View Full Version : Thursday #166 I get no kicks from champagne..

06-28-2006, 02:07 AM
But I am getting a kick enjoying the World Cup..

I am putting together a team...

Mario is the goalie, Opposable thumbs, ya know?
Possum, Lady and the Orange Kitty and the Edster are mid fielders and my strikers....

I"m putting together some drinks so .....

The bar is open and the big screen is gonna be on thru out the weekend!!

Yes, Orc.. You can play too!


06-28-2006, 02:47 AM
My three would like to voulenteer as spectators...so long as the stadium provides food lol

I'll take whatever you have. I gotta be up for work in 4 hours...and I cant sleep :p

Killearn Kitties
06-28-2006, 03:06 AM
Mere alcohol doesn't thrill me at all ..... but I'll take whatever's going anyway! :D I'll keep it in the fridge for lunchtime. Another beautiful day. I will need a cool drink by then and you will be asleep, bartender.

Don't know that Sus has ever been in the bar, but Bella would make a great referee. My Samantha is a wonderful footballer. Count her in! Daisy makes a good sub.

Maya & Inka's mommy
06-28-2006, 06:07 AM
I have two soccer-fans here! Snoopy likes to make goals, and Zazou is great in getting the ball around the house!!
For me, let's have a margherita, without alcohol please!!

06-28-2006, 08:26 AM
I'm afraid Tigris plays tennis and Filou is better in wrestling - but they'll be happy to host some games.
I can't have a drink now- I'm still at California time and I never drink at breakfast ;)

Lady's Human
06-28-2006, 09:11 AM
Don't know if I am going to be able to get online from home, so I'm going to take advantage of my line at work to say hi.

The Susquehanna and Chenango rivers are expected to crest this afternoon an average of 20' above flood (yes, that's feet, not inches). There are at least two bridges in the area out, and at last report a house was floating down the river. While we're on high ground at home, our DSL is evidently flooded out.

Our driveway is headed into our back yard, (literally) as the culvert under our driveway got plugged with sediment and I can't do anything about it until the water level goes down.

Anyone got any gopher wood for sale? How about some tape measures with Cubit markings on them?

If not, just get me a large pitcher of Irish Coffee and a raft,

smokey the elder
06-28-2006, 10:22 AM
Try googling it or E-bay! :p "RIGHT! What's a cubit?" from Bill Cosby's routine.

I hope you don't have too much property damage. Where I live it hasn't been too bad. I feel bad for the folks in DC and on the DelMarVa peninsula; they're getting hammered. Too bad we can't ship some of this rain to uabassoon or djfyrewolf in Arizona.

Anyway, I'll have coffee spiked with Bailey's since it's raining for a change here. :p

06-28-2006, 10:31 AM
The creek by my house is over the banks big time and areas all around are being evacuated. Dams are threatening to burst and all he%# is breaking loose. Washington DC is in a "state of emergency". This is rain folks, not a hurricane or blizzard. But if one isn't used to it the thought of evacuating a houseful of dogs and cats is scary. Actually, the thought is scary even if you ARE used to it. While I wait to hear the latest I'll get into the World Cup Thursday spirit, put my cheerleading skirt on and look in the L&F for some pom poms. GO TEAM :rolleyes: I read the following and was reminded of a certain lunch with three friends at Laguna Beach a few months back


:D :D

06-28-2006, 10:32 AM
Break out the Moet. I feel like getting REAL drunk right about now. Why??? Because I can!!! :p Nothing like a good, cyber-hangover to build one's character.

I'd like to propose a toast to Kimmy and Andrew on their wedding this weekend.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-28-2006, 11:12 AM
Wow, looks like I'm all prepared for Thursdays this week. I've got a raft right here for LH and some pom poms right here for Laurie!

