View Full Version : My new neighbor's cat keeps returning to its old home

05-12-2002, 06:09 PM
A new person moved in next door. Her cats of 11 years keeps going back to their old house, five miles away. It takes him two days to do the trip. She doesn't want to keep him inside - he's an outside kitty and has strong survival skills. Anyone have any ideas other than keeping him inside?! Thanks.

His name is Ozzie and he is a petite tiger with a grande personality!!


05-12-2002, 07:21 PM
I see no choice but to keep him inside.

05-12-2002, 07:26 PM
that is so sweet of the cat to return to its old home! but why did the old owners give him away???

05-12-2002, 07:32 PM
I would keep the cat inside for about 1 month and then see if it still returns to the old house. If it does,the cat needs to be kept indoors all the time.

Former User
05-13-2002, 02:11 AM
Can't they secure an area for the cat in the backyard to get out, but not being able to wander anywhere?

05-13-2002, 09:29 AM
Originally posted by krazyaboutkatz
I would keep the cat inside for about 1 month ...

I've been told the same (I've also moved recently!) - surely the cat will learn fairly soon where his new home is! :) My two cats missed their old home two days only (they're very young though, 1 and 2 years old) and the third day they were already exploring and enjoying everything in their new place.

I really hope everything settles down for your new neighbour and Ozzie - keep us updated!


05-13-2002, 09:53 AM
Many years ago, a couple we knew had split up and left the cat in their flat. One came to feed him every day, but none of them lived there. As soon as I found out, I took the cat - a male 4 years old (called sir Patrick) At the time I lived in a huge villa with lots of space and lots of people coming and going all the time. The owners already had a cat, a tuxedo female, but it was no problem! I was rather worrried to let him out, so I kept him in my room for 2 weeks, the food was in the kitchen close by and the litter probably in the bathroom (can't remember) He was too scared to go down the chairs anyway. The house had 3 floors and he gradually went around to have a look at his new place and soon started to go out. There was a huge garden and chickens in the back. The other houses around was similar, so he really started enjoying this. The point is that because I kept him inside for the first two weeks, he stayed around the house always!

Hope you will succeed doing the same! :)

05-13-2002, 11:15 AM
I think your neighbour should keep the lovely Ozzie indoors for at least a week, whether he's an indoor or outdoor cat. Then he gets used to new smells.
If she can accompany him for his first couple of trips after that period - and bring him in with her. Hopefully Ozzie wont go wandering to his old home again - he just has to readjust to his new home. Patience and love will hopefully help your neighbour.


05-13-2002, 12:10 PM
Well, Ozzie was picked up yesterday by his Mom. He had gone back to his old house again. There is a bike path that leads from one house to the other (not planned that way)....and we think he takes that path. If he gets really good at it, it should take him less time.

His Mom doesn't like the racket he causes at night, meowing to go out.

Today she found him on the porch at her new house, so I convinced her to put him inside and to try to keep him there.

I visited them last night, and Ozzie was fast asleep on his spot on the sofa. I just don't know what will convince him that this is his new home. He loves his Mom - and she has the same furniture as before, but he just likes his old turf.

I will keep you guys posted. If I can get a picture of this guy I will. He is adorable.


05-13-2002, 01:18 PM
That is who the cat is named after. She had two teenagers at the time - and I guess I didn't know how to spell Ozzy....I am not up on the times....I know, I know. Getting old I guess!


05-13-2002, 02:49 PM
I agree with everyone else on keeping the cat in for a few weeks to become familiar with his new surroundings. Your neighbour will just have to learn to cope with the meowing for a week or two.
Another idea is that when she is home, and has the time, that she could put her cat on a leash in the yard for about an hour or so with her keeping an eye on him. This will get him use to his surroundings outside.

