View Full Version : Smelly cats

05-13-2002, 04:24 PM
This isn't a very pleasant topic and I'm rather embarrassed to be writing about it... but it's driving me crazy and I could do with some advice!

My two cats are both usually very clean and do not usually have problems in the litter tray... but over the last few weeks this has changed and they have been making the most horrendous smells when usuing the tray. Sometimes this is accompanied by diarrohea, sometimes not.

One cat - Splodge, the larger and fatter of the two - has been worse than the other.

The problem is that I am at work during the day and I can't bear the house getting so smelly in my absence. At night is even worse; I have been woken up 3 times in just over a week by this problem :mad:

Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I can do? What has caused this? Are there any supplements that I can give them to help? :confused:

They both seem very healthy otherwise.

05-13-2002, 04:35 PM
have you changed their brand of food? thats the only thing i can thing of right now, if its a cheap kind, they will do more stuff in the litter'' .

05-13-2002, 04:38 PM
I haven't changed their food but the food I do use has supposedly changed its recipe recently - but this was a few weeks before the current problem started.

05-13-2002, 04:43 PM
:rolleyes: I would check this out with the vet !!!!
If nothing is wrong , this will put you at ease !!!

05-13-2002, 08:22 PM
s & s. Between my indoor 9 and the litterbox, my house would be smelly also. However I remedy the situation by placing a floor fan in the window of the room that also contains their litter box, I turn it on "low" so that it blows inward, and leave it on. This does two things, (1) that it keeps fresh air constantly circulating throughout the house, and (2), that it keeps the litter box "smellies" out. Of course, it is also necessary to open another window, preferably on the opposite side of the house to the prevailing outside wind. When cat odors persist, then it is time to clean it out. I have used this tactic for several years, and it works!:cool:


05-14-2002, 11:22 AM
Since I have 7 cats, I bought 2 air purifiers (Holmes) that also have ionizers. This purifies the air. When you walk into my apartment you don't even know I have cats except that they greet you at the door. I would highly recommend getting one. They're fairly inexpensive (about $39.00 each) and the filters last a while.

My Sphynx MooShoo has this awful habit of not covering his poops and when he goes, you know it!

05-18-2002, 09:15 PM
MoosMom- that is a great idea about the ionized air-filters. I have been thinking about that too, but did not know if they worked for litter box oders or not. It's great to hear they do! :)
That also sounds like a good price- many are much more expensive.

S&S- I have used a product called Odor Free for my cats. It is a spray that you put on their food, and takes away alot of the waste odors. Tastes like fish to the cats, so they like it.
It is also safe for them, as it is made from Yucca extract and water.
Got it at Petsmart.

05-19-2002, 04:57 AM
Thanks Yorkster - I don't know if you can get this in the UK but the next time I go to Petsmart I will look out for it.