAY to early" ;) Have a fun day Nova!! :D

07-04-2006, 08:33 AM
aww, thanks for the tips, Nova. ;) happy 4th of July to you too sweetie! :)

07-04-2006, 08:36 AM
Aww, she's such a sweetie :) Happy 4th of July, Nova! :D

new mom to a veiled
07-04-2006, 09:05 AM
Nova, I hope you, your brother and sisters, and mommy all have a safe and greaaaaaaaaat 4th of July!!!

07-04-2006, 09:10 AM
Aww..Nova that was really sweet. Thanks for the tips, sweetheart! I'll follow them. Happy 4th of July to you to!

07-04-2006, 09:57 AM
Aww, that was adorable!!! :D

07-04-2006, 10:08 AM
Lol too cute :D. Thanks for brightening up my evening Nova. Very cute photos Sarah.

07-04-2006, 02:10 PM
Thanks everyone :p :D

Suki Wingy
07-04-2006, 02:13 PM
Your mommy is a very good photographer Nova! And you are a gorgeous model. I think you should write a photo book.

07-04-2006, 02:19 PM
Awww too cute! Have a happy 4th of July, Nova!!

07-04-2006, 02:34 PM
Awww! That was too cute! Happy fourth! :D

07-04-2006, 03:40 PM
I'll remember those tips, Nova ;) Happy Fourth!

07-04-2006, 09:24 PM
Awwww! They are all so precious! :)
LOL, I love the "listen to the ederly" caption! :D

07-05-2006, 01:04 PM
How cute!!! I love your ruppers!

07-05-2006, 01:15 PM
Aw! GREAT pictures! The girls look ravishing (as usual :D )! Buck is getting so big! :eek: