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View Full Version : Animal Abuse in Connecticut

05-13-2002, 08:06 PM
BERLIN -- A 19-year-old Newington woman and two of her friends are facing animal cruelty charges for allegedly torturing her roommate's cat at Silver Lake in February.

Jill Mazurek, 19, of 38 Harding Ave., Newington, was arrested Friday for cruelty to animals and conspiracy to commit criminal trespass in the third degree. According to reports that The Herald viewed Thursday, the woman was angry with her roommate and took one of her two cats which she subsequently subjected to a vicious attack while two male friends watched.

She reportedly shaved the cat and then wrote on its body with a magic marker. She then took the animal to Silver Lake where she beat it with a log. She then threw the animal in the lake several times, but the cat swam back to shore.

She allegedly proceeded to beat the cat with a log again and grabbed it by the tail and smashed it against some rocks until it bled from its eyes and nose. She then stuck its headand began hitting the cat with beer bottles until it stopped making noise and she presumed it was dead. She poked it to make sure it was dead and then she threw the cat between some rocks and a Porto potty.

Michael Pajak, 19, of 154 Webster Court, Newington and Michael Oziomek, 19, of 22 Longview Drive, Newington were also arrested. Both men were charged with the same charges as Mazurek, but Mazurek's bond was set at $10,000, while Pajak's bond was set at $7,500 and Oziomek at $5,000. Police reports state that both Pajak and Oziomek watched as Mazurek assaulted the cat. Police refused comment as all affidavits were sealed by the court.

The police report states that the area was searched in mid-April, but the cat was never found. Officials say when confronted, the woman signed a sworn statement admitting to the incident, but felt she had done nothing wrong. According to animal control officer Jan Lund, this is the worst case of animal abuse in Berlin in many years.

I'm sorry this story is so graphic but at least you can see what this poor baby suffered. This %$@#*'s arraignment is on Thursday and there will be quite a crowd going to make sure she gets the maximum punishment. I will let you know the outcome. At least Adonis's death will not have been in vain.

The sad part about it is this girl ADMITTED doing it and signed a sworn written statement. Talk about stupid. I hope the b*&$# fries. :mad: :mad: :mad:


05-14-2002, 04:36 AM
Oh moosmon, that's so awful!

What's the maximum punishment she can get? I doubt it's anything that will even begin to compare what she put the cat through.

05-14-2002, 04:51 AM
God - I feel ill. Both stories fill me with horror :mad: :mad:


05-14-2002, 09:25 AM
In Connecticut, the punishment for animal cruelty is jail, fine, community service or all of the above. We're hoping that this girl already has a record and is on probation. If so, she's guaranteed jail time for violation of her probation. I'm a staff writer for a newspaper in CT and wrote an article about changing the animal abuse laws in CT. Hopefully it'll be printed in the next day or two. Animal abuse is way out of control and needs to be stopped.

I'll keep you posted as to what happens on Thursday. Hopefully I won't get arrested for breach of peace when this girl shows up. I'd like to do to her what she did to poor Adonis. :mad: :mad:

05-14-2002, 09:51 AM
I could strangle that girl with my own hands.

There is something especially heinous of killing a third party to get revenge.

I agree, I think that some people are just plain evil. :mad:

05-14-2002, 10:14 AM
I am so sick that I think I am going to vomit. I read your post and could only picture that evil teenager doing that to the cat.

What a sick world we live in today. It breaks my heart....

05-14-2002, 11:24 AM
Jeffrey Dahmer is a prime example of an animal abuser turned serial killer. He started out as a teenager killing and torturing small animals in his grandmother's basement!! I'm glad he got what was coming to him.

05-14-2002, 12:13 PM
Originally posted by moosmom
I'm a staff writer for a newspaper in CT and wrote an article about changing the animal abuse laws in CT. Animal abuse is way out of control and needs to be stopped. :mad: :mad:
Have you seen how our legislators in Connecticut, feeling very proud of themselves, just passed a law stating that to keep a dog chained outdoors for more than 20 hours a day will be considered cruelty?:mad: :mad: :mad: I would chain every one of them for 20 hours, in all kinds of weather, to make them realize that the law is totaly inadequate to stop animal abuse.

