View Full Version : kitty from CCL's (Lisa) shelter :)

06-29-2006, 10:29 AM
No, no, no I have not adopted another kitty, though Lisa always has many that she desperately wants to find a good home for. Reading jazzcat's post about Roswell remined me of Lisa's Twiggy Martian (http://search.petfinder.com/petnote/displaypet.cgi?petid=6040079)..... If you go read about her, you'll see why ;)

Lisa is fine - but sounds so tired and overwhelmed. I think that the shelter has taken over her life pretty much. She has made wonderful changes though - at the shelter. The biggest thing, IMO, is that everyone now gets to roam free while the staff is there....six days a week.

Anyway, take a peek at the link again and read about another alien baby. Oh and maybe peek at some of the other cats at her shelter, too. These are the cats she cares for all week long

Laura's Babies
06-29-2006, 11:16 AM
She is lovely and it is great to hear of the wonderful change Lisa has made at the shelter and letting them roam freely during the day. That has to make life a lot more pleasent for the kitties.. WAY TO GO LISA!!

06-29-2006, 11:23 AM
Glad to hear Lisa is doing okay. I sure do miss her!

I love Twiggy Martian's name. How cute. She's a pretty kitty and I hope she finds a home soon. At least Lisa has made her shelter experience better. I'm sure the cats are thriving from being out of the cages.

06-29-2006, 06:07 PM
We are so pleased that Lisa is making such a big difference in the lives of those Cats.
We sure would love to see some Brat Photos, especially Scrappy Paddington Magoo.