The battery is even charged on the air thingy to blow the raft up, but even if it wasn't, I'm sure Orc has enough hot air to fill it. ;)

Pom poms are left over from when I was a cheerleader at another cyber bar I used to hang out in. Ended up going down a dragstrip, sitting on the back of a convertible, waving pom poms freely in the air with 3 other girls. I think I even have a picture. Drat, I just remembered that was before my digi am and the printed pic is in a box in one of my Mother's closets in Wisconsin. :( Maybe when we're up there this weekend I can dig it out....but which box to start with? :rolleyes:

06-28-2006, 12:08 PM
Yikes - try to stay dry east coasters. :eek:

Can Sidney be goalie? He's getting wide enough to cover the goal.

06-28-2006, 12:08 PM
Pom poms are left over from when I was a cheerleader at another cyber bar I used to hang out in. Ended up going down a dragstrip, sitting on the back of a convertible, waving pom poms freely in the air with 3 other girls. I think I even have a picture.
Aha! So that WAS you in the parade here in San Francisco on Sunday :D Are you sure those were real girls? :eek: :D Lots of pom-poms and some with not much else on :rolleyes: This IS San Francisco - Gawd how I LOVE this City! ;)

I sure do hope Shrub makes note of all this rain. The scientists are saying Al Gore got it right in his movie - global warming is real. Perhaps the current deluge will convince him that we need to do something.

Ok, no more politics from me - let's celebrate Kimmy and Andrew's nuptials this Saturday. In fact, let's continue our sunshine dance from last week and a bottle of Dom!

Killearn Kitties
06-28-2006, 12:30 PM
Sounds as though more than just Kimmy and Andy need our sunshine dance! How awful that so may are facing all that rain and possible evacuation. Hope the water subsides soon for you all.

Now, if everyone could just form a circle in the middle of the floor ...

06-28-2006, 12:33 PM
HaHa! I found the right bar this week.
A cherry limeade for me, please? I'm still in a funk because I have no car. Feels like being under house arrest!!! Oh, well, at least I'm safe and dry!!!

Hope all you on the East coast stay safe and dry!!! I've been watching the news. They've been picking people in PA up off roofs!!! Sheesh!!! :eek:

06-29-2006, 08:06 AM
Good morning everyone. Yesterday was busy so couldn't get away to enjoy some Phun. I'm just going to grab some airborne and settle down on the couch. I've got a bad cold again....just run down I suppose. Wake me up if I start snoring OK?? :eek: :D

Lady's Human
06-29-2006, 10:13 AM
Slick wake up! (Picture waking up with a fuzzy black nose in your face) :D

Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words, and I wish I had a camera for this one.

Binghamton is flooded out in some sections. DOwn by the susquehanna, there is a street of old millionaire's houses. All their lawns are flooded, but one woman was standing out on her porch this morning, drinking a cup of coffee, watching her SPRINKLER SYSTEM!

Ummm, 'scuse me, but I think your lawn is wet enough...LOL!

How about an omelette and some sausage? (Yes, Lady, you get some too)

06-29-2006, 10:32 AM
You have GOT to learn to carry a camera at all times. Betcha a dollar it's an automatic sprinkler system and she hasn;t a clue how to shut it off!

06-29-2006, 10:46 AM
I have watched my sprinklers come on in a California rain and I feel so stupid. But the controls are not in a place easy to reach and I would get soaked trying to turn them off at 7:00 am.

Look at you Laurie, with your cute skirt and pom poms...........

I am glad that everyone is safe - the east coast rains have sure been something.

Slick - aww, Lady wants you to get up and play with her.

Guess I will start the day with some strong coffee and some Baileys.

06-29-2006, 01:42 PM
Coffee and Baileys - done.

lol -re: the sprinklers - we see that alot here in the summer when we do get some rain but the sprinkers are running anyway.

06-29-2006, 10:22 PM
Huh.....**shakes head** **snorts** Whaaaaattttt???

Oh it's you Lady! Gosh, I have been asleep all day.....must have been those drugs. :eek: :D Have you been there all day long?? Seems pretty quiet in here. How about you and me cooling down with iced tea with lemon. **smacks lips** That's just what I need right about now.