05-14-2002, 12:23 PM

What I wanted to know when that bill was passed is what about a cat being flung out of car windows??? What part of CT are you from?

05-14-2002, 12:24 PM
20 hours a day?!! What are these people thinking? Idiots!

As you said Albea, let's chain them out there for 20 hours and see how they like it!!

05-14-2002, 12:32 PM
Originally posted by moosmom

What I wanted to know when that bill was passed is what about a cat being flung out of car windows??? What part of CT are you from?
I don't remeber exactly when the bill was passed but it was recently, in the last couple of months. All I remember was that it made me :mad: You can probably check it out in the Internet.
I'm in the Northeast area, "the Quiet Corner," 8 miles from UConn.

05-14-2002, 01:04 PM
This story made me sick... but the horror is still out there.

Something very very cruel took place here in Spain some months ago (in Catalonya - a region very close to France) and shocked the whole society. I've never posted it here before because it was so horrible and gross that I couldn't manage to put it into works (I still doubt I'll be able to) but unfortunately, that's the only way to denounce these things :( :(

A no-kill shelter was attacked by some people by night. They managed to take out up to 15 dogs and puppies (the friendliest, as shelter volunteers confirmed in tears the day after :( ) These brutal vicious people (who haven't been discovered by police yet) chained them to some trees and cut their legs/paws off with axes - then they were left there to die slowly. The volunteers that discovered them next morning reported that the surviving dogs (9) still greeted them with their tails when the poor animals saw them (I'm in tears now :( :( and in rage also :mad: ) - of course they had to put them to sleep :(
Animal advocates struggle for a more restrictive law against cruelty, but the politicians seem to be more interested in other issues :mad:


(I'm still in tears - I'm sorry I posted this, but I haven't been able to forget the whole thing and when I read those dreadful stories, well I had to post it, to denounce it somehow. Unfortunately, it's the only thing I can do)

05-14-2002, 01:12 PM
Oh Nita, what a horrible story! It is sad that our politicians feel that animal cruelty is not worth their time.

When I read cruelty stories, I am almost ashamed to be human! If things were reversed and animals took the place of humans and humans became pets, I am certain they would never mistreat us! Do these people have no conscience? I pity them! I bet they feel high and mighty for the damage they cause. I pray that God will punish them for their actions. And I know He will!

05-14-2002, 05:21 PM

I read the story about the bill. What I meant was, when are they going to start changing the cruelty laws for things such as tossing animals out of moving cars, abandoning cats in dumpsters, etc. This is all because stupid, stupid people refuse to have their animals spayed and neutered. BTW, I live in Wethersfield which is right outside of Hartford. Glad to meet ya!

05-14-2002, 06:54 PM

" What I meant was, when are they going to start changing the cruelty laws for things such as tossing animals out of moving cars, abandoning cats in dumpsters, etc."

It's important to remember that the "they" we are talking
about is "us". Every person who believes animal abuse is
wrong and should be strongly discouraged in a moral
society has the obligation to tell your elected representatives
in goverment where laws are made.(or not). If you do not
have a organised group in your community that lobbies
for animal's right to a life free from abuse & cruelty, then
join a national group. Start your own group.Look for like
minded people & form your own group to lobby for stronger
animal abuse laws at the local level.

05-15-2002, 03:45 AM
Oh God Nita... That story... Awful, just awful.

Sorry to say this, but it doesn't surprise me one bit that the politicians in a country like Spain (read: the country of bullfighting, cockfighting etc) doesn't care about what happened.

05-15-2002, 05:07 AM
Originally posted by Ann

Sorry to say this, but it doesn't surprise me one bit that the politicians in a country like Spain (read: the country of bullfighting, cockfighting etc) doesn't care about what happened.

