View Full Version : please:(( i need great help for my baby

06-27-2006, 03:57 PM
Hi. my name is mustafa. i am frm turkey. my problem is that i have a baby who is nearly 3 months old. after we left our home for 3 weeks, when i came back, i saw her very thin, very skinny. i gave her milks, and foods. now, for 4 days, she is very ill. she sleeps for 3 hours on same place. she is outdoor cat. we breed them in our garden.
i try to give her milk, food but she doesnt accept. she doesnt eat nor drink. even doesnt drink her mother's milk.
i am very sad and cant do anything. there is no doctor here. time is 23:55 here in turkey. if i cant take any precaution, i am sure that i will see her dead tomorrow morning.
dear administrators, please donu lock this topic because i was just searching help and came across your site through google.
PLEASE HELP ME :confused:

06-27-2006, 04:34 PM
Your kitten needs urgent professional care. By no doctor here, do you mean that there is no vet in your area? How far away is a vet? Is your family willing to take the cat to a vet?

The only thing you can do at this point is give her fluids to keep her going. Do you have a small syringe? Do you have a small baby's bottle with a new teat? If you do, or can get one, the hole in the teat will have to be very tiny. If you don't have a syringe or a bottle, you can use a small spoon. Boil some water and let it cool before you feed it to her. Put the fluids in the kitten's mouth at the corner and very slowly because you can choke her easily. Just let them trickle in and watch her swallow before you trickle in some more.

Is there anywhere where you can get replacement mother cat milk? If not, goat's milk or sheep's milk is better for her than cow's milk which may give her diarrhoea.

Since your kitten is an outside cat, it is likely that she has some parasites in her intestines. You will need a vet to help you there since giving her medicine you might buy in a pharmacy could be too strong for her because she is so small and weak.

Good luck and let us know what happens to your baby.

06-27-2006, 05:20 PM
LIZZIE, thank you very much for your advices. Yes.. i mean, there is no vet here. my family is abroad. they are 500 km. abroad from our house. they're on holiday. I have syringe, ı will give her some pastorised milk, and then i ll try to give boiled water. Just before i have read your answer, i gave her boiled egg and she just smelt it and she acted as if she was eating but she didnt have a power to eat. while her siblings were eating, she just look at them. she is very very thin. when i hold her, i can easily feel her bones, skeleton. by the way, i'm sorry for my poor english. i ll later let you know the ressult. Thank you very much. Take care...

06-27-2006, 05:24 PM
by the way, may i give her medicine? such as aspirine or vitamin c? Does it cause any problem?
and my other problem is that. I have an adult cat but he is always bittten by other enemy outdoor cats. he has wounds around his neck. deep wounds indeed. can i treat him by using tincture of iodine?

06-27-2006, 05:24 PM
When my cat was ill the only thing she would eat was tuna fish.

Was momma cat able to eat? Is she okay? Maybe her milk dried up and the baby is starving, once starving you are going to have to force feed small portions.

06-27-2006, 05:25 PM
I wouldn't give aspirine or vitamin c but the topical antibiotic should help.

06-27-2006, 05:28 PM
Your English is very good and I can understand you easily.

Focus on fluids first, foods second, even though she is very thin. When cats are dehydrated, they won't want to eat, so fluids are the number one priority. While egg is high in protein, she's not really ready for something so heavy right now. Can you get some jars of baby food? Or some chicken soup? Thin the baby food with boiled water until you can draw it up into a syringe and try then very, very slowly in the corner of her mouth. Expect a lot of it to come out of her mouth but she will get some of it. If you have to use chicken soup, you will need to put it through a blender or mash it through a sieve first.

Edited to add - Do Not Give Aspirin to the kitten. It won't help and it will harm her. Vitamins C won't help either. If you want to boost the protein and fats she is getting, use baby food.

Is there anywhere where you can get specialized food for your cat? If there is, they will also have vitamin supplements specially made for cats.

06-27-2006, 05:29 PM
Thank you caseysmom for your helps. her mother is OK for now. she is fat and healty. But i believe that she doesnt have milk for her babies. Since it is not possible to give her care, or feed her with cat foods, I am unable to do anything for her. I have got some hamburger meats in refregirator. I sometimes give it to them but i dont know is it helpful for mom to have milk or not.

06-27-2006, 05:30 PM
I am not sure but the hamburger meat is better than nothing.

06-27-2006, 05:37 PM
Lizzie is right, your cat needs medical attention immediately!! You shouldn't give a cat cow's milk as they are lactose intolerant. Please get your cat the medical attention it needs.

06-27-2006, 05:37 PM
Cow's milk is not good for cats, it can give them diarrhoea which will lead to more fluid loss. If your kitten was at a vet's right now, the first thing they would do would be to give her subcutaneous (under the skin) fluids continuously because dehydration is a quicker killer for all living things than starvation.

In regard to the cat with wounds on his neck, are there swellings around the wounds? Unless bite wounds are treated quickly by being cleaned out thoroughly with something hydrogen peroxide, they will lead to abcesses. Yes, use iodine and try to get it into the wound - without getting wounded yourself, I hope!

