View Full Version : Thumper

05-14-2002, 07:44 AM
What a special story about a wonderful little girl! Thumper, you are beautiful! I'm not sure I have ever seen a hamster with your coloring before. And to Thumper's mom, thank you for taking in this lovely girl, who doesn't sound like she misses a beat, even on three legs!! You are truly a great soul to be a friend to those who need you! :)

Congratulations, Thumper, on being the Pet of the Day! Hope you have a wonderful, fun filled day! :D

05-14-2002, 07:57 AM
What a sweet, touching rescue story!! Although you began life with a "bit less" than some of the other hammies, you were never slacking in the love dept.!:) It was so nice to hear that about a pet store that was so caring of an especially needy one. And I am thrilled that the perfect hammie family scooped you up and gave you the best forever home. Thumper, you are such a beautiful, brave little trooper! It sounds like you don't let anything get you down!! Your story is truly inspirational! Your Mommy is right! You are an angel in a fur coat!! Congratulations to you PRECIOUS, sweet, loving little Thumper, a most deserving Pet of the Day if there ever was one! Please, have your Mommy give you lots of teeny little kisses on top of that sweet head! And treats!!!

05-14-2002, 09:06 AM
What a sweet rescue story to start the day. These always warm my heart and I congratulate not only the Pet store owner for the sensitivity to your needs - but your forever human.

Thumper, I know your day will be filled with special treats and even more love as we all honor you on your special status of PET OF THE DAY.

05-14-2002, 11:12 AM
What a special hammie you are!! I'm so glad you are happy in your forever home. I hope you get lots of extra goodies today, on your special day as our sweet Pet of the Day!!! :)

05-14-2002, 03:07 PM
Congrats on being POTD, Thumper!! What a handsome hamster you are!

I have a friend in Pickering, Ontario! It's a gorgeous city. What a small world! :D

05-14-2002, 06:14 PM

Bless your little heart !!! I'm so happy that you have
the perfect forever home & that you are not one to
give up.:) :) Congratulations on being honored today
as our PET OF THE DAY !!!:)