View Full Version : I can't sleep.

Suki Wingy
06-29-2006, 04:56 AM
I usually have NO trouble sleeping, I used to come home from school some days and fall asleep at 6 and not wake up untill I had to get up for school. For me, the bed is like my gettaway spot. But now I've been laying awake for almost 5 hours and I'm sore. I worked hard at the farm carring water and mucking and stuff and my arms/shoulders ached then Niņo and I got caught in a hail storm then I layed on my butt for about 6 hours and all my joints ache! I'm so confused.
For the past couple of weeks it has taken me a couple of hours to fall asleep but always once I'm out I'm out untill at least an hour before I have to wake up where I will be awake enough to look at the clock then fall asleep and never want to get up. I can tell you for a fact the last time I woke up in the middle of the night was the week before last new years. I was so sick I couldn't even keep water down.

What can I do to help me sleep? I finally fell asleep at about 4 am last night and slept until 2 pm. This bad schedule is part of it isn't it?
What do you guys do when you can't sleep?

06-29-2006, 07:52 AM
Well, like animals that seem a bit off their schedule - get a medical checkup with blood work to make sure all is okay there. I hope your doc is not a pill-pusher!

If you have been working extra hard and in pain, maybe you are over-tired.

It's hard to get in the habit of a pre-bedtime bath if you are not used to it - but a nice warm soak usually relaxes me and REALLY knocks me out!

Use lavender bath stuff...and even try a couple drops of lavender oil on your pillow! I have heard that works wonders!

Any big changes lately? Or just the stress of the storm?


06-29-2006, 07:58 AM
Boy, we should have PM'd eachother last night because I couldn't sleep either. However, my problem was my 2 cats, Cosmo & Maxie. Maxie wanted to cuddle (one time flopping his whole body on my face - I couldn't breath) and Cosmo wanted to be fed & picked up. I have a massive migraine this morning and I'm exhausted!

Anyhow, sometimes exercise helps me get a good nights sleep. Perhaps around 5ish or 6ish you can go for a jog or a walk or go to the gym (if you belong to one) and do weights? I know I always sleep better after I get a good exercise in. Just a thought.

Good luck.

06-29-2006, 08:18 AM
You might try taking something to ease your aches and pains. Sometimes we don't realize that they are keeping us awake.

The warm bath can't hurt, either!

06-29-2006, 09:03 AM
Well, it was either a full moon out last night or it's something in the air, because I couldn't sleep either. I was awake till almost 3 a.m. Unfortunately, my lack of sleep is probably due to Menopause. :rolleyes: Or a number of other "issues" that are bothering me.

Lavender is very soothing. I use a spray on my pillows and sheets. I also have a bath "teabag" I bought at a craft fair that works wonders in a hot bath.

I've read that if you can't sleep, you shouldn't lay in bed and toss and turn. Get out of bed, and either read, go online or watch tv until you start feeling tired. I've found that a warm shower helps too.

I don't like taking any pills for sleep. I like to be in control. Besides, they can be habit forming.

Suki Wingy
06-29-2006, 09:20 AM
Thanks guys. I think I'll try lavendar and a hot shower before I go back to try and take a nap.