You are looking a bit peckish my friend. How about some of my home made doggie treats. **digs in the bag** I've got cheese, beef liver, veggie and peanut butter. What's you pleasure??? All of them??? Oh what the heck. Mom and Dad aren't here. There you go sweetie.

Oh yea.....Happy Canada Day to my fellow Canuckleheads!
Happy 4th of July to my friends south of the border. Let's all try to have a very safe weekend. :)

06-30-2006, 12:46 AM
Be safe my friends....

I am monitoring the weather channel.....



there was an earthquake in CA today! :eek:

I want to say something real fast...

I got to meet some new Pter's at the Picinc the other day.

There is nothing more satisfying on the planet to meet PT members in person.

I was able, Thanks to ES and her hospitality, to make some slushies for Barbara, Siegmar, Bev..Randy K was a delight to meet....A talented person indeed...He can make things fly!!! :D


Karen and Paul.

Thank you very much for putting together such a great place.

After all the excitement of these gatherings winds down, it comes down to the both of you, and the Hopster, that have made these gatherings such a magical part of my life.

It's small chunks of time, spent in the presence of some pretty special people,
that would not be possible with out all your work and dedication.

Thank you again! :)

06-30-2006, 06:23 AM
HERE HERE RICHARD!! Well, here and there and EVERYWHERE these days it seems. ;) East side, West side and all over this big durt ball we share :cool: Cheers!!

06-30-2006, 12:52 PM

Just got back from the doctor. I don't need to go back for a month. Blood pressure is good. They did a test for blood in the stool too - - - all a ok!!!
(I can sure give you tips on pooping on that stick should the need ever arise :p ).

Plus, yesterday I got a little Tracfone so I can call the bus or yell for help and not feel so out of control when I'm not home with no car.

I would love a big juicy hamburger with the works and a large cherry root beer!!!

Happy Canada Day to all and Happy Fourth to everyone too!!! :D :D :D

Killearn Kitties
06-30-2006, 01:12 PM
Great news MOFF! Things are looking up! :D

06-30-2006, 01:59 PM
Speaking of sprinklers, that's what my boss would do on the golf course. It could be pouring down and he'd still have the sprinklers running! It defies logic. Speaking of logic, could I have a double slushie? I'll just go over and pet Lady.

06-30-2006, 08:28 PM
Momo, that's such great news! You must be so happy. That tracfone sounds like a great idea....I do worry about you being at home alone all the time. I'm trying to talk my Mom into getting something similar to wear around her neck. If she falls, all she has to do is press a button and the ambulance will come. It's tied in with her alarm system.

End of a long day but not finished yet. I have to attend a 50th Wedding Anniversary celebration tonight so I'm just going to grab a double BM to go please.

Have a wonderful long weekend everyone. :)

06-30-2006, 09:04 PM
But I am getting a kick enjoying the World Cup..

I am putting together a team...

Mario is the goalie, Opposable thumbs, ya know?
Possum, Lady and the Orange Kitty and the Edster are mid fielders and my strikers....

I"m putting together some drinks so .....

The bar is open and the big screen is gonna be on thru out the weekend!!

Yes, Orc.. You can play too!

Yah, know everytime I here that song I thing of "Blazing Saddles" :D

07-01-2006, 02:16 AM
Yah, know everytime I here that song I thing of "Blazing Saddles" :D

Glad to hear you are not flooding out!


I try to keep the bar clean.

What's this about the stools? ;)

I have officially started my vacation!

Get ready everyone!

We are far from 'done'!!!! :eek: :D

07-01-2006, 07:37 PM
*clank clink rattle rattle*
Not to worry all, just me fixing snacks. The Pepsi 400 NASCAR race is on!!!
Come on Mario, I've got the drinks, you grab the popcorn!!!

