View Full Version : Suggestions, please..

06-15-2006, 07:30 PM
Okay, since my Raw-feeding dilemma today, I'm going to take some action. If my mom won't buy it, then I'll somehow get money and do it myself. The only problem is I have no idea what kind of job I could do.. I'm going to save every ounce of money I get though, and pay for it myself, because I'm tired of the kibble crap. It's gross, and it's destroying my babies.
Any job suggestions, or ways I could get money?
I've already tried babysitting and dogwalking, and they didn't work out, so those 2 are out.

06-15-2006, 07:36 PM
Household chores for the elderly
Window washing - charge per pane
Go around the neighborhood and ask if there are any odd jobs you could do for someone, like taking out trash, weeding a garden, etc. You never know what opportunities are available until you ask!

06-15-2006, 07:40 PM
How about mowing peoples lawns? My son did that one summer, he made some decent money.

06-15-2006, 07:43 PM
What about bathing dogs? Washing cars? Can you pet sit for neighbors during the day, maybe while they're at work?

06-15-2006, 07:45 PM
I'm not too friendly with our neighbors, because they're not very friendly.. :\
Bathing dogs sounds like fun, but I have no place to wash them..
Haha, if I mowed yards that would be hilarious.. We don't own a lawnmower anyways..
Thanks for the suggestions, though. :)

06-15-2006, 07:52 PM
I'm not too friendly with our neighbors, because they're not very friendly.. :\
Bathing dogs sounds like fun, but I have no place to wash them..
Haha, if I mowed yards that would be hilarious.. We don't own a lawnmower anyways..
Thanks for the suggestions, though. :)

If you're not willing to approach your neighbors and not old enough to drive, then we cannot help you.

06-15-2006, 07:55 PM
I'm willing to approach them.. it's just my mother yet again :rolleyes:. I'll try to talk to some of them..
I'm sure she'd be willing to drive me a little ways, too.

06-15-2006, 08:17 PM
WHY DON'T YOU HELP WITH HOUSEHOLD CHORES FOR POCKET MONEY! :) I'm a mom, I would like my house cleaned and the laundry done for me!!! :)

06-15-2006, 08:19 PM
WHY DON'T YOU HELP WITH HOUSEHOLD CHORES FOR POCKET MONEY! :) I'm a mom, I would like my house cleaned and the laundry done for me!!! :)
I was thinking of that, but I didn't think my mom would actually pay me, :p.

06-15-2006, 08:33 PM
I was thinking of that, but I didn't think my mom would actually pay me, :p. Ask her?

See if she's willing to drive you. If she is, go apply anywhere and everywhere. You're 14, right? Apply at McDonald's, they'll hire you. And that's money.

If she's not, put up signs in your neighborhood and ads in the paper notifying people you're willing to do odd jobs; raking, planting flowers, washing cars, dog walking, dog bathing, cleaning gutters, cleaning someone's house, etc etc. Neighbors love when they can pay someone to do little things so they don't have to.

If you want ideas, just read what people have posted. People have given you plenty of ideas, and you've turned them all down. You said you're ready to take action - soooo, take some action then!

Why can't you babysit?

06-15-2006, 08:36 PM
Ask her?

See if she's willing to drive you. If she is, go apply anywhere and everywhere. You're 14, right? Apply at McDonald's, they'll hire you. And that's money.

If she's not, put up signs in your neighborhood and ads in the paper notifying people you're willing to do odd jobs; raking, planting flowers, washing cars, dog walking, dog bathing, cleaning gutters, cleaning someone's house, etc etc. Neighbors love when they can pay someone to do little things so they don't have to.

If you want ideas, just read what people have posted. People have given you plenty of ideas, and you've turned them all down. You said you're ready to take action - soooo, take some action then!

Why can't you babysit?

I'm almost 14.. and McDonald's would actually hire me? :eek: But eww all the meat.. :(. I can't babysit because I don't know anybody TO babysit and my mom wont let me anyways, I'm apparently not old enough or something :rolleyes:. I'll try to do some of the things suggested.. I'm just not thinking straight tonight anyways since I'm still mad at my mom..

