View Full Version : Thursdays #165 - drinks are on me!

06-21-2006, 10:50 PM
But not like last July when the drink was literally on me. :eek:

OK everyone - its a good day - first day of summer - and in just a few days I'm celebrating that big milestone - I kiss my 40's goodbye as I turn 50 :eek: :eek:

So to all of the Thursdays regulars and anyone else who would like to stop by - let me serve you a drink.

(I just finished making my reservations to attend Gini's BBQ so I'm feeling good)

You are the best.

06-21-2006, 11:06 PM
I'll take a DLC Haveing a weird week so happy for new grandbaby and this morning we got the call that Tims mom passed away .

06-22-2006, 12:04 AM
Hi Corinna - one DLC - done.

My condolences for Tim's mom, yet also my congratulations for your grandbaby.

06-22-2006, 12:11 AM
Oooo, yes please.

I would LOVE a drink ........ and congrats to you *cheers*

06-22-2006, 12:16 AM
no way.

Ill take a drink but there is no way are of that vintage..... :confused:

I think you hit the wrong keys...

Happy Birthday? ;)


Maya & Inka's mommy
06-22-2006, 03:17 AM
If I tell a good joke, will you serve me a drink, Richard?

Here it goes:
A mouse and an elephant go to the swimming pool together. When they arrive there, mr. elephant complains: "Darn, I forgat my swimsuit!!".
"Never mind," says the mouse, I've got two, you may borrow mine!!"


Okay, am I accepted now? :p

Maya & Inka's mommy
06-22-2006, 03:20 AM
in just a few days I'm celebrating that big milestone - I kiss my 40's goodbye as I turn 50 :eek: :eek:

Oopsie, me too!! Now I need an extra drink....!http://users.pandora.be/bernardgabriels/images/smilies%2083%20grandma%20&%20cat.gif

Killearn Kitties
06-22-2006, 04:08 AM
Good grief! All these birthday's and new babies. Congratulations everyone! I think that calls for a glass of champagne with breakfast. What do you think, Lut? It is not every day that you reach such a milestone!If we pour the drinks before catland comes back, we might have a chance of of getting them in a glass.

So sorry about Tim's mum, Corrinna.

06-22-2006, 07:26 AM
First Corinna, my concolences on the passing of Tim's mother. I'm so sorry. Secondly, to all of those turning fifty, in two years I'll be looking at (shudders!) SIXTY! I think I need a DOTD pronto.

Maya & Inka's mommy
06-22-2006, 09:00 AM
GINI !!!!! Where are you? A "thursday's " thread is not the same without you, my dear!!

06-22-2006, 09:10 AM
oh-oh - looks like I better get busy.

David - one DOTD (although I'm not sure what it is exactly) - done.

KK and MayaInka - good to see some of our european contingent here - champagne for the both of you - done. And happy birthday to you too MI - love your joke and your artwork.

Richard - I may be as young as I feel - but my driver's license thinks I'm ready for an AARP membership - but I don't think I qualfiy for discounts at Sharri's for another five years. :p

Captain - one fore you too - done.

Well, time for me to get ready for work here in the real world - talk to you soon.

06-22-2006, 09:27 AM
Corinna, sorry to hear of Tim's mother passing away, please let him know that I am praying for him.

Congratulations for all the births, and birthdays going on this week. It is a grand week for celebrating those! I'll take some of the good stuff for that!

Willie :)

Lady's Human
06-22-2006, 10:01 AM
Afternoon, everyone. I just got back from the white coats (again....ggrrrrr), and being that I'm once again on meds that preclude the imbibing of alcohol, Can I get a pitcher of slushies all to myself in the bar? (though muscle relaxants and alcohol WOULD make me REALLY relaxed)

David, I forgot where we put Orc's remote, we're going to have to venture into the L+F to get it. I think we should send Lady in first, we never know what's in there.

Anyone up for some ribs?

06-22-2006, 10:12 AM
Good morning all thanks for the prayers.
I'm a granny at 45 I'm to young darn theses kids getting married and having kids. (ok she's 24 and he's 40 but gheezz!!!!)
How about a plain ice tea please. Happy birthday!!!

06-22-2006, 10:38 AM
Corinna, what a time of mixed emotions. I am sorry to hear of Tim's mom. So sad, never mind the age.