That's true - it seems that bullfighting is a major obstacle in issuing a new law :mad: . The outraging fact here is that lots of people (Spanish people, of course -> something is changing) have already signed asking the Parliament to discuss about Animal Rights, and still politicians pay no attention to that :( :mad: :mad: !!!
Cockfighting is banned here, and not popular at all.


05-15-2002, 05:24 AM
Glad to hear that there are Spanish people who are against bullfighting Nita! Oh, and sorry for my comment bout cockfighting, I thought it was just as popular as bullfighting. Glad to hear I was wrong.

05-16-2002, 02:03 PM
Today was the arraignment of this 19 year old %$#@*&! that killed Adonis. My adrenalin was pumping!! Mazurek appeared with her parents and boyfriend. They waited outside the courthouse. We had almost 30 people from rescue and animal activist groups with signs that had Adonis' picture on it. They tried to hide behind a pillar of the building. We were in her face!! Telling her she's a cat killer, hoping that when she closes her eyes at night all she sees is poor Adonis trying to wade his way back to shore. This girl had the nerve to say "What're you gonna do, hunt me down and kill me??" She had absolutely NO remorse whatsoever. Her father claims the cat pooped all over his daughters residence (which is a lie because he was litterbox trained!) I said "So that why it's okay to kill a poor innocent animal???"

The thing that really fries my behind is the fact that our tax dollars are going to represent this piece of white trailer trash cat killer, because she's getting a public defender!!!

A couple of television stations were there recording all of it. 3 newspapers were also there. When they walked out, they were escorted by two marshalls. Again we were in her face screaming at her. It felt good!

So they got a continuance for June 13th. You can bet we will all be there, in her face. The prosecuting attorney has been inundated with letters and petitions to give these people a stiff sentence to show that animal abuse will not be tolerated.

Her two accomplices sat in court with smirks on their face like they were proud of what they had done. :mad: :mad: :mad:

I'll keep you posted as the saga continues.


05-16-2002, 03:34 PM
Good work moosmom! I sure hope it has an effect on the people sentecing her!

What a horrible person she is :mad:

05-16-2002, 06:50 PM
Originally posted by DoggiesAreTheBest
When I read cruelty stories, I am almost ashamed to be human! If things were reversed and animals took the place of humans and humans became pets, I am certain they would never mistreat us! Do these people have no conscience? I pity them! I bet they feel high and mighty for the damage they cause. I pray that God will punish them for their actions. And I know He will!

I couldn't agree more! This whole thing just (&^(E$(*#$* me off to no end!! I really cannot fathom torturing and killing an innocent animal because....??!!! It just makes me so :mad: and :( that people don't take this issue more seriously. It's obvious that these people are a menace to society...AND especially if they think it's funny and/or show no remorse!!! Too bad we just can't 'get rid of' people like this, because they'll never amount to anything good or beneficial to society. OK, maybe that was a little harsh...but still! They should get the most strict of sentences possible, plus psychological help. It is a proven fact and correlation between animal torturers and killers becoming torturers, abusers and in extreme cases...serial killers. Anyway you look at it...they're criminals with no conscience or respect for life.
You would think after all these years that people would notice this and do something about it! :mad: :mad: Too bad these worthless excuses for human beings can't experience for themselves the pain and suffering they put on others...

Former User
05-17-2002, 04:05 AM
I wish all cat (and animal) killers would rotten in....you know where! Man I hate those kind of people who have no brain what so ever, they kill a cat (or other animals) and don't even regret it. Not that regretting would bring them back.
I don't get it how these people can live with themselves anymore after killing such adorable creations as cats are, and even those who kill kittens. HOW on earth can you do that? Adult killing a tiny little kitten who didn't do anything to you, and who cannot defend at all from you.:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: Any killer does not deserve to live!
Unfortunately we have these people among us here too....:mad: :mad:

05-17-2002, 07:18 AM
"Trucker in Mississauga throws 10-year-old dog from cab window

WHITCHURCH-STOUFFVILLE, Ont. (4 April, 2002) The Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Ontario SPCA) is alerting the public to a case of animal cruelty that occurred Monday night, April 1, in Mississauga when a person reportedly threw a dog out of a tractor-trailer.

