View Full Version : fyregoddess needs help - orphaned kitten

07-01-2006, 09:38 AM
Copied from another thread in Cat Rescue
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I need help too
I found this kitten and I guess the mother was moving them or something when she got hit and died. I couldn't find the others, well Comrade Pashenka is eating off the bottel well, and offften,He is about 8 days old, and while "changing his diaper" I noticed what looked like a hemoroid, His stools are normal yellow/toothpasteish.but after I get the poo there is little spots of blood. I can't really afford a vet.and I would be devistated to loose him we bought him all we could imagine, KMR, botles,Cat wipes,eye wipes, bene-bac,Heating pad,Made him a neuter apptfor when he turns 4 months. I am desperate
please help,
[email protected]

Originally Posted by Karen
Keep feeding her, so she doesn't get dehydrated. Where are you located? Have you tried helping her poop? She might need that, being so young. I'd call an all-night emegency vet in your area just for advice.

617-453-0143 is the phone number for the Veterinary Emergency Hospital near me - they are open 8 pm to 8 am, and are in eatern Massachusetts. They were wonderful when a certain bunny broke her leg at 11:30 at night.
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07-01-2006, 10:05 AM
At least PHONE your vet, tell them you are low on funds, and see if they will advise you over the phone.

I'd up the fluids and ease up on solid - or mix wet food with water, to make it easier on Comrade Pashenka. Sounds like his name is bigger than he is! :)

Let us know how it goes!