The rest of you- sorry you all love the drink so much. Means there might not be enough for me. JUST in case, make mine a double, please! :D

06-22-2006, 11:00 AM
Rubs eyes.........yawns...........stretches............ .Good Morning everyone!!

Gosh you guys sure do get things started early around here.

Goodness Corinna, you bring us the circle of life - the birth of your new Grandbaby and the passing of Tim's Mom. I am so sorry for your loss.

Who taught Catland how to keep her drink in her glass? This is going to be very handy for the BBQ!!! :D

I had a can of cat food in my hand and three kitties were crowded at my feet. For some reason I tipped the can accidentally and some of the chicken broth spilled on the floor. All three cats looked up in the air and kept looking - "it's raining chicken broth" - what was funny is that they all kept looking up in the air to figure out where it came from. I was just getting a sponge to clean it up - but Rascal had it all licked up before I could even get to it.

It is never a dull moment in this house!

Lady's Human - I wave my magic wand and you feel better instantly!

Lut - those are pretty funny jokes - do you have any more?

AARP - that always sounds like the sound my cats make when they are relieving themselves of a furball!!

Age - ha - not catching me in that game...........I refuse to grow up - it just isn't any fun on that side of life - the grown up side.

Sooo - maybe a large bloody mary this morning to make me stop yawning.

Killearn Kitties
06-22-2006, 11:06 AM
We need to get ourselves organised to do a sun dance for Ramanth's wedding! She says thunderstorms are forecast and she has to walk along a dirt track! :eek:

06-22-2006, 11:14 AM
Afternoon, everyone. I just got back from the white coats (again....ggrrrrr), and being that I'm once again on meds that preclude the imbibing of alcohol, Can I get a pitcher of slushies all to myself in the bar? (though muscle relaxants and alcohol WOULD make me REALLY relaxed)

David, I forgot where we put Orc's remote, we're going to have to venture into the L+F to get it. I think we should send Lady in first, we never know what's in there.

Anyone up for some ribs?
LH, make sure Lady is well armed! BTW, I'm up for a plate of ribs and we can share that pitcher of slushies (I don't want you TOO relaxed!) LOL!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-22-2006, 11:28 AM
'Morning everyone!

Corinna, congratulations and condolences. :D :(


Insurance people, exterminators, boss, interviews....got a busy day so I'll just take a coke and be on my merry way!

Lut, you illicited a groan, so yeah, you're in. ;)

06-22-2006, 11:44 AM
The place is hoppin' now.

T&P - - yes way - it was just Richard's slushies last year that made me appear so youthful - (that and the wine/pants incident)...one coke - done.

David - Ribs and Slushies - I think we can find something back in the kitchen for you.

KK - what's in a Sundance? Slushies and Orange Juice? But for Ramath - we'll do the best we can.

Gini - one bm, extra large - on the way.

Cataholic - one double whatever you're drinking - done.

Corrina - a plain iced tea it is. Its not quite iced tea weather here, but its supposed to shoot up to the 90's by Sunday.

Lady - ribs are ready for you and David.

Tray - one pitcher of the good stuff - its good to see you again.

Did I get everyone? This is exhausting work - don't forget the tip jar on your way out. ;)

06-22-2006, 12:25 PM
Could I have a BIG cherry vanilla coke?

My car just died and there's no way I can buy another one. :(

What next? The sky will fall on me and squish me like a bug??? :(

06-22-2006, 01:20 PM
We need to get ourselves organised to do a sun dance for Ramanth's wedding! She says thunderstorms are forecast and she has to walk along a dirt track! :eek: Oh my! This looks like fun! Mario and Orc are in the middle, but what are they doing? Kimmy! Here's to a sunshine-filled day!

A super-chilled iced tea please - it's HOT here and getting hotter!

06-22-2006, 02:14 PM
I am sorry to use Thursdays for this - but Comcast has blocked PetoftheDay.com so I cannot get any notifications of new posts.

I am trying to fix the problem - so this is just a test to see if they
will now allow emails to me of new posts.

Thanks - I will be back to stir up trouble later.

06-22-2006, 02:27 PM
Where is Comcast HQ!! I say we take the PetTalk bus over there and form a protest :mad: No PETTALK reply posts :eek: Outrageous!!! The noive!! Someone grab the bus keys from Mario ~ ;)

06-22-2006, 02:58 PM
I'm with your Laurie - this must be some kind of terrible mistake.