06-15-2006, 09:28 PM
Hmmm......... lets see. I'm really close to your age (PM me sometime, I'd love to talk!!!!!!!), I'd go with the helping people clean houses. Just a couple days ago, me and 3 other girls helped someone unpack and clean, organize, move boxes and small furniture into their new house, and we're each getting $100 dollars!!

Do you think your mom would consider driving to an Aunts and Uncles, a cousins, or a even a close friends' house, so you can help clean their houses, and/or watch their kids?? That way she might feel more comfortable leaving you with someone she knows?

Did your mom pay for your pets’ kibble?? Tell her you're willing to pay for all the food now!! Maybe then you can set up a system where if you do household chores SHE would usually do, and she gives you a certain amount of money weekly?? She’s just pretty much giving you the money she would use on kibble, right??

And I just want to say I think it's great you're trying to make your furries, happy and healthier!!! (Mine have been, and probably always will be on regular pet food. ;):))

Good luck!!

06-15-2006, 09:29 PM
McDonald's doesn't hire anyone younger than 16..they legally can't, especially with dealing with food. Their insurance doesn't cover anyone under 16.

06-15-2006, 09:39 PM
McDonald's doesn't hire anyone younger than 16..they legally can't, especially with dealing with food. Their insurance doesn't cover anyone under 16.

I was going to say that, too.

06-15-2006, 09:40 PM
I didn't think they'd hire me at almost 14.. >__>. It's okay for now. I'm going to go ask some neighbors somethings maybe this weekend, but my mom agreed to Raw now :D.

06-15-2006, 09:46 PM
McDonald's doesn't hire anyone younger than 16..they legally can't, especially with dealing with food. Their insurance doesn't cover anyone under 16. I don't know where you're living, but here, there are a LOT of 14 year olds working at McDonald's. That was the "thing" when I was 14 - to get a job! And the only place that would hire at 14 (there are others, though..) was McDonald's and everyone was working there. I know plenty of 14 year olds that are working there, now, too, 4 years later. Some fast food joints won't hire under 16, but some hire at 14.

Check local food places - a lot of chains do have rules, but "local" places have their own rules that state you can be 14.

As far as working at McDonald's - you'll have to get over working around all of the meat. Does meat honestly gross you out that much? I was reading your "who are you quiz" and you put "meat" as you favourite food, did you not? Maybe I'm mixing you up with someone else, but I thought it was you. If meat is your favourite food, why are you grossed out by it? Why don't you eat it? Why will you *NOT* work around it? Money is money. If it's your only option, I'd go for it.

As far as babysitting, I believe you can be 11 and take the First Aids class that covers everything a babysitter would need to know when alone with children in case of an emergency. Maybe, take that class, so your mom is more comfortable with the idea of you being left with children? You may not *know* any children, but put your name out there. No one will ask you to babysit if they don't know you're WILLING to! Talk to churches, your neighbors, your family - tell them you're willing to babysit, and to give your name and number to anyone who needs a sitter.

I'll be back if I can think of anymore ideas.

06-15-2006, 09:48 PM
Meh, okay. I'm not vegetarian anymore anyways since my mom finally agreed to letting me feed Raw :(. I'm only doing it for my dogs though, and someday I'll go back to being Vegetarian.. Honestly, yeah it's money, but I don't want to work at McDonalds. :[ I'll place an ad or something and see what happens ^^

06-15-2006, 10:02 PM
Meh, okay. I'm not vegetarian anymore anyways since my mom finally agreed to letting me feed Raw :(. I'm only doing it for my dogs though, and someday I'll go back to being Vegetarian.. Honestly, yeah it's money, but I don't want to work at McDonalds. :[ I'll place an ad or something and see what happens ^^ I don't get it. You're not a vegetarian anymore, because you're feeding your dogs RAW? Don't take this the wrong way, but what's that got to do with it? Sarah (.sarah) is a vegetarian and feeds her dogs RAW. Help me understand this, please. Don't take this as an attack or anything, either! I just don't get it.

Congrats on your mom finally agreeing to allow you to feed RAW. I've been talking to my dad about it, and he's going to read all of the research I've done it. He's not grossed out by it, he just wants to understand how it'll better Daisy. We're also going to talk to the vet before doing anything, too. It's not something we just want to go *snap* and it's done with. We want to make sure it's the right choice for her. We don't mind the money, we don't mind the gross look of it or the idea of it.