According to an eyewitness who informed the Ontario SPCA, a person travelling on Carrier Drive at about 9:50 p.m., April 1 near the junction of Highway 27 and Albion Road threw the dog out of a white tractor-trailer.

The informant rushed to the aid of the dog and brought the animal to a security gatehouse in the area. Ontario SPCA Agent Robert Tamblyn handled the case. The approximately 10-year-old Maltese-Poodle cross received initial veterinary care and surgery at an emergency animal clinic in Willowdale. The dog is now in the custody of the Ontario SPCA, receiving further veterinary care and assessment at the Whitchurch-Stouffville-based Ontario SPCA Centre.

Any member of the public who can provide any information concerning this incident is asked to call the Ontario SPCA toll-free at: 1-888-ONT-SPCA. All calls are confidential.

Society calls on the public to contribute to PAIN Fund

The dog suffers from a broken pelvis, numerous contusions and possible head trauma. It is also having great difficulty breathing."

.. but the good news is....

"WHITCHURCH-STOUFFVILLE, Ont. (3 May, 2002) - The Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Ontario SPCA) is happy to announce that "Felix," the dog thrown from a tractor-trailer in the Highway 27-Albion Road area April 1, is reunited with his owner.

Theresa Gauci of Malton, Ont. saw media coverage of the April 1 dog-throwing incident in Mississauga and identified the five-year-old Maltese-Poodle cross as her dog, which had gone missing from her backyard March 31. She and her daughter Stacey are now reunited with "Felix," who also went home to his parents, 11-year-old "Snowy" and 10-year-old "Tiffany."

Blood match confirmed parentage
After having received the call from Ms. Gauci, the Ontario SPCA interviewed the woman and carefully assessed her claim as being the owner. Blood samples of both "Felix" and his parents confirmed parentage.

Society grateful for donations
"We're very pleased that Felix is reunited with his family," says Vicky Earle, CEO of the Society. "We are most grateful to the members of the public who donated money to help us offset the costs of veterinary care and boarding for this dog." The Society cared for Felix at the Whitchurch-Stouffville-based Ontario SPCA Centre for a broken pelvis, numerous contusions, head trauma and difficulty in breathing. The costs exceeded $3,000.

Reward money available
Reward money in the amount of $5,000, generously donated to give to the individual providing information about the dog-throwing incident that would lead to an arrest and conviction, is still available."


Read this one ONLY if you have a strong stomach, I am VERY serious...


At least Canada is doing something about it...

05-17-2002, 08:22 AM
IMO, animal abusers aren't fit to live. PERIOD!!

Former User
05-17-2002, 08:32 AM
Okay, FINE! I get the point. I haven't done ANYTHING wrong and I get to suffer. I'm the bad guy here, again, not the one who actually killed those cats. Why should I let someone off th ehook after doing what you have done Spencer? Look at your own reactions to this post, how you react to cat killers!

Oh well, this was the last post from me. I'm not coming back to a board that allows people like Spencer be here and even support him. Have fun everyone! You are so much better off without me!

Yeah, off the soap box....


EDIT NOTE: this was a reply to Spencer's reply, which has suddenly dissapeared!!! He accused me off all kinds off thngs in it....

05-17-2002, 08:34 AM
"She has had a vendetta since March 15. When a thread got way out of hand, as a fill-in moderator I attempted to seek calm and Niina (Casper & Kitty) took it as a mortal insult."

That is NOT why she feels the way she does. Atleast be honest please.

Some things cannot be forgiven. I'm sorry but I agree with moosmom on this one, people who have hurt animals, over and over, just... Well, you get it.

Sure, I have done things in the past that I regret and even though I have changed and put them behind me I realize, that even though they aren't even close to the graveness that this matter has, that I cannot be forgiven for it, because my behavior back then simply doesn't DESERVE forgiveness.

05-17-2002, 08:38 AM
Oh Niina... this isn't fair :( I'm so sorry... Don't do this please though! I know there would be so many people here who would miss you so much... Including myself :(

05-17-2002, 08:40 AM
What the... his reply dissapeared?!