Gini - you can use Thursdays for anything you wish,

Redhedd - One superchilled Iced Tea for you - stay cool

Momo - oh no :eek: so sorry to hear about your car. One BIG cvc and an umbrella to protect you from the falling sky.


Lady's Human
06-22-2006, 03:38 PM
Speaking of the L+F....

Has anyone seen the little orange fluffball lately? Last time I saw him he was shedding his blue paintjob and cuddling with orc. Haven't seen him since, but orc and his remote are here.

Lady, what did you do with him? I know kitties belong upstairs, but give the little guy a break!

06-22-2006, 07:47 PM
LH, make sure Lady is well armed! BTW, I'm up for a plate of ribs and we can share that pitcher of slushies (I don't want you TOO relaxed!) LOL!

Yeah, if he gets too relaxed he'll fall asleep in his ribs and slushies. Oh wait, that could be quite amusing! Keep' em coming barkeep!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-22-2006, 08:22 PM
Pitcher of slushies sounds wonderful to me right now, anybody else want some? I had some of THE best ribs in the world when we were in Texas a few months ago, so I'll join you in on those ribs. Ribs and slushies - yum! :D

06-22-2006, 08:33 PM
Pitcher of slushies sounds wonderful to me right now, anybody else want some? I had some of THE best ribs in the world when we were in Texas a few months ago, so I'll join you in on those ribs. Ribs and slushies - yum! :D

I'd love some of those slushies now that the kids are in bed. And bring on those ribs!!!

06-22-2006, 08:37 PM
Ooh yeah! Ribs for dinner with a pitcher of slushies! Yumm!

As for what Mario's been up to .... Yikes!


06-22-2006, 10:27 PM
Ribs And Slushies - Done

06-22-2006, 10:49 PM
Well Thursdays seems the appropriate place to post this - after all everything is pie in the sky here anyway.

Why can't I receive emails for subscribed threads? COMCAST HAS BLACKLISTED ME!

Well, folks, doesn't it figure - you can only run and hide for so long and they catch up with you.

What's the charge - gosh if I told you that wouldn't be any fun at all.
I will just let you all guess what horrid and illegal things I drum up here in boring California.

Now if I was selling pitchers of slushies illegally, or passing out too many ribs by email - (that would be different) I could understand.

All I know is that I have been given a very long and interesting email address so I could request that they untangle the mess they have made.

[email protected].

In the meantime - yes, I want that whole pitcher all to myself and a big plate of ribs because I haven't even had dinner yet because I have been on the phone for over an hour trying to find out what happened.

NEVER - EVER download toolbars - even if they look inviting!

Mario - aww, sorry fella, didn't mean to ignore you!

Killearn Kitties
06-23-2006, 04:14 AM
Psst! Did you hear about Gini? She's been blacklisted! I don't know what she did, but it must be bad. No smoke without fire. She always seemed so nice too. Keeps herself to herself. Ah, it's the quiet ones you've got to watch. It's Rascal, Annie and Emma I feel sorry for. It's the kids that suffer.

06-23-2006, 06:36 AM
*pssst, really Karen? Gini did THAT !!* :eek: ;)

Killearn Kitties
06-23-2006, 07:17 AM
Really!! You wouldn't credit it, would you???

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-23-2006, 09:01 AM
'Morning everyone!

I heard the firemen even had to show up at Gini's BBQ last year. You know you're doing something wrong if the fire dept. shows up! :eek: :eek:

06-23-2006, 09:21 AM
Soooo, what do I wake up to this morning? An email that there is a response to my Thursdays post! Hmmm, let's see who has responded.

Why it is KK and lbaker and Tubby - they are gossiping about me and spreading wonderful lies :D :D

I've never been blacklisted before - it was kinda fun for a while. They sent me this loooonnnnnggg explanation which I forwarded to Karen our Mayor.
And of course, it isn't their fault - it is something that "I" did.

What "I" did was download their toolbar..............got rid of that puppy in a hurry - it was even freezing the computer.

Sooo, as she swaggers over to the bar with her new reputation...........BLACKLISTED!!! thumps on the bar and demands a Bailey's
for her coffee.