07-02-2006, 12:27 AM
Hi every one sorry I'm so late it's been a strange couple weeks. I'll take a double coke and rum
Can I whine about my troubles. 2weeks ago my great aunt died from pancreatic cancer(sad but yet not long fight) , had Charity on fathers day (great joy), Tims mom died last tuesday(also long fight) day be fore her funeral this week ( wed) dad calls his brother is dead and they suspect murder during a brek in. (turns out not but he was dead 2 days before some one found him, and then after coming home in no air contioning for 8 hours a local cop has thegall to stop us for a tail light. Sheesh guy get a grip. Actually I think they were looking for a suburban. Poor cop just let us go as i started crying and Tim expalained our week and I just needed to get home. The cop even apoligiezed and told Tim to get me home.
Slick, Mom has one of the life alert buttons she loves it, had it about 12 years.
Moff great to hear your getting a life line too. my cars in the shop again but work is only 3 blocks so I ride my bike.

07-02-2006, 02:57 AM
A large Rum and Coke.

Pancreatic cancer made a stop in my life a while back.

Not a good thing- damn that illness moves quickly...

When it rains, it pours.....We just have to keep looking for the sun...

Some prayers and a done for you?


Who is Tony Stewart? ;)

07-02-2006, 08:43 AM
Thanks Richard for all. We are making it throu you just have too. Going to paint the ceilings at daughters trailer today.
Why do the short people get those jobs ?

07-02-2006, 09:33 AM
Gosh Corinna, let me get you another rum and coke and here, I have pulled over the comfortable chair - sit down and put your feet up on the ottoman.

Moff, such good news about your medication - and no doctor visit for a month.

Now, we just have to find you a car.

07-02-2006, 01:03 PM
Gini finding a car is not the problem. Those suckers are everywhere!!! It's affording one that's the problem. Well, I will adapt!!!

Guess what I got to do yesterday? Look at paint chips for the outside of my house. My bro is having it painted and the painter stopped by to let me check out some they were considering. Funny, I picked out the one my bro likes best too. The house will be a warm yellow with white trim and brown accents. With the green roof, it will look like a sunflower, so I tell them. That's fine. That's our state flower. It will look better than it does now for sure!!! I'll take pics.

I made blueberry muffins if anyone in interested.
Yes, Mario, I made a special one for you with lots of blueberries!

Richard, Tony Stewart? Never heard of him!!! hehe :D

07-03-2006, 10:24 AM
Good morning everyone...........what's cookin this morning?

Doesn't a Mimosa sound good this morning? Not too much champagne, just enough to give the orange juice that special "kick".............

It is hot here and very sunny..............truly is summer!

Moff, I love the color choices for your house - nice, bright, happy colors.

I remember when I got my very first car - my Dad said, congratulations, you have just purchased one of the most thankless items you could get. It will drain you of cash - break down at the most inconvenient times and end up being of no value compared to its purchase price. Thanks Dad!

07-03-2006, 10:32 AM
Gini, a mimosa will go great this morning! It's sunny, hot, and very humid here in Pittsburgh. It's FUN doing manual labor in this weather.

07-03-2006, 11:15 AM
Steaming Hot chocolate for me this morning. It's summer here too - San Francisco summer :rolleyes: Cold, foggy, windy. Going to see Superman in IMAX this morning with a friend. Maybe the sun will come out later, but I'm not counting on it. :p

Killearn Kitties
07-03-2006, 12:17 PM
Oh yes please, Gini, I'll take one of those mimosas. I am in London and it is hideously hot for walking around, clammy and yuk. I could do with a little San Fransisco weather. :D

07-03-2006, 02:06 PM
Guess what I got to do yesterday? Look at paint chips for the outside of my house. My bro is having it painted and the painter stopped by to let me check out some they were considering. Funny, I picked out the one my bro likes best too. The house will be a warm yellow with white trim and brown accents. With the green roof, it will look like a sunflower, so I tell them. That's fine. That's our state flower. It will look better than it does now for sure!!! I'll take pics.e :D

Sounds pretty! Do take "before" and "After" pictures! Paul's mom just had her house painted, and it is a nice yellow, too!

Psssst - you're one post away from being a 9-times pillar!