06-27-2006, 05:48 PM
her new taken pic. 15 min ago (http://img454.imageshack.us/img454/8606/adsz3rl.jpg)

her old healty pic (http://img232.imageshack.us/img232/452/alsana8zk.jpg)

i have nothing to do. i tried to give her milk but she didnt drink the whole milk.. and her body temp is very cool. here in hot summer night, she has very cool body.. i think she is dying :(

06-27-2006, 05:55 PM
Have the kittens been vaccinated against Distempter (Panlukopenia)? The symptoms you've described sound like Distemper. This kitten needs medical attention NOW. Distemper is fatal to a kitten that young.

06-27-2006, 06:00 PM
no possibility here. it is 02:00 night in turkey. even no vet. just me, and my cats and impossibility.......
i am nearly to cry because this is not first that i see my cats dying....
she sleeps and hardly awakens. after 5 sec. she comes back herself.

06-27-2006, 06:00 PM
She doesn't have to drink the whole dose of milk. Just keep getting some into her. Do you have any baby food, can you get some from a neighbour?

Try to keep water in her. That is the most important thing.

Can you telephone a vet, at least?

hugs to you and the baby. She is very cute!


06-27-2006, 06:01 PM
Try to push the liquids...I suppose water at this point is the best thing. Is there a humane society in Turkey?

06-27-2006, 06:13 PM
Mustafa - I am so very sorry that your kitten is dying. Hold her and let her die in your arms. I have been afraid from reading your first post that you would not be able to help her and seeing the photo you sent makes me sure that you can do no more.

Thank you for trying your best to help her, for caring and working hard to get all help that you can. Even with all the vet help we have here, we lose kittens also and it's always distressing to see such a young life slip away.

I lived in Greece for a few years and spent a little time in Turkey, so I know that vet help is often not available where you are. You didn't know that she would become so ill while you were away and you did everything possible to help her. If you do lose her, post something about her in Cats Memorial so that we can all help you celebrate her short life and mourn her passing.

06-27-2006, 06:31 PM
i did my best for her. at this time of night, it is God who is to help her. Thank you very much for your helps and interests. Yes, here, in this country, the phrase "animal rights" is spoken a lot but there is no concrete thing that we can see as for animal rights.
She is sleeping. maybe it is her last sleep... I am so sorry.. nothing but tears falling down. MY GOD, PLEASE LET HER LIVE..

06-27-2006, 07:08 PM
Lizzie is right, you've done all you can for her. If she is going to survive, the next 24-48 hours are critical. I wish you could get her to a vet. You and your kitty will be in my thoughts and prayers.

06-27-2006, 07:13 PM
Thank you very much. You really helped me about what to do. In fact, i wouldnt hope so much like this but after seeing your kindnesses, i made up my decision on being one of the real members of this forum. Take care, always stay in comfort...

06-27-2006, 07:24 PM
I'm so sorry about your kitten. I wish there was something we could do to help. She's in my thoughts and prayers.

06-28-2006, 09:27 AM
hi again. My cat is more healty this morning. she meows at me and she drinks her mothers milk. Pray for her to be healty...

06-28-2006, 09:42 AM
Great news!! Prayers coming your way for a healthy, happy kitten!!

smokey the elder
06-28-2006, 10:16 AM
Welcome to Pet Talk, and thanks for working very hard to care for the kitten. Kittens can improve just as dramatically as they go downhill, so this is encouraging news. Do they have plain chicken baby food there? You should offer this to the baby. I've had a lot of success with poor eaters using baby food.

06-28-2006, 10:25 AM
Mariposa! This is such great news! Momcat's milk will really help her.

There is much said here about Pet Talk prayers. They worked for me - and now they worked for little Mustafa!

I will continue to pray for Mustafa's ongoing recovery!

There is a famous Canadian humour writer called Stephen Leacock. He lived in a town in the province of Ontario called Orillia. He wrote books about the town, but he changed its name in the books to Mariposa!

Orillia/Mariposa is a lovely town on the shores of Lake Simcoe. It is a lovely place to live. A lot of people visit its loveliness in the summer!

Take care, ok?


06-28-2006, 11:59 AM
Thank you very much. My kitten seems ok. now. she is playing games with her siblings:)

mariposa traicionera... i never thought about a place name that you talked about. It is from a song called mariposa traicionera which means betrayal butterfly. I have sympathy for those who are foreigners and whose cultures are different. I'm a student at the university. this is my 5. term. I study English teaching. That is y, maybe, i want to go and see different countries, know different cultures and learn foreign languages. puerto rico, canada, mexico, USA, cuba, brazil... such countries always atract me. Can you believe that even a product coming from other countries makes me feel happy :D

With the programe called "erasmus", i am planning to go to other countries in order to complete my education. With the permission of God, I'll manage this. Maybe my neighbours will be spanish, or american, or brazilian :)

Thank you very much for your helps. I ll write here if anything happens to my cat.
Always take care and pray...
You are, though i know very little about you, very kind. You really helped me...

06-29-2006, 05:22 PM
Hiii!! I am very happy this night because my kitten has wanted me food by meowing. And i prepared hamburger meat for her and as soon as she smelt it, she got crazy. she is energetic now. but very thin. Thanks to your advices, my kitten has recovered. She is alive, becuz of the GOD, and then after God, because of you, friends..I really adore you for your helps.
Take care, and go on prayings for other suffering pets...
Great kisses and hugs to you all...

06-29-2006, 08:47 PM
I would love to see a picture of Mustafa! Is that possible?