06-23-2006, 09:39 AM
Gini, as soon as you want to make it easy for yourself, they have to screw it up for you, don't they! :rolleyes: Hope you get it solved! Btw, did you recieve an e-mail or PM from me recently, or was taht blocked too. :confused:

MOFF, sorry about your car, but just think of me, I've never had one!! ;)

I know I'm late here, but I think I better party while I can, I start a new job on monday (The Ministry of Refugee, Immigration and Integration Affairs) ... so I'd love a big plate of ribs and a Gin & Tonic while I wait, please. :D

06-23-2006, 10:06 AM
Gini, what oh-so-helpful toolbar was it that you downloaded and installed? I'm still battling with AT&T blocking e-mails from a friend in Japan. They keep saying it's her ISP :rolleyes:

Something for me to celebrate - I got my performance review at work yesterday and it was good, which surprised me as one of the attorneys I work with is a real pain in the (_|_) and is creating a hostile work environment. Management has their eye on her and I was scared to see what she had to say about me, but she gave me a good review. I'll find out about the raise in July. Happy, happy :)

06-23-2006, 10:31 AM
RedH that's terrific news!! Allow me to fresh squish some lemonade for you and offer you a snack!! Oh Gini, I saw the report on CNN this morning and I'm surprised the helicopter didn't wake you while flying back and forth over your house (the yard looks lovely by the way) :p

06-23-2006, 10:35 AM
Redhedd, it was the Comcast toolbar. I quickly realized that they verify every single site you enter. And I also quickly realized that they posted nearly everything as NOT VERIFIED AS SAFE. Now that included such mundane things as Dictionary.com - The Breast Cancer site - and of course, Pet Talk. However purging the toolbar didn't solve the problem - so I had to get on the mandatory hour phone call and then email the Blacklist people to get it straightened out. Comcast did admit that they were receiving a lot of complaints about their toolbar. (hello?????)

Since I am venting - my bill from Comcast is in my ex-husbands name. But when I called to change it - they demanded that I go into their offices with my divorce papers. That was nine years ago - I have just been paying the bill every month. I didn't really think that my divorce papers were any of their business.

Oh, but on to Randi - congratulations on the job. Gosh, I hope it is something that you will be happy doing.

MOFF, mmmm, I feel for you ..........no car is no fun! I wish we had a Thursdays trust fund and could just buy you another one.

Redhedd, congrats on the good review. I hope a good raise is in your future.

I am still swaggering around with the Blacklist title - do I have a black dot on my forehead?

More Baileys she demands!!!!

Edwina's Secretary
06-23-2006, 10:45 AM
Gini....I am envious..... to be on a blacklist! Do you suppose homeland security has anything to do with it?

06-23-2006, 11:49 AM
Wow - Gini blacklisted - I feel like I know a celebrity now. Hmm - Homeland Security - that's an interesting theory - they aren't nearly as cute as the haz-mat guys but I bet we could invite them to Thursdays and maybe get them to spill their secrets.

I'll see how those ribs are doing and we can have lunch here anytime.

06-23-2006, 11:56 AM
MOFF, sorry about your car, but just think of me, I've never had one!! ;)

Gosh, how do you get supplies and things?

Our bus is like a taxi in that they come right to the house but it's such a pain trying to bring kitty litter and stuff home. I dread the day I may have to take them to the vet. That clanky bus will freak them out.

I've never not have a car since I could drive. My life just gets harder and harder. I'll just sit here and cry in my cvc for a while. :(

06-23-2006, 12:37 PM
Gini, Gini, Gini. **shakes head** You sure learned your lesson didn't you?? So sorry you had to go through all of that. :( You could have just asked me.. ;)

Toolbars are a big NO NO in the IT world (whether they come from your ISP or not), especially that thing called Hotbar. Bad, bad stuff to put on your computer. The only toolbar that I use is the Goggle toolbar. Anything else is just spyware as far as I'm concerned. While I'm on the subject, you know all those silly little smilies you can download?? Not a good thing either because they also install spyware unbeknownst to you. OK, I'm stepping off my IT soapbox now.

MOFF, I'm so sorry to hear about your car. I know how inconvenient it is to not have one. To echo Gini, yes I wish there was a PT fund available so we could sneak a new one into you driveway. ;)

Hello to everyone else. I wish we could move Thursdays up here to KA-NA-DA. The weather is superb and we are supposed to get up to 25 today and 29 on the weekend. For those of you south of the border, just double it and add 30 and you'll get your approx. equivalent in Fair-in-height. :p

I've got a busy day so probably won't have a chance to check in again so bartender......could you just load up my desk with a few pitchers of slushies and a big platter of them finger-lickin' ribs and I'll be on my way? Ta!

Happy Friday everyone.