Now that is even more unfair... A person should NOT have moderating abilities if they will just do things like that to their own advantage!!!!! That's BS...

05-17-2002, 09:28 AM
I've just skimmed though these posts - and I'm sorry, I just couldn't finish reading them now. It's SO HORRIBLE I don't have words for it!!

I'd like to say more about it, but I can't now. :( :( :(

Well, I've now seen page 2 and 3 - and it's just too much!!

05-17-2002, 10:10 AM
What the heck happened here?

I'm so confused!! What post?

05-17-2002, 10:49 AM
If posts are deleted - who is deleting them? I was under the impression that the owners/moderators - Paul and Karen are the only ones who can delete posts, lock threads, etc.

05-17-2002, 11:22 AM
Just to clarify......Anyone can delete their own post. Karen and Paul can delete anyone's post, as I understand it. I believe Chuck chose to remove his own post in this circumstance.

05-17-2002, 11:54 AM
Thanks, Logan, I didn't know that. I was unaware of that feature because I feel a responsibility to write carefully in the first place and use the edit feature immediately if my post doesn't sound right.

05-17-2002, 02:56 PM

05-17-2002, 03:10 PM
I'm sorry if I offended anyone. But this case really has me riled up as there was NO remorse shown from any one of them. I apologize if I've chased anyone away. It was not my intention.



05-17-2002, 03:18 PM
Thanks Chuck. I sent you a PM. ;)

05-17-2002, 04:00 PM
To reiterate - anyone can delete thier own post. To do so sometimes causes confusion, but anyone can delete his or her own post.

At this juncture, the only other people who can delete anyone's posts are Paul and I.

That's it. Any questions? Private message me or email me, please.


Back to the subject of the thread ...

Stories of animal abuse in the news always turn my stomach. I don't know if it's even possible to re-educate some people that animals DO have feelings - believe it or not, generations were once raised being told that they didn't, despite the obvious (to me) evidence to the contrary.

05-17-2002, 05:39 PM
Originally posted by Karen
I don't know if it's even possible to re-educate some people that animals DO have feelings - believe it or not, generations were once raised being told that they didn't, despite the obvious (to me) evidence to the contrary.
Poor lost souls! How sad!! :( There has got to be consequenses for these kind of people in my opinion! Or they may continue! I'm aware that some of these people have had quite tough childhoods, but still - there must be limits!!

05-18-2002, 12:52 PM
It still boggles my mind how anyone could be so so cruel to a poor defensless animal. It just sickens me to no end. I couldn't even finish reading what that so and so of a girl did to that poor cat. These people call themselves human. More like monsters if you ask me.
And those poor poor loving dogs and puppies.
Heartless, cruel M_ _ _ _ _ F_ _ _ _ _ B_ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
Sorry. I,m going to go and hug my dog and cat now.

05-19-2002, 12:35 AM
Every time I hear or read about an animal being abused or killed, it just makes me sick and very upset.:mad: These people should be heavily penilized. Just because it's an animal some people think it doesn't matter. Well a life is a life whether it's human or animal. There's no excuse for this kind of behavior.:mad:

05-20-2002, 11:12 AM
This might be information everyone already has
but think it bears repeating. There is an e-mail
Newsletter that USA folks can sign up for FREE
at the ASPCA.org website. It lists news on new
and pending laws dealing with animal abuse in
various states around the country.Example:
Action alert for Illinois Animal Lovers:
H.B. 4926 would make sexual assualt of an animal
a felony in Illinois.The bill has passed the
House and Senate and is now(May 16th) awaiting
the Governor Ryan's signiture. Hello... I would
think, that this would be considered a felony crime
in all states.But, I guess if it's never brought
up or a specific law written to cover it, the
charge could be kicked down to a lessor degree
offence. It just boggles the mind. :confused:
On a happier note the newsletter also contains
a Petfinder Happy Tail of the Week: May's letter
features Verdell (what a cute name), a rat terrior/coonhound mix puppy that was rescued at
the Pittsbore, N.C. based Chatham Cty.Animal
Shelter. It shows a picture of Verdell, and is
he a cutie-patootie.:)

