View Full Version : Manx cat problem ... stool stuck on fur, rash around rectum

07-02-2006, 06:05 PM
I have a 1 year old Manx that is a rescue (purebred Manx, no stub or anything for tail, not sure what happened to him).

He has been having diarrhea lately (he's sneaking the kitten food when we're not looking). Today I looked and he had a bunch stuck to his fur. I've cleaned & trimmed as much as I could and he has a bad rash underneath it. He's also still has some stuck that I wasn't able to remove.

How can I take care of this and ease the discomfort of the rash? It's like a diaper rash that babies get. I hate knowing he's in pain & I need to finish cleaning him up. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!

07-02-2006, 06:57 PM
Was your cat tested for parasites??

07-02-2006, 07:51 PM
Was your cat tested for parasites??

Yes, he's clean. This is a common problem with Manxes from what I've read.

smokey the elder
07-03-2006, 07:31 AM
You may have to routinely give him "butt baths." Bribes with kitty treats may make this easier on both parties involved. Good luck!

07-04-2006, 09:39 AM
I'd go with a butt bath, too. Poop on the skin is VERY irritating, which is probably what you're seeing; it can even cause sores. Trimming a pooper path can help tons; if that's not enough, Cavilon spray, now widely available as the new 3M first aid spray for critters and also first aid spray for humans, is an EXCELLENT skin barrier to keep poop and pee off the skin. It was created as a skin barrier for humans with ostomies. The hair must be short before use; otherwise, you end up with a gunky mess. :eek:

07-16-2006, 01:34 PM
I have a few manx kitties and my Sherman has long fur and when he was a kitten the other wouldn't play with him because of the poop in his fur, eventually it stopped happening, I think maybe he learned to groom himself better, give it hime time, treat him for the rash, keep him clean and trim and hopefully he gets through this