06-23-2006, 01:16 PM
MOFF, I go shopping on my bike! Not fun in the winter though. I do have a basket in front, and a baggage thing in the back to put stuff. ;) Will post a picture one day.

Can I have another G & T, please? Cheers! :D

Slick! Slow down!!

06-23-2006, 01:28 PM
Randi - one G&T - done.

Slick - we're getting the same weather - just a bit hotter for us but I'm ready for it. I should have some very long, hot cats by Monday.

Momo - I know there's not much I can say to cheer you up - One Big CVC with lots of ice - Done.

So, for next week - I think we should invent a brand-new Thursday's drink. I don't know what the ingredients should be yet - but I know of a catchy name, we can call it "the blacklist". :cool: :rolleyes:

06-23-2006, 01:46 PM
Catland, that's brilliant!!! THE BLACKLIST I'll make one now if you want to sample it with me ;) It's actually a shooter with white creme de cacao, Balaton or Morello cherry juice (look at Mario's eyes light up :p ), heavy cream and a wee bit of shaved chocolate over the top :cool: All highly chilled of course :cool:

smokey the elder
06-23-2006, 01:49 PM
That sounds like a good drink! One of the most unusual shooters I ever had was called a B-52. It was MANY years ago but I think it was chocolate creamy liqueur and grenadine in a shot glass.

06-23-2006, 02:03 PM
Actually, I think a B-52 is Kahlua, Grand Marnier and Baileys... carefully layered in a shot glass. I ordered one in San Francisco not long ago and the bartender gave it to me in a large mug of coffee DELICIOUS!!

06-23-2006, 05:03 PM
lb - that blacklist is yummy - a couple more of those and I'll join Mario and swing from the trees. :eek:

Smokey - your B52 sounds like a winner too - we could have a good contest here.

06-23-2006, 06:33 PM
Starting to wind down now on this very warm Friday afternoon. We had a new boss start this week (actually it's my boss's new boss). Finally we have someone with lots of people skills....someone who's actually approachable. Seems like a nice guy although I could be his mother. :rolleyes:

So here are my empty pitchers back and thanks for the rib sticklers.....

Shooters...haven't done them in decades. Laurie, that Blacklist does sound good though. Worth a try if it's not too sweet.

Catland: I have to chuckle.....Momo.....cute name for MOFF. Think I'll stick with it of MOFF doesn't mind. :D

Only two hours to go and I'm off for the weekend. Have a good one everyone. :)

06-23-2006, 06:50 PM
Catland: I have to chuckle.....Momo.....cute name for MOFF. Think I'll stick with it of MOFF doesn't mind. :D

Only two hours to go and I'm off for the weekend. Have a good one everyone. :)
I don't mind but Momo is the name of an aminal with long ears (a lemer I think) on the catoon the Avatar on Nickolodean channel.

He's cute though so I don't mind sharing his name. I insist my tail is not as long as his and you will never see me swinging from it!!! :eek: :D

06-23-2006, 06:52 PM
Look who I found? Okay, Lady and Mario helped. The little now-almost-all-orange fluffy one! In true kitten fashion, he had found a dusty corner to roll around in and get completely dusty, but with a good damp brushing (sigh, no, Lady, don't need doggie help with this, yes, I KNOW you can do the damp part really well) he's back and purring.

And because this is Thursday's and things is hypoallergenic (as well as non-caloric and non-fattening) can I get a big cold glass of lemonade?

Killearn Kitties
06-23-2006, 06:58 PM
Oh thank you! You have found my fluffy orange/blue hypoallergenic kitten!!! Lady didn't eat him! I'm so pleased. Cold lemonade all round please! :D

06-23-2006, 11:13 PM
KK and Karen - cold lemonade all around - done.

Momo/Slick - in my getting used to cyber names I didn't realize that momofuzzyfaces meant mom-of-fuzzy-faces - and I always thought of her as momo. In my little mind the name stuck. ;)

one good weekend - DONE :D

Maya & Inka's mommy
06-24-2006, 01:49 PM
Lut - those are pretty funny jokes - do you have any more?


Remember that mouse and that elephant who went simming together?
Well, the elephant went in a cabin to put on the swimming suit.
Then he yelled: "Hey mouse, I need your help here! I tried to puit on that swimming short of you, but I am stuck, cause I put 2 legs into the same leg opening.... :D "

I am soooooo thirsty! How about an icecold lemon tea, please?