05-21-2002, 08:38 PM
Ooops, I thought that I had included the link
to the ASPCA, but didn't. Here it is;


It's a good source of information on how we
can all help make a difference in the life of
animals.We can all lobby for the their right to
a decent life free from cruelty.We can be their

05-23-2002, 09:18 PM
First let me say that I am sad to see both Spencer and Niina leave- I thought all that ugly stuff was behind us :(
You guys will be missed (along with Casper, Kitty, Spencer,Ernie,etc) :(

Back to the subject at hand:
Animal cruelty is now a felony in Washington state.......as it should be. Of course, it still has to be pretty extreme, but it's a start.

What got things going in this direction is something that happened back in 92 or 93 (not sure exactily).
Warning: this is very sad, but does turn out well in the end.

In Bellevue (a Seattle suburb) there was a petting zoo. The 'star' attraction was a donkey (or burro) named Pasado.
He was much-loved by people, especially kids. He aslo loved people back.
Well one night, 2 teenaged boys and one 20 yr. old, broke into the zoo. They tied Pasado to a tree and beat him with pieces of wood and BB bats. It took him an hour or more to die from what I understand.
:mad: The boys (or rather disgusting excuses for human-beings) were caught and tried. There was a huge public outcry for stricter laws for animal cruelty, which eventually came out of this (however it took quite some time)

The other positive that came about after this was: a local news-magazine anchor woman and her husband quit their jobs and formed a animal rescue farm in the area. It takes animals of ALL kinds that need help......cats & dogs, cows, horses, birds and also some wild animals. (It specializes in abused/neglected animlals).
It is named Pasado's Safe Haven, after Pasado the donkey.
If anyone is interested, the web page is at: www.pasadosafehaven.org
It is really quite an uplifting site to view............there are so many animlals they help and re-home if neccessary. Others stay there, as it is many acres of land. And there are so many wonderful volunteers that give their time, including some locally-known celebs.
I have a really difficult time hearing/reading about animal abuse, so I don't get to the animal rescue part of Pet Talk too often, but I can & do look at Pasados site every so often.

05-24-2002, 12:57 PM
I wish they made animal cruelty a felony in Connecticut. Right now there is a bill on the governor's desk which he announced he would veto because people should have plain common sense when it comes to the care of their animals. The bill requires that dog owners not leave their dogs chained or kenneled for more than 20 hours in one day and to provide shelter from the elements, such as a dog house.

Hellooooooo?? It's obvious that some people in Connecticut don't have alot of common sense when it comes to their animals because of the out of control cat population. Everyone, including the animal rights activists and victims advocate are outraged because he originally said he would sign it. Bad move on his part because it's an election year.

We are hoping to change the punishment law that is on the books now by making an example of this *%$#@ that killed Adonis. We want her to serve 5 years and pay a $5,000, in the hopes that it will make other animal abusers think twice. I just don't know if it's going to make a difference.

And Yorkster, I read that story about the monkeys. And YAY to the state of Washington for seeing that stricters laws are necessary. No one can speak for the animals except us.

05-24-2002, 01:31 PM
I agree moosmom. Animal cruelty should be treated as the terrible crime that it is nationwide (worldwide)! I wish more states would follow Washington's example and make it a felony. I also think more serious punishments should be given to those horrendous people that commit such heinous acts!!

yorkster, that website that you posted about Pasado's Safe Haven was so neat!! I thought it was really really cool how they have courses for starting your own refuge! How neat! I would be so tempted to attend one of those, just to see what's all involved and to interact with all the precious animals!;)

05-24-2002, 07:22 PM
I am going to visit Pasado's Safe Haven next month sometime, and I will post some pics, etc. when I get them. :)

Have a good holiday weekend everyone!

05-24-2002, 08:06 PM
Originally posted by yorkster
I am going to visit Pasado's Safe Haven next month sometime, and I will post some pics, etc. when I get them. ...