07-03-2006, 06:10 PM
Sounds pretty! Do take "before" and "After" pictures! Paul's mom just had her house painted, and it is a nice yellow, too!

Psssst - you're one post away from being a 9-times pillar!
Thanks for the heads up Karen. I never look at my numbers !

It's only fitting that #9000 is posted here where most of the other #8999 were posted!!! :D

Lady's Human
07-04-2006, 01:05 PM
I'll take a nice cold Sam Adams, please!

I'm sitting here with lady watching something that wide screen TV's were made for.

The shuttle launch ! (I hope)

07-04-2006, 01:24 PM
I'm watching it too!!!

Prayers flying and fingers crossed for them and a safe mission!!! :)

Lady's Human
07-04-2006, 01:35 PM
It's incredible watching it on the NASA channel without the usual blithering idiots from CNN commentating.

Lady's Human
07-04-2006, 01:45 PM

now just hope there was no damage to the orbiter on launch.

we REALLY need to throw some money at a new orbital cargo hauler.

What amazes me about the shuttle program is that NASA can keep 1960's tech flying this late in the life of the orbiters.

07-04-2006, 02:01 PM
What amazes me about the shuttle program is that NASA can keep 1960's tech flying this late in the life of the orbiters.
Especially since they had the two disasters!!!

I'm sure I wouldn't have the nerve to go up on one they knew had a problem with the foam stuff, no matter how safe they say it is. After all, it's not the ones in charge who risk being splattered all over the place.

Safe journey shuttle crew!!! :)

07-04-2006, 02:03 PM
The launch was far more emotional than I anticipated.


07-04-2006, 03:13 PM
Ladys human I heard some thing the other day (well night late night talk radio love it) Maybe with your knowledge. I heard that the foam is now not staying as well becouse the enviromentalists have screamed about freeon in it. so took it out and since then the stuff falls off. any possiblitys it's true? As this is in the dog house love for it to be proven and the families of the lost astronauts to sue the einvro groups ,what a picture that would be.

Lady's Human
07-04-2006, 03:37 PM
From Wikipedia:

The focus of the investigation centered on the foam strike from the very beginning. Incidents of debris strikes from ice and foam causing damage during take-off were already well known, and had actually damaged orbiters, most noticeably during STS-45, STS-27, and STS-87 [9]. Tile damage had also been traced to ablative insulating material from the solid rocket motors in the past. The composition of the foam insulation had been changed in 1997 to exclude the use of freon, a chemical that causes ozone depletion; while NASA was exempted from legislation phasing out CFCs, the agency chose to change the foam nonetheless. This led to many statements linking the foam strike to environmental pressures. STS-107 used an older "lightweight tank" where the foam was sprayed on to the larger cylindrical surfaces using the newer no freon foam. However the bipods were manufactured from BX-250 foam which was excluded from the EPA regulations and did use the original freon formula. The composition change did not contribute to the accident.

This is one that is NOT the fault of environmentalists.

07-04-2006, 03:58 PM
Rats and thanks for the info I knew you'd be the one to ask.

07-05-2006, 10:44 AM
I know that it is close to the end of the week and time to close the bar.........but could we leave it open for just a little bit longer?

It is Lady's Other Human's birthday today and I promised her a cake
and a drink of her choice.

Happy Birthday!!

07-05-2006, 12:17 PM
Happy Birthday LOH!

I'm glad the shuttle got off safely. Of course I, like everyone else, was concerned about the launch. It felt like NASA and the politicos were pushing for a 4th of July launch, safety be da**ed. I'm glad it went off without a glitch and am praying for a safe return.

Champagne all around - a toast to LOH and the safety of our astronauts.

07-05-2006, 12:22 PM
Big Cake for Jenn! (Lady's Other Human.)

Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!

Need we all sing? Lady may howl along ...

07-05-2006, 01:19 PM
I want to wish the space shuttle crew a very safe mission and Lady's Other Human a Very happy birthday! (hope you get spoiled!) Could I have a big slice of cyber birthday cake? I can eat that!