Let me give you some advice. Even though your mom finally agreed to let you feed RAW, don't stop looking for a flow of money. It'll show your mom that you're responsible. Offer to help pay for the expense, even though she said she would. Show her you're willing to help whenever you can by getting a job (or some kind of "constant" flow of cash). If she is paying for the entire RAW diet and you cannot get a job of some kind, pick up responsibility around the house. Cook dinner, do the laundry, clean the house, wash the cars. Do what you CAN, even if you can't help pay for stuff. Trust me, it'll show and your mom will appreciate it, even if she forgets to mention it. Don't expect a thank you, just do it as a way of meeting your mom half way.

06-15-2006, 10:04 PM
I don't get it. You're not a vegetarian anymore, because you're feeding your dogs RAW? Don't take this the wrong way, but what's that got to do with it? Sarah (.sarah) is a vegetarian and feeds her dogs RAW. Help me understand this, please. Don't take this as an attack or anything, either! I just don't get it.

Congrats on your mom finally agreeing to allow you to feed RAW. I've been talking to my dad about it, and he's going to read all of the research I've done it. He's not grossed out by it, he just wants to understand how it'll better Daisy. We're also going to talk to the vet before doing anything, too. It's not something we just want to go *snap* and it's done with. We want to make sure it's the right choice for her. We don't mind the money, we don't mind the gross look of it or the idea of it.

Let me give you some advice. Even though your mom finally agreed to let you feed RAW, don't stop looking for a flow of money. It'll show your mom that you're responsible. Offer to help pay for the expense, even though she said she would. Show her you're willing to help whenever you can by getting a job (or some kind of "constant" flow of cash). If she is paying for the entire RAW diet and you cannot get a job of some kind, pick up responsibility around the house. Cook dinner, do the laundry, clean the house, wash the cars. Do what you CAN, even if you can't help pay for stuff. Trust me, it'll show and your mom will appreciate it, even if she forgets to mention it. Don't expect a thank you, just do it as a way of meeting your mom half way.

I was still planning on looking for jobs anyways ;). I can't be a Vegetarian and feed Raw because my mom said so. She said today that se wasn't going to stock up our freezer with meat for the dogs while she couldn't eat meat. She was too lazy to cook meat for her, and then say a Veggie burger for me :rolleyes:. So, for the well-being of my dogs, I went back to eating meat so my mom would buy the meat for them.

06-15-2006, 10:04 PM
I don't know where you're living, but here, there are a LOT of 14 year olds working at McDonald's. That was the "thing" when I was 14 - to get a job! And the only place that would hire at 14 (there are others, though..) was McDonald's and everyone was working there. I know plenty of 14 year olds that are working there, now, too, 4 years later. Some fast food joints won't hire under 16, but some hire at 14.

Interseting, around here they won't hire until 16, and most every other place here is the same. I guess there maybe have different laws or insurance coverage that allows them to do that.

There are other privately owned places, not necessarily food service, that hire younger kids too so that's something to think about if you dont want to work in food.

06-15-2006, 10:12 PM
Places around here will hire at 14, as long as you have a work permit issued from your school :)

06-15-2006, 10:17 PM
Interseting, around here they won't hire until 16, and most every other place here is the same. I guess there maybe have different laws or insurance coverage that allows them to do that.

There are other privately owned places, not necessarily food service, that hire younger kids too so that's something to think about if you dont want to work in food.
Are you sure? I just read a couple of articles (yes, after I posted, I went and looked it up.. lol) that stated that McDonald's doesn't hire anyone under 14. Now, say, Wendy's or Dairy Queen, I'm not sure about. But definitely, McDonald's will hire at 14. :)

And yeh, private or local places will hire younger kids because they're not under a "national" rule/code/law.

06-15-2006, 10:20 PM
At 14, there's not much you can *legally* do without a work permit or a family business unless you're willing to approach your neighbors and do odd jobs.

At least around here, no one hires a 14 year old. Heck, it was hard enough for me, as a 17 year old, to get a job working retail (food service is not for me and it was going to be my last resort).