05-14-2002, 09:28 AM
when we moved , we kept the cat indoors for at least 4 weeks !
well , that 's how we were told ... ; We finally decided to make a house-cat of Sydney ! Our house is rather large , so he can run around , up and down , as much as he wants ; he does not even like it to go outside !!!
Those people should put a fence around their garden , so that their runaway-back-cat doesn't get to far ...
Here I saw a system of signs that had to be put in the four corners of the garden . The cat must wear a chip ; and every time she wants to go beyond those signs , a dreadful sound goes of to tell the cat that she has gone to far !!

05-14-2002, 11:56 AM
Originally posted by SpencerTheLion
...I hope Ozzy can settle down to family life like another namesake :D

:cool: :D :cool: :D

I wondered if the cat's name was devoted to Mr Osbourne, but didn't dare to ask!!!

Oh, Chuck I just love your witty posts!!!


06-13-2002, 09:56 AM
Well, Ozzy has been gone now for one week. It is not looking good. I surely hope someone has kept him and is giving him a good home. It is more likely that he got himself in trouble going back and forth to and from his old and new homes. We have lots of predators around.

I tried to convince my neighbor to keep him inside, but she didn't want to do that. She dealt with her two grown human boys the same way. She let them run. Whatever. You can't live other people's lives FOR THEM.

I will let you guys know if Ozzy reappears.

I am sad. He was a sweet sweet kitty.


06-13-2002, 10:18 AM
Originally posted by sasvermont
Well, Ozzy has been gone now for one week. I tried to convince my neighbor to keep him inside, but she didn't want to do that.
I am sad. He was a sweet sweet kitty. :confused:
This is surely sad to hear! :( The owner could at least have tried to keep Ozzy indoors for a few weeks! I hope someone has taken him in and he's well!! Fingers crossed for him!!

06-13-2002, 11:06 AM
I'm sorry to hear about Ozzy...I'm thinking someone must have taken him in and that he's is in a better home now :) Positive thoughts :)

SAS...Gabe would have a LONG way if he decided to do this!! :D

Robyn ;)

06-13-2002, 11:13 AM
oh i shouldn't have read this post..we are moving in two weeks to our new townhouse that we bought. I hope Yumers and Dutchess handles it well. Dutchess should she has been moved several times but this will be Yumers first time. :(

06-13-2002, 12:30 PM
I think your Yummers should be ok. Several years ago, when my husband and I bought our house and I moved my Lucy cat, she was 10 years old and had always lived in the same place. (His cat, Crystal, had moved several times, so it didn't bother her).

Anyway - I did just what all of the other people recommended - I kept her inside for a couple of weeks (which wasn't easy, since she hadn't used a litter box in years:eek: ) Then, I started allowing her outside, but only with me right by her side. She adjusted very well, and after that, I could let her go outside and she never tried to go back to her old house.

Best of luck with your move.

06-13-2002, 01:59 PM
SAS - sorry to hear that Ozzy has finally gone and not returned - how selfish of your neighbour - please God someone caring has taken the furboy in.

YumYum - I'm sure you two will be fine - remember a quiet room for them and leave them in their porta-prisons!! :D :)


06-13-2002, 02:19 PM
Confinement for a few days/a couple of weeks should do it. Lots depends on how far away you move.

Ozzy was about 5 miles away from his only home. He travelled a bike path back home. I surely hope he is ok.

I am sure if you keep your cats inside for awhile, all will be ok.


06-14-2002, 11:41 PM
I'm so sorry to here about Ozzy's disappearance. I sure hope that he's in a safe place and doing well.

06-25-2002, 08:34 PM
Well, it has been almost three weeks since we last saw the Oz boy. We hope he has found a good home, but knowing what I know about the animals around the islands, he is probably been made part of the food chain. If it had been up to me, he would have stayed inside, but my neighbor didn't have the heart to keep him in. He had many good years and who knows, he may just wander in someday - from his hiding spot. How sad.:(

06-25-2002, 11:17 PM
I'm so sorry to hear that Ozzy is still missing. Hopefully he was picked up by a nice person and is now in a new home.