06-15-2006, 10:30 PM
Are you sure? I just read a couple of articles (yes, after I posted, I went and looked it up.. lol) that stated that McDonald's doesn't hire anyone under 14. Now, say, Wendy's or Dairy Queen, I'm not sure about. But definitely, McDonald's will hire at 14. :)

And yeh, private or local places will hire younger kids because they're not under a "national" rule/code/law.

Yes I'm sure, I just called the one around the corner and asked them...I can give you the number if you like. Every state has different rules and regulations to follow. Just because they say they won't hire under 14, doesn't mean they always hire at that age, it just means they will never hire younger than that at any location.

Briana, I honestly have to say calling your mom lazy for not cooking you a veggie burger isn't very nice IMO, you are plenty old enough to cook it for yourself. Parents have plenty to do without always catering to the whims of their kids and I'm sure she's doing the best she can. If you are old enough to get a job, you are old enough to be cookin HER dinner rather than calling her lazy. She works hard every day to provide for you and get you the things that you want, so it comes across as selfish on your part to call her lazy.

06-15-2006, 10:32 PM
Briana, I honestly have to say calling your mom lazy for not cooking you a veggie burger isn't very nice IMO, you are plenty old enough to cook it for yourself. Parents have plenty to do without always catering to the whims of their kids and I'm sure she's doing the best she can. If you are old enough to get a job, you are old enough to be cookin HER dinner rather than calling her lazy.
I was calling her lazy because she had another lame excuse not to feed the dogs Raw. She won't let me near the stove or I would cook her dinner, or cook myself dinner. I wasn't calling her lazy for not cooking me one, I was because she didn't want to buy meat for herself while I didn't eat it.

06-15-2006, 10:42 PM
Yes I'm sure, I just called the one around the corner and asked them...I can give you the number if you like. Every state has different rules and regulations to follow. Just because they say they won't hire under 14, doesn't mean they always hire at that age, it just means they will never hire younger than that at any location. Alright, that works. I understand what you're saying. I was just stating what the article said, and what the ones here in Kentucky say (maybe only Louisville, then?). I meant no disrespect to you, I swear. I just thought it was all McDonald's, based on the information I knew. I apologize if you took it the wrong way.

Briana, I honestly have to say calling your mom lazy for not cooking you a veggie burger isn't very nice IMO, you are plenty old enough to cook it for yourself. Parents have plenty to do without always catering to the whims of their kids and I'm sure she's doing the best she can. If you are old enough to get a job, you are old enough to be cookin HER dinner rather than calling her lazy. She works hard every day to provide for you and get you the things that you want, so it comes across as selfish on your part to call her lazy. AMEN! I couldn't have said it better myself. I was wondering why your mom was always fixing dinner, and now I see why. Maybe you could cook your mom dinner every other night, so you two share the responsibility of that too?

My mom doesn't cook, but she knows how to make her own dinner. She used to cook, apparently, when I was younger, but I don't remember. But then she got sick, and she stopped and my dad took over. Now, it's my dad and I who cook. Just tonight, I surprised her with her favourite meal. But I'd never call her lazy because she wouldn't fix ME dinner - now, I did call her lazy when she asked me to bring her a slice of watermelon, the salt, a glass of water, and a knife. ;) But that's out of love, I tell ya!

06-15-2006, 10:48 PM
As I said, I wasn't really referring to her cooking my food. I was more referring to her being lazy about changing the dog's food.

06-15-2006, 10:53 PM
Ages when you are allowed to work vary state by state, and some companies have their own policies regardless of the state. There's not necessarily blanket policy for a company like MacDonald's or Burger King, as some of the places are owned by franchisees, and some are own by the parent corporation.

Regardless, when you are only 13, you need to be entrepreneurial, and work hard to create a business for yourself that people are willing to pay you for.

06-15-2006, 10:55 PM
Alright, that works. I understand what you're saying. I was just stating what the article said, and what the ones here in Kentucky say (maybe only Louisville, then?). I meant no disrespect to you, I swear. I just thought it was all McDonald's, based on the information I knew. I apologize if you took it the wrong way.

I didn't take it the wrong way. I was pretty sure but I did call them to make sure because I don't want to say "yes I'm sure" unless I really am hehe. I was just posting in the middle of working so it probably came out more abrupt than it was meant. I was rather in a hurry. I wasn't trying to argue, was jsut trying to point out that the laws, etc., might be different there because every state is a little different